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Death by falling.

Ez egy szép nap a halálra!

A Robbantós

Meghalni akkor fogsz amikor a játékos életereje eléri a nullát. Egy halál üzenet fog megjelenni attól függően, hogy hogyan haltál meg. Például, "<JátékosNeve> megpróbált lávában úszni" akkor jelenik meg amikor a játékos láva által hal meg.

Amikor egy játékos meghal, egy Sírkő elenik meg, ott ahol meghalt. When it finds a suitable space, it will become a 2x2 tile. It stores text, much in the way the sign functions, with the player's Death Message. Being affected by physics, a Tombstone will fall after the player's death if they were moving at the time. If there is no flat 2-block space for a Tombstone, it will get stuck before it despawns.

Asztali számítógépes változatKonzolos változatMobilos változat If the player holds more than 10 Aranyérme when they die, the spawned tombstone will be golden. Golden Tombstone Golden Headstone Golden Gravestone Golden Grave Marker Golden Cross Grave Marker

3DS-es változat If the Worm PetWorm Pet is active at death, it will say "bye bye" and the Strange Looking TombstoneStrange Looking Tombstone will be dropped.

Asztali számítógépes változatKonzolos változatMobilos változat There will be red text saying “You were slain...” upon death. The amount of coins dropped upon death will be shown underneath.

Causes of Death[]

Death may occur from:

  • Damage inflicted by enemies and bosses
  • Drowning
  • Lava
  • Traps
  • Being trapped below Silt/Slush/Sand (Suffocation)
  • Fall damage
  • Damage inflicted by other players during PvP
  • Contact with blocks that cause Burning
  • Other damage-over-time debuffs, typically inflicted by enemies
  • Escaping from the Wall of Flesh
  • Failing to destroy an Altar
  • Using the Rod of Discord too often
  • Being "stabbed" by the Companion Cube
  • The Paladin's Shield
  • Explosives

Difficulty Differences[]

A Softcore character will drop half of the amount (three-quarters in expert mode, both rounded up) of each type of Coins a player is carrying at the moment of death. To avoid heavy losses upon death, be sure to often stash coins in a Piggy Bank (or in a Chest, or other storage containers).

A Mediumcore Asztali számítógépes változatKonzolos változatMobilos változat character will drop all carried items, including money and ammo. Any additional max health or mana is not lost.

Hardcore Asztali számítógépes változatKonzolos változatMobilos változat characters will drop all of their items upon death. The character is deleted upon death and the player turns into a ghost, unable to interact with the environment, but still able to observe, move about, and chat with other players.

Death Messages[]

Default Death Messages[]

  • "<PlayerName> was slain."
  • "<PlayerName> was eviscerated."
  • "<PlayerName> was murdered."
  • "<PlayerName>'s face was torn off."
  • "<PlayerName>'s entrails were ripped out."
  • "<PlayerName> was destroyed."
  • "<PlayerName>'s skull was crushed."
  • "<PlayerName> got massacred."
  • "<PlayerName> got impaled."
  • "<PlayerName> lost his/her head." (Console version)
  • "<PlayerName> was torn in half."
  • "<PlayerName> was decapitated."
  • "<PlayerName> let their arms get torn off."
  • "<PlayerName> watched their innards become outards."
  • "<PlayerName> was brutally dissected."
  • "<PlayerName>'s extremities were detached."
  • "<PlayerName>'s body was mangled."
  • "<PlayerName>'s vital organs were ruptured."
  • "<PlayerName> was turned into a pile of flesh."
  • "<PlayerName> was removed from <World name>."
  • "<PlayerName> got snapped in half."
  • "<PlayerName> was cut down the middle."
  • "<PlayerName> was chopped up."
  • "<PlayerName>'s plead for death was answered."
  • "<PlayerName>'s meat was ripped off the bone."
  • "<PlayerName>'s flailing about was finally stopped."
  • "<PlayerName> had their head removed."

PvP Death Messages[]

PvP death messages will use the 'default' death messages, but will additionally state the name of the player's killer along with the weapon or projectile with which the killing blow was landed. For example: "<PlayerName1>'s face was torn off by <PlayerName2>'s Ball O' Hurt."

Monster Death Messages[]

Monster death messages work like PvP death messages. For example: "<PlayerName> was removed from <WorldName> by Hellbat." or "<PlayerName>'s entrails were ripped out by Phantasmal Deathray."

Falling Death Messages[]

  • "<PlayerName> fell to their death."
  • "<PlayerName> didn't bounce."
  • "<PlayerName> fell victim of gravity." (Console version)
  • "<PlayerName> faceplanted the ground." (Console version)
  • "<PlayerName> left a small crater." (Console version)

Drowning Death Messages[]

  • "<PlayerName> forgot to breathe."
  • "<PlayerName> is sleeping with the fish."
  • "<PlayerName> drowned."
  • "<PlayerName> is shark food."

Lava Death Messages[]

  • "<PlayerName> got melted."
  • "<PlayerName> was incinerated."
  • "<PlayerName> tried to swim in lava."
  • "<PlayerName> likes to play in magma."

Debuff Death Messages[]

  • (When killed by On Fire!, Burning, Cursed Inferno, or Frostburn debuffs)
    • "<PlayerName> couldn't put the fire out."
  • (When killed by Poisoned, or Venom debuffs)
    • "<PlayerName> couldn't find the antidote."
  • (When killed by Suffocation debuff)
    • "<PlayerName> couldn't breathe."
  • (When killed by Electrified debuff)
    • "<PlayerName> couldn't handle the volts."
    • "<PlayerName> couldn't contain the watts."
  • (When killed by fall damage while Stoned)
    • "<PlayerName> shattered into pieces"
    • "<PlayerName> cant be put back together again." [sic]
    • "<PlayerName> needs to be swept up."
    • "<PlayerName> just became another dirt pile."
  • (Dying from using the Rod of Discord with Chaos State debuff)
    • "<PlayerName>'s legs appeared where his/her head should be."
    • "<PlayerName> didn't materialize."

Other Death Messages[]

  • (When the Wall of Flesh reaches the far boundary of the world and the player is in front)
    • "<PlayerName> was licked."
  • (When killed by Paladin's Shield)
    • <PlayerName>
  • (When attempting to teleport away from the Wall of Flesh with a Magic Mirror, Recall Potion, Teleportation Potion or Teleporter)
    • "<PlayerName> tried to escape."
  • (When killed by the Wall of Flesh's body, or a Jellyfish's shock attack)
    • "<PlayerName> was slain..."
  • (When killed by trying to destroy a Demon/Crimson Altar before Hardmode)
    • "<PlayerName> was slain."
  • (When killed by Companion Cube's stab)
    • "<PlayerName> was stabbed."


  • If a player is killed by a ranged attack, it won't say the name of the entity that launched the projectile, but instead say the name of the projectile. For example: "<PlayerName> was slain by death laser."
  • There is a delay between death and respawn, which increases in duration in Expert mode boss fights (30 seconds).
  • PvP deaths will cause the player to respawn in full health. This also applies to self-inflicted deaths with items such as explosives.


  • The tombstone mechanic can be very useful for locating items/coins dropped after death, since the tombstone will usually fall within the vicinity of where the player died.
  • Using the tombstones as replacements for signs can be useful early in the game.
  • During multiplayer boss fights, the last surviving player should play defensively until the other players can return to the fight after respawning. The boss may despawn if all players are too far away from the fight.
  • Asztali számítógépes változatKonzolos változatMobilos változat On the Map, a Map Death will display where the player died most recently, allowing the player to quickly find the location again.


  • 3DS-es változat When a player dies with a Worm Pet buff on, it will say, "Bye bye!", and will drop a different type of tombstone. Strange Looking Tombstone
  • The text that appears after death saying "You were slain..." does not appear in the Régi generációs konzolos változat Régi generációs konzolos változat és 3DS-es változat  -es változat of the game.
  • On the Konzolos változat Konzolos változat, the "You were slain..." message will have a faded & translucent version of itself behind the opaque text that flickers around in an eerie twitching motion.
  • On the Konzolos változat Konzolos változat, before an unspecified patch, any profanity/sexual wording on the tombstone will simply say "(Censored)".
  • Several death messages from 1.3 entities don't explicitly mention the cause.
  • The death message from dying from the Stoned debuff '<PlayerName> can't be put back together again' is a reference to the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty which has a verse: "All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty together again".
  • The death message displayed when the player is killed by a Paladin's Shield used to be displayed when the player attempted to destroy a Demon or Crimson Altar pre-Hardmode instead.

See also[]

  • Coins § Drops Upon Death


Asztali számítógépes változat Asztali számítógépes változat
  • Desktop 1.3.5: Fixed petrification death messages being broken for a long while now.
  • Desktop Now shows amount of money dropped under "You were slain".
  • Desktop The proper items will now drop on Mediumcore/Hardcore deaths.
  • Desktop 1.2.4: Fixed a bug where you would die on entering the world from fall damage.
  • Desktop Fixed bug where Hardcore characters couldn't open the menu after death.
  • Desktop 1.2.3: Players have a longer respawn delay after a non-PVP death with a boss alive in multiplayer. Fixed dying by demon altar having no message.
  • Desktop 1.1.1: Coins held on the cursor will correctly be dropped on death.
  • Desktop 1.0.5: More specific death message added.
  • Desktop-Release: Introduced.
Konzolos változat Konzolos változat
  • Console-Release: Introduced.
Mobilos változat Mobilos változat
  • Mobile-Release: Introduced.
3DS-es változat  -es változat
  • 3DS-Release: Introduced.