Achievement |
 Timber!! • “Chop down your first tree.”Chop down a tree.
- Can also be earned by picking up wood from other sources.
- May be a reference to woodsmen saying Timber!! after cutting down a tree
 No Hobo • “Build a house suitable enough for your first town NPC, such as the guide, to move into.”Successfully get an NPC to move into your first House.
- A reference to the phrase 'no homo'.
 Stop! Hammer Time! • “Obtain your first hammer via crafting or otherwise.”
 Ooo! Shiny! • “Mine your first nugget of ore with a pickaxe.”
 Heart Breaker • “Discover and smash your first heart crystal underground.”
- This isn't granted if broken via Actuating the block(s) underneath the crystal.
 Heavy Metal • “Obtain an anvil made from iron or lead.”Obtain your first Iron or Lead Anvil.
- A nod to the music genre of the same name, which is frequently referenced in-game.
 I Am Loot! • “Discover a golden chest underground and take a peek at its contents.”
 Star Power • “Craft a mana crystal out of fallen stars, and consume it.”
 Hold on Tight! • “Equip your first grappling hook.”
 Eye on You • “Defeat the Eye of Cthulhu, an ocular menace who only appears at night.”
 Smashing, Poppet! • “Using explosives or your trusty hammer, smash a Shadow Orb or Crimson Heart in the evil parts of your world.”
- Reference to The Wild Thornberrys, an American animated television series that originally aired on Nickelodeon from 1998 to 2004. The catchphrase of the protagonist girl's father is "Smashing" and he usually calls his daughter "Poppet".
 Worm Fodder • “Defeat the Eater of Worlds, a massive worm who dwells in the corruption.”
 Mastermind • “Defeat the Brain of Cthulhu, an enormous demon brain which haunts the creeping crimson.”
- In the description of the
Steam version of the achievement, "enormous" is misspelled as "enourmous".
 Where's My Honey? • “Discover a large bee's hive deep in the jungle.”
- Natural hive walls must be behind the player.
- Note that if you destroy a Larva, you will summon the Queen Bee.
- A reference to the video game Where's My Water?.
 Sting Operation • “Defeat the Queen Bee, the matriarch of the jungle hives.”
- References Sting operations, a law enforcement tactic used to catch criminals via deception.
 Boned • “Defeat Skeletron, the cursed guardian of the dungeon.”
 Dungeon Heist • “Steal a key from the dungeon's undead denizens, and unlock one of their precious golden chests.”Unlock your first Gold Chest within the Dungeon.
- Achievement name is a reference to the 2011 heist comedy film Tower Heist.
 It's Getting Hot in Here • “Spelunk deep enough to reach the molten underworld.”
- Reference to the song Hot In Herre.
- The file name for the achievement misspells it as "Its Hetting Hot in Here" (This was corrected in
 Miner for Fire • “Craft a molten pickaxe using the hottest of materials.”
 Still Hungry • “Defeat the Wall of Flesh, the master and core of the world who arises after a great, burning sacrifice.”
- Note that defeating the Wall of Flesh will initiate Hardmode in a pre-Hardmode world.
- Possibly a reference to the 1980’s band “Twisted Sister” and an album of the same name as the achievement.
 It's Hard! • “Unleash the ancient spirits of light and darkness across your world, enabling much stronger foes and showering the world with dazzling treasures (and rainbows!).”
- You must defeat the Wall of Flesh in a pre-Hardmode world.
- You can get this achievement without the one above if you are in a pre-Hardmode world and someone else defeats the Wall of Flesh.
- The achievement image appears to show the various souls obtainable in Hardmode. Clockwise, starting from the top-left, it seems to be: Sight, Night, Fright, Light, Flight, and (barely visible) Might.
 Begone, Evil! • “Smash a demon or crimson altar with a powerful, holy hammer.”Smash a demon or crimson altar, using the Pwnhammer.
- Any hammer with a hammer power of 80% will do, as long as the Altar is destroyed (can only be done in Hardmode).
 Extra Shiny! • “Mine a powerful ore that has been newly blessed upon your world.”
- You can place down any Hardmode ore and mine it to get the achievement.
- The drill in the picture is a Cobalt Drill mining Mythril Ore.
 Head in the Clouds • “Equip a pair of wings.”Have a pair of Wings equipped.
- Fledgling Wings count towards this achievement.
 Like a Boss • “Obtain a boss-summoning item.”Obtain any boss-summoning item.
- Truffle Worms, Niebiańska pieczęć, Kryształ żelatynowy and Złotook pryzmatyczny do not count for this achievement[1].
- A reference to the song Like a Boss.
 Buckets of Bolts • “Defeat the three nocturnal mechanical menaces: the Twins, the Destroyer, and Skeletron Prime.”
 Drax Attax • “Craft a drax or pickaxe axe using hallowed bars, and the souls of the three mechanical bosses.”
 Photosynthesis • “Mine chlorophyte, an organic ore found deep among the thickest of flora.”
- Placing Chlorophyte Ore down and then mining it also grants the achievement.
- A reference to Chlorophyte's resemblance to chlorophyll, green pigments in plants essential for photosynthesis.
 Get a Life • “Consume a life fruit, which grows in the thick of subterranean jungle grass.”Consume a Life Fruit.
- Using a character that already has 500 life will not work.
- Is a pun on Life Fruit and the common taunt "Get a life".
 The Great Southern Plantkill • “Defeat Plantera, the overgrown monstrosity of the jungle's depths.”
 Temple Raider • “Breach the impenetrable walls of the jungle temple.”Unlock the Jungle Temple's Lihzahrd Door.
 Lihzahrdian Idol • “Defeat Golem, the stone-faced ritualistic idol of the lihzahrd tribe.”Defeat Golem for the first time.
 Robbing the Grave • “Obtain a rare treasure from a difficult monster in the dungeon.”
 Big Booty • “Unlock one of the dungeon's large, mysterious chests with a special key.”Open your first Biome Chest.
- Open a Biome Chest (can only be done after Plantera is defeated).
 Fish Out of Water • “Defeat Duke Fishron, mutant terror of the sea.”Defeat Duke Fishron for the first time.
- A reference to the expression "fish out of water" meaning someone who is outside their comfort zone or area of expertise.
 Obsessive Devotion • “Defeat the Ancient Cultist, fanatical leader of the dungeon coven.”Defeat the Lunatic Cultist for the first time.
- Post-Golem. Note that this will initiate the Lunar Events.
 Star Destroyer • “Defeat the four celestial towers of the moon.”Defeat all four Celestial Pillars.
- Note that defeating all four Towers will summon the Moon Lord.
- Possible references to the Star Destroyers in the epic space opera media franchise Star Wars.
- Only requires a player to be on a world while the pillar is being destroyed. Does not have to be on the same world
 Champion of Terraria • “Defeat the Moon Lord.”Defeat the Moon Lord for the first time.
- Had a different image before the release of, as not to spoil the surprise of what the final boss would look like before 1.3 was released. It was a silhouette of the Moon Lord, only showing the eye at the top of his head and his shape.
 Bloodbath • “Survive a blood moon, a nocturnal event where the rivers run red and monsters swarm aplenty.”
 Slippery Shinobi • “Defeat King Slime, the lord of all things slimy.”
- Shinobi is another word for Ninja, clearly referencing the ninja inside the King Slime.
 Goblin Punter • “Triumph over a goblin invasion, a ragtag regiment of crude, barbaric, pointy-eared warriors and their shadowflame sorcerers.”
 Walk the Plank • “Triumph over a pirate invasion, a group of pillagers from the sea out for your booty... and your life!”
 Kill the Sun • “Survive a solar eclipse, a day darker than night filled with creatures of horror.”
 Do You Want to Slay a Snowman? • “Triumph over the frost legion, a festive family of maniacal snowman mobsters.”Defeat the Frost Legion for the first time.
- Reference to the 2013 Disney film Frozen, which has a song called "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?"
 Tin-Foil Hatter • “Triumph over a martian invasion, when beings from out of this world come to scramble your brains and probe you in uncomfortable places.”Defeat the Martian Invasion for the first time.
- Named for tin foil hats, often associated with alien conspiracy theorists.
 Baleful Harvest • “Reach the 15th wave of a pumpkin moon, where evil lurks among the autumn harvest.”
 Ice Scream • “Reach the 15th wave of a frost moon, where the festive season quickly degrades into madness.”
- A reference to the popular children's song, "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!".
 Sticky Situation • “Survive the slime rain, where gelatinous organisms fall from the sky in droves.”Survive the Slime Rain.
 Real Estate Agent • “Have all possible town NPCs living in your world.”All town NPCs are housed in your world.
- The Traveling Merchant, Old Man, and Skeleton Merchant are not Town NPCs and Santa Claus and the Tavernkeep are not considered for this achievement. Therefore, only the remaining 21 Town NPCs are required.
 Not the Bees! • “Fire a Bee Gun while wearing a full set of Bee Armor.”Fire a Bee Gun while equipped in a full set of Bee Armor.
 Jeepers Creepers • “Stumble into a spider cavern in the underground.”
 Funkytown • “Build or encounter a glowing mushroom field above the surface.”Encounter an above-ground Glowing Mushroom biome.
- Requires 200 Glowing Mushroom biome blocks.
- Shares the name with the 1980 Lipps, Inc. single Funkytown.
- Can sometimes be obtained by using a Magic Mirror, Ice Mirror or Cell Phone while in an Underground Glowing Mushroom biome. This is likely caused by lag.
 Into Orbit • “You can only go down from here!”Reach Space.
 Rock Bottom • “The only way is up!”
 Mecha Mayhem • “Do battle against the Twins, the Destroyer, and Skeletron Prime simultaneously and emerge victorious.”
 Gelatin World Tour • “Defeat every type of slime there is!”Defeat at least one of every type of slime.
- The types that are counted for this achievement are Baby, Black, Blue, Corrupt, Dungeon, Green, Ice, Illuminant, Jungle, King, Lava, Mother, Purple, Rainbow, Red, Slimeling, Slimer, Spiked Ice, Spiked Jungle, Umbrella, Yellow, Toxic Sludge, Crimslime, and Pinky. Seven are Hardmode, three are Corruption-exclusive, and one is Crimson-exclusive.
 Fashion Statement • “Equip armor or vanity clothing in all three social slots.”
 Vehicular Manslaughter • “Defeat an enemy by running it over with a minecart.”Kill an enemy by running over it with a Minecart.
- Killing an enemy with the Mechanical Cart's lasers will not work.
 Bulldozer • “Destroy a total of 10,000 tiles.”Mine a total of 10,000 tiles.
 There are Some Who Call Him... • “Kill Tim.”Defeat Tim for the first time.
- Reference to Tim the Enchanter from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and his quote "There are some who call me... Tim."
 Deceiver of Fools • “Kill a nymph.”Defeat a Nymph for the first time.
- Needs to be killed in Nymph form. Killing a Lost Girl before it transforms into a Nymph will not count.
 Sword of the Hero • “Obtain a Terra Blade, forged from the finest blades of light and darkness.”
 Lucky Break • “Survive a long fall with just a sliver of health remaining.”Survive a fall with not much health left.
- With 500 health, a defense of 0 and no items to negate fall damage, the player must fall exactly 74 blocks. (70 HP)
 Throwing Lines • “Throw a yoyo.”Throw a Yoyo for the first time.
 Dye Hard • “Equip a dye in every possible dye slot.”Equip dyes in all dye slots.
 Sick Throw • “Obtain the Terrarian.”
 The Frequent Flyer • “Spend over 1 gold being treated by the nurse.”Spend over 1 total being treated by the Nurse.
- It does not have to be all at once. You can get healed by the nurse every so often and it adds up.
- 1 represents a total of 13 334 health restored, or 14 debuffs removed.
- You might get this achievement faster by purposefully making the Nurse unhappy, so that she will charge you more coins.
 The Cavalry • “Equip a mount.”
 Completely Awesome • “Obtain a minishark.”
- A nod to the minishark's tooltip, Half shark, half gun, completely awesome.
 Til Death... • “Kill the groom.”
 Archaeologist • “Kill Doctor Bones.”
- Doctor Bones is a parody of Indiana Jones, also known as Doctor Jones.
 Pretty in Pink • “Kill pinky.”Defeat Pinky for the first time.
- Probably a reference to the 1986 American romantic comedy movie by the same name, Pretty in Pink.
 Rainbows and Unicorns • “Fire a rainbow gun while riding on a unicorn.”Fire a Rainbow Gun while riding a Unicorn Mount.
 You and What Army? • “Command nine summoned minions simultaneously.”Have nine minions summoned at the same time.
- See Minions for information on summoning multiple minions, and Minion Count for maximising minion summons.
- Having 8 Minions and then summoning another will grant the achievement.
- Note: Spiders take up 0.75 minion space on the platforms this achievement exists on, meaning that more than 8 spiders are needed when using the Spider Staff.
- You and What Army? is a phrase of defiance used in many forms of media.
 Prismancer • “Obtain a rainbow rod.”Obtain the Rainbow Rod.
 It Can Talk?! • “Build a house in a mushroom biome and have the Truffle move in.”Have a Truffle move into a house created in the Glowing Mushroom biome.
- It must be above the surface for the Truffle to move in.
 Watch Your Step! • “Become a victim to a nasty underground trap.”Get killed by a Trap for the first time.
- Being killed by explosives activated by a Pressure Plate also works.
- You must be killed by the trap; merely taking damage will not work.
- Being killed by anything while poisoned by a Dart Trap will count for the achievement.
 Marathon Medalist • “Travel a total of 26.2 miles on foot.”Travel a total of 26.2 miles (69,168 tiles) on foot.
- 26.2 miles is equivalent to 69,168 tiles.
 Glorious Golden Pole • “Obtain a golden fishing rod.”Obtain the Golden Fishing Rod from the Angler.
- Reward from the Angler, after exactly 30 quests or 1/250 chance after 75 quests.
 Servant-in-Training • “Complete your 1st quest for the angler.”Complete 1 Angler quest.
 Good Little Slave • “Complete your 10th quest for the angler.”Complete 10 Angler quests.
 Trout Monkey • “Complete your 25th quest for the angler.”Complete 25 Angler quests.
 Fast and Fishious • “Complete your 50th quest for the angler.”Complete 50 Angler quests.
- The name of this achievement is a reference to various movies titled Fast and Furious.
- Another possible reference could be the 1969 experimental rock album Trout Mask Replica, where the phrase "fast and bulbous" is used several times throughout.
 Supreme Helper Minion! • “Complete a grand total of 200 quests for the angler.”Complete 200 Angler quests.
 Topped Off • “Attain maximum life and mana possible without accessories or buffs.”
 Slayer of Worlds • “Defeat every boss in Terraria.”
- There are a total of 15 bosses to defeat: Brain of Cthulhu, The Destroyer, Duke Fishron, Eater of Worlds, Eye of Cthulhu, Golem, King Slime, the Lunatic Cultist, the Moon Lord, Plantera, Queen Bee, Skeletron, Skeletron Prime, The Twins, and the Wall of Flesh. Event bosses are not counted and only one of the Brain or the Eater needs to be beaten, although the achievement image displays the Eater of Worlds.
- Empress of Light and Queen Slime are not necessary for this achievement.
- The achievement image appears to have a character wearing Red's armor in it, presumably Redigit.
 You Can Do It! • “Survive your character's first full night.”Survive your first full night.
 Matching Attire • “Equip armor in all three armor slots: head, chest, and feet.”Equip armor pieces in all armor slots (pieces do not have to be from the same set).
- The armor set in the picture is Palladium armor
- Does not have to be a matching set.