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Consumable items are items that can—but not necessarily must—be used in a manner that causes them to leave the player's inventory. Used in this sense does not include being tossed, or being used to craft other items. Crucially, this category is distinct from the familiar label/concept Consumable used in-game, which is (at least theoretically) a subset of this category.

This category includes:

  • all Furniture items, as they leave the player's inventory when placed;
  • all other placeable items, including Blocks and Walls;
  • all Ammunition;
  • all throwable Weapons that do not return on their own;
  • all Seeds;
  • all Potions.

To help grasp the definition of this category, some examples of items not included are: Swords, Bows, Boomerangs, Flails, Grappling Hooks, and the Magic Mirror.

Seiten in der Kategorie „Verbrauchbare Gegenstände“

Folgende 200 Seiten sind in dieser Kategorie, von 444 insgesamt.

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