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Rapaz, o Sol está quente! Eu tenho uma armadura com ventilação perfeita.

O Comerciante

Não deve ser confundido com a Defesa, uma estatística de redução de dano.
Veja também: Guia:Progressão de armaduras

As Armaduras são um conjunto de itens de defesa equipáveis que reduzem o dano levado de inimigos e da maioria das outras fontes de dano. Peças de armadura são equipadas colocando-as nas entradas de armadura do inventário do jogador. A armadura também pode ser colocada em entradas sociais para mudar a aparência do jogador sem afetar as suas estatísticas. Peças de armadura são criadas, compradas de NPCs, ou cai de inimigos.

Cada peça de armadura tem uma estatística de defesa que reduz o dano infligido pela metade / 3/4 / tudo do seu valor, arredondado. Por exemplo, um conjunto completo de Armadura de Cobre provicencia um total de 6 defesa, reduzindo o dano por 3 / 5 / 6 pontos. A armadura de Prata dá um total de 13 defesa, reduzindo o dano por 7 / 10 / 13 pontos, depois de ter sido arredondado. Um ataque não pode ser reduzido a zero; todos os ataques sempre darão pelo menos 1 de dano (ou 2 de dano em um acerto crítico), independentemente da armadura do jogador.

Em adição a defesa providenciada pelas peças de armadura individuais, a maioria dos tipos de armadura providenciam um Bônus Definido quando todas as três peças de uma armadura do mesmo tipo são vestidas simultaneamente. Para as armaduras de minério básicas do Pré-Modo Difícil (Cobre até Platina), isso é um bônus adicional de defesa. Armaduras mais avançadas ou únicas podem providenciar outros bônus definidos especializados (por exemplo, a armadura de Cogumelita providenciará invisibilidade quando parado).

Diante todas as plataformas, existem 34 conjuntos diferentes de armaduras dis pré-Hardmode; 33 conjuntos diferentes de armaduras disponíveis no Hardmode; 7 roupões e 2 chapéus de mago que dão efeitos adicionais; e 7 peças de armadura diversas.

Conjuntos de Armadura[]

Pré-Modo Difícil[]

Aparência Nome Defesa Bônus / Efeitos / Notas Custo / Fonte / Craftado em
Cabeça Peitoral Pernas Total
Mining armor Mining armor female Armadura do Minerador 1 1 1 3
  • Bônus do Conjunto: +30% velocidade de mineração
  • Efeito: Capacete emite luz.
  • Capacete de mineração intercambiável com o capacete ultra brilhante
O capacete é drop raro do Minerador Zumbi]]
  • Calças e peitoral:drop raro do Minerador Zumbi
Wood armor Wood armor female Armadura de Madeira 1 1 -
  • Bônus do Conjunto: +1 defesa
Rich Mahogany armor Rich Mahogany armor female Armadura de Mogno 1 1 1 4
  • Bônus do Conjunto: +1 defesa
Boreal Wood armor Boreal Wood armor female Armadura Boreal 1 1 1 4
  • Bônus do Conjunto: +1 defesa
Palm Wood armor Palm Wood armor female Armadura de palmeira 1 1 1 4
  • Bônus do conjunto: +1 defesa
Ebonwood armor Ebonwood armor female Ebonwood armor 1 2 1 5
  • Set Bonus: +1 defesa
Shadewood armor Shadewood armor female Shadewood armor 1 2 1 5
  • Set Bonus: +1 defesa
Rain armor Rain armor female Armadura de capa de chuva [1] 1 2 - 3 Rain Coat Zombie

Rare drop from Raincoat Zombie

[[File:Armadura de neve

.png]] Ficheiro:Armadura de neve female.png

Armadura de neve 1 2 1 4 Frozen Zombie

Rare drop from Frozen Zombie

Ficheiro:Rosa armadura de neve Snow armor.png Ficheiro:Rosa armadura de neve female.png Rosa armadura de neve 1 2 1 4
Angler armor Angler armor female Angler armor 1 2 1 4
  • Each piece grants +5% fishing power, leading up to a total of +15% fishing power

Quest rewards from Angler

Cactus armor Cactus armor female Armadura de cacto 1 1 1 4
  • Set Bonus: +1 defense
Copper armor Copper armor female Armadura de cobre 1 2 1 6
  • Set Bonus: +2 defense
Tin armor Tin armor female Tin armor 2 2 1 7
  • Definir bônus: +2 defesa
Pumpkin armor Pumpkin armor female Pumpkin armor 2 3 2 7
  • Definir bônus: +10% de dano
Gladiator armor Gladiator armor female Armadura de gladiador 3 4 3 10 Hoplite

Rare drop from Hoplite

Iron armor Ancient Iron Helmet (equipped)

Iron armor female Ancient Iron Helmet (equipped) female

Armadura de ferro 2 3 2 9
  • Definir bônus: +2 Defesa
  • O capacete antigo é intercambiável(pode ser substituido) com qualquer outro pedaço da armadura de ferro.
Lead armor Lead armor female Lead armor 3 3 2 11
  • Bônus Definido: +3 defesa
Silver armor Silver armor female Silver armor 3 4 3 13
  • Set Bonus: +3 defense
Tungsten armor Tungsten armor female Tungsten armor 4 5 3 15
  • Bônus Definido: +3 defesa
Gold armor Ancient Gold Helmet (equipped)

Gold armor female Ancient Gold Helmet (equipped) female

Armadura de ouro 4 5 4 16
  • Bônus Definido: +3 defesa
  • Ancient helmet variant is interchangeable with other gold armor pieces
Platinum armor Platinum armor female Platinum armor 5 6 5 20
  • Bônus Definido: +4 defesa
Ninja armor Ninja armor female Armadura ninja [1] 2 4 3 9
  • +3% increased crit chance / +15% throwing velocity
  • +3% increased crit chance / +15% throwing damage
  • +3% increased crit chance / +10% throwing critical strike chance
  • Set Bonus: 20% increased movement speed / 33% chance to not consume thrown item
  • Set Effect: After-image effect when moving
King Slime

Dropped by King Slime

Fossil armor Fossil armor female Fossil armor 2
  • +3% De Chance de ataque crítico a distância / 20% De Aumento na velocidade de arremesso
  • +3% De Chance de ataque crítico a distância / 15% De Aumento da chance de acerto crítico de arremesso
  • +3% De Chance de ataque crítico a distância / 20% De Aumento de dano de arremesso
  • Definir bônus: 20% De Chance de não consumir munição / 50% chance to not consume thrown item
Obsidian armor Obsidian armor female Armadura de obsidiana 4 5 4 13
Bee armor Bee armor female Armadura de abelha 4 5 4 13
  • +2 minion capacity
  • +13% minion damage
  • Set Bonus: +10% minion damage (+23% total)
Jungle armor Jungle armor female Armadura da Selva 5 6 6 17
  • +80 mana capacity
  • +12% magic critical strike chance
  • Each piece is interchangeable with Ancient Cobalt armor pieces
  • Set Bonus: -16% mana usage
  • Set Effect: Grass particles when moving
Ancient Cobalt armor Ancient Cobalt armor female Armadura de Cobalto Anciã 5 6 6 17
  • +80 mana capacity
  • +12% magic critical strike chance
  • Each piece is interchangeable with Jungle armor pieces
  • Set Bonus: -16% mana usage
  • Set Effect: After-image when moving
Hornet Man Eater

Rarely dropped by Hornets and Man Eaters

Meteor armor Meteor armor female Armadura de meteoro 5 6 5 16
  • +21% magic damage
  • Set Bonus: Space Gun use costs 0 mana
  • Set Effect: Flame particles when moving (similar to rocket boots, but no light is emitted)
Necro armor Ancient Necro Helmet (equipped)

Necro armor female Ancient Necro Helmet (equipped) female

Necro armor 5 6 5 16
  • +15% ranged damage
  • Set Bonus: 15% increased ranged critical strike chance
    20% chance not to consume ammo
  • Set Effect: After-image when moving, bone crunch sound when hurt
  • Ancient helmet variant is interchangeable with other necro armor pieces.
Shadow armor Shadow armor female Armadura Sombria 6 7 6 19
  • +21% melee speed
  • Each piece is interchangeable with Ancient Shadow armor pieces
  • Set Bonus: +15% movement speed
  • Set Effect: After-image when moving and flames of Rocket boots become purple
Ancient Shadow armor Ancient Shadow armor female Armadura Sombria Anciã 6 7 6 19
  • +21% melee speed
  • Each piece is interchangeable with Shadow armor pieces
  • Set Bonus: +15% movement speed
  • Set Effect: After-image when moving and flames of Rocket Boots become purple
Eater of Souls

Rarely dropped by Eater of Souls

Crimson armor Crimson armor female Armadura Carmesin 6 7 6 19
  • +6% damage
  • Set Bonus: Greatly increased life regeneration
  • Set Effect: Emits red particles when moving and regenerating health
Molten armor Molten armor female Armadura Derretida 8 9 8 25
  • Set Bonus: +17% melee damage
  • Set Effect: Flame particles when moving
  1. 1,0 1,1 Although the Rain set and Ninja set are available on Versão para Console old-gen Console old-gen e 3DSVersão para 3DS, they only act as vanity and are not considered armor.

Modo Difícil[]

Appearance Set Defense Bonuses / Effects / Notes Cost / Source / Crafted At
Head Chest Legs Total
Pearlwood armor Pearlwood armor female Armadura de Madeira Pérola 02 03 02 08
  • Set Bonus: +1 defense
Spider armorSpider armor female Spider armor 05 08 07 020
  • +3 minion capacity
  • +16% minion damage
  • Set Bonus: +12% minion damage (+28% total)
Cobalt armor

Cobalt armor female

Armadura de Cobalto
  • 2
  • 11
  • 4
08 07 17-
  • 17
  • 26
  • 19
  • +3% critical strike chance
  • +10% movement speed
  • Cobalt Hat: +40 mana capacity, +9% magic critical strike chance
    • Set Bonus: -14% mana usage
  • Cobalt Helmet: +7% movement speed, +12% melee speed
    • Set Bonus: +15% melee speed (+27% total)
  • Cobalt Mask: +10% ranged damage, +6% ranged critical strike chance
    • Set Bonus: 20% chance not to consume ammo
  • Set Effect: After-image effect when moving
Palladium armor

Palladium armor female

Armadura de paládio
  • 3
  • 5
  • 14
010 08 21-
  • 21
  • 23
  • 32
  • +5% damage
  • +3% critical strike chance
  • Palladium Headgear: +7% magic damage, +7% critical strike chance, +60 mana capacity
  • Palladium Helmet: +9% ranged damage, +9% ranged critical strike chance
  • Palladium Mask: +8% melee damage, +12% melee speed
  • Set Bonus: Rapid Healing buff for 5 seconds when you hit an enemy
Mythril armor

Mythril armor female

Mythril armor
  • 3
  • 16
  • 6
012 09 24-
  • 24
  • 37
  • 27
  • +5% damage
  • +3% critical strike chance
  • Mythril Hood: +60 mana capacity, +15% magic damage
    • Set Bonus: -17% mana usage
  • Mythril Helmet: +5% melee critical strike chance, +10% melee damage
    • Set Bonus: +5% melee critical strike chance (+13% total)
  • Mythril Hat: +12% ranged damage, +7% ranged critical strike chance
    • Set Bonus: 20% chance not to consume ammo
Orichalcum armor

Orichalcum armor female

Armadura de Oricalco
  • 4
  • 7
  • 19
013 010 27-
  • 27
  • 30
  • 42
  • +6% critical strike chance
  • +11% movement speed
  • Orichalcum Headgear: +18% magic critical strike chance, +80 mana capacity
  • Orichalcum Helmet: +15% ranged critical strike chance, +8% movement speed
  • Orichalcum Mask: +7% melee damage, +7% movement speed, +7% melee speed
  • Set Bonus: Flower petals will fall on your target for extra damage
Adamantite armor

Adamantite armor female

Adamantite armor 04-
  • 4
  • 22
  • 8
016 012 28-
  • 32
  • 50
  • 36
  • +6% damage
  • +4% critical strike chance
  • +5% movement speed
  • Adamantite Headgear: +80 mana capacity, +11% magic damage, +11% critical strike chance
    • Set Bonus: -19% mana usage
  • Adamantite Helmet: +7% melee critical strike chance, +14% melee damage
    • Set Bonus: +18% melee speed, +18% movement speed
  • Adamantite Mask: +14% ranged damage, +8% ranged critical strike chance
    • Set Bonus: 25% chance not to consume ammo
  • Set Effect: Pulsating outline of player
Titanium armor

Titanium armor female

Armadura de Titanium
  • 4
  • 23
  • 8
015 011 30-
  • 30
  • 49
  • 34
  • +7% damage
  • +6% critical strike chance
  • +6% movement speed
  • Titanium Headgear: +16% magic damage, +7% magic critical strike chance, +100 mana capacity
  • Titanium Mask: +8% melee damage, +8% melee speed, +8% critical strike chance
  • Titanium Helmet: +16% ranged damage, +7% ranged critical strike chance
  • Set Bonus: Will give the Titanium Barrier buff for 10 seconds when you hit an enemy.

Will give the Shadow Dodge buff when you hit an enemy.

Crystal Assassin armor Crystal Assassin armor female Crystal Assassin armor 12 14 10 36
  • +5% critical strike chance
  • +5% damage
  • +10% movement speed
  • Set Bonus: 10% increased damage and critical strike chance, and 15% increased movement speed.
Queen Slime

Dropped by Queen Slime

Frost armor Frost armor female Frost armor 010 020 013 043
  • +16% melee damage
  • +16% ranged damage
  • +11% melee critical strike chance
  • +11% ranged critical strike chance
  • +8% movement speed
  • +7% melee speed
  • Set Bonus: Melee and ranged attacks cause Frostburn
  • Set Effect: Snow trail when moving, ice shattering sound effect replaces pain sound
Forbidden armor Forbidden armor female Forbidden armor 06 012 08 026
  • +15% magic damage
  • +15% minion damage
  • +80 mana capacity
  • +2 minion capacity
  • Set Bonus: Double tap ▼ Para Baixo to call an ancient storm to the cursor location
  • Set Effect: After-image effect when moving
Apprentice armor Apprentice armor female Armadura do Aprendiz 07 015 010 032
  • +1 sentry capacity
  • -10% mana usage
  • +30% minion damage
  • +10% magic damage
  • +20% magic critical strike chance
  • +20% movement speed
  • Set Bonus:
    +1 sentry capacity (+2 total)
    Flameburst field of view and range are dramatically increased
Squire armor Squire armor female Squire armor 012 027 017 056
  • +1 sentry capacity
  • +30% minion damage
  • +15% melee damage
  • +20% melee critical strike chance
  • +20% movement speed
  • Increased life regeneration
  • Set Bonus:
    +1 sentry capacity (+2 total)
    Ballista pierces more targets and panics when you take damage
Huntress armor Huntress armor female Huntress armor 07 017 012 036
  • +1 sentry capacity
  • +30% minion damage
  • +20% ranged damage
  • +10% ranged critical strike chance
  • +20% movement speed
  • Set Bonus:
    +1 sentry capacity (+2 total)
    Explosive Traps recharge and oil enemies
    Set oiled enemies on fire for extra damage
Monk armor Monk armor female Monk armor 08 022 016 046
  • +1 sentry capacity
  • +30% minion damage
  • +20% melee damage
  • +20% melee speed
  • +10% melee critical strike chance
  • +20% movement speed
  • Set Bonus:
    +1 sentry capacity (+2 total)
    Lightning Aura can now crit and strikes faster
Hallowed armor

Hallowed armor female

Hallowed armor
  • 5
  • 24
  • 9
  • 1
015 011 31-
  • 31
  • 50
  • 35
  • 27
  • +7% damage
  • +7% critical strike chance
  • +8% movement speed
  • Each piece is interchangeable with Ancient Hallowed armor pieces
  • Hallowed Headgear: +100 mana capacity, +12% magic damage, +12% critical strike chance
    • Set Bonus: -20% mana usage
  • Hallowed Mask: +10% melee damage, +10% critical strike chance, +10% melee speed
    • Set Bonus: +19% movement speed, +19% melee speed
  • Hallowed Helmet: +15% ranged damage, +8% ranged critical strike chance
    • Set Bonus: 25% chance not to consume ammo
  • Set Effect: After-image and pulsating effect
  • Hallowed Hood: +1 minion capacity, +10% minion damage
    • Set Bonus: +2 minion capacity, Become immune after striking an enemy
Ancient Hallowed armor Ancient Hallowed armor
  • 5
  • 24
  • 9
  • 1
015 011 31-
  • 31
  • 50
  • 35
  • 27
  • +7% damage
  • +7% critical strike chance
  • +8% movement speed
  • Each piece is interchangeable with Hallowed armor pieces
  • Ancient Hallowed Headgear: +100 mana capacity, +12% magic damage, +12% critical strike chance
    • Set Bonus: -20% mana usage
  • Ancient Hallowed Mask: +10% melee damage, +10% critical strike chance, +10% melee speed
    • Set Bonus: +19% movement speed, +19% melee speed
  • Ancient Hallowed Helmet: +15% ranged damage, +8% ranged critical strike chance
    • Set Bonus: 25% chance not to consume ammo
  • Set Effect: After-image and pulsating effect
  • Ancient Hallowed Hood: +1 minion capacity, +10% minion damage
    • Set Bonus: +2 minion capacity, Become immune after striking an enemy
Chlorophyte armor

Chlorophyte armor female

Armadura de Clorofita 07-
  • 7
  • 20
  • 13
18 13 38-
  • 38
  • 51
  • 44
  • +5% damage
  • +15% critical strike chance
  • +5% movement speed
  • Chlorophyte Headgear: +80 mana capacity, -17% mana usage, +16% magic damage
  • Chlorophyte Mask: +16% melee damage, +6% melee critical strike chance
  • Chlorophyte Helmet: +16% ranged damage, 20% chance to not consume ammo
  • Set Bonus: Causes a leaf crystal to permanently appear over the player's head, attacking enemies for ~40 base damage
Turtle armor Turtle armor female Armadura de Tartaruga 21 27 17 65
  • +14% melee damage
  • +12% melee critical strike chance
  • Enemies are more likely to attack you
  • Set Bonus: Melee attacking enemies receive damage inflicted equal to twice their damage value before your defense reduction. Reduces damage taken by 15%
Tiki armor Tiki armor female Tiki armor 06 017 012 035
  • +3 minion capacity
  • +30% minion damage
  • Set Bonus: +1 minion capacity (+4 total)
1 50

Sold by the Witch Doctor after obtaining a Pygmy Staff

Spooky armor Spooky armor female Spooky armor 9
  • +4 minion capacity / +3 minion capacity
  • +33% minion damage
  • +20% movement speed
  • Set Bonus: +25% minion damage (+58% total)
  • Set Effect: Pulsating outline
Shroomite armor

Shroomite armor female

Shroomite armor
  • 11
  • 11
  • 11
24 16 51-
  • 51
  • 51
  • 51
  • +25% ranged critical strike chance
  • +13% ranged damage
  • +12% movement speed
  • +20% chance not to consume ammo
  • Shroomite Headgear: +15% arrow damage
  • Shroomite Mask: +15% bullet damage
  • Shroomite Helmet: +15% rocket damage
  • Set Bonus: Stealth effect when standing still:
    • Enemies are less likely to attack you
    • Damage and knockback of ranged weapons increased up to 45% while in stealth
Spectre armor

Spectre armor female

Spectre armor
  • 06
  • 18
14 10
  • 30
  • 42
  • +15% magic damage
  • +7% magic critical strike chance
  • +8% movement speed
  • Translucent visual effect
  • Spectre Hood: -40% magic damage Versão para Computador Versão para Computador
    • Set Bonus: 20% of magic damage done to enemies heals you, or a nearby ally with the lowest health
  • Spectre Mask: +60 mana capacity, -13% mana usage, +5% magic damage, +5% magic critical strike chance
    • Set Bonus: magic damage done to enemies spawns homing orbs that attack for 1/3 of weapon strength.
Beetle armor

Beetle armor female

Armadura de Besouro 23
  • 20
  • 32
018 21-
  • 61
  • 73
  • +6% melee damage
  • +6% movement speed
  • +6% melee speed
  • Enemies are more likely to attack you
  • Scale mail: +8% melee damage, +8% critical strike chance, +6% movement speed, +6% melee speed
    • Set Bonus: increases melee damage and speed in increments of 10%, up to 30%
  • Shell: +5% melee damage, +5% critical strike chance
    • Set Bonus: starts at 15% damage mitigation and goes up to 45%
Spectral armor Spectral armor female Armadura espectral [1] 10 15 15 40
  • +150 mana capacity
  • +30% magic damage
  • -10% mana usage
  • +10% movement speed
  • +25% magical critical strike
  • Set Bonus: -23% mana usage (-33% total)
Titan armor Titan armor female Armadura de titã [1] 14 18 13 45
  • +30% ranged damage
  • 20% chance to not consume ammo
  • +10% movement speed
  • +20% ranged critical strike chance
  • Set Bonus: 28% chance to not consume ammo (48% total)
Dragon armor Dragon armor female Armadura de dragão [1] 31 20 14 65 (only 60 on Mobile)
  • +20% melee damage
  • +17% melee speed
  • +25% critical strike chance
  • +12% movement speed
  • Set Bonus: +23% melee speed (+40% total), +23% movement speed (+35% total)
Dark Artist armor Dark Artist armor 07 021 014 042
  • +2 sentry capacity
  • +60% minion damage
  • +25% magic damage
  • +25% magic critical strike chance
  • Set Bonus:
    +1 sentry capacity (+3 total)
    Greatly enhances Flameburst effectiveness
Shinobi Infiltrator armor Shinobi Infiltrator armor female Shinobi Infiltrator armor 010 026 018 054
  • +2 sentry capacity
  • +60% minion damage
  • +20% melee damage
  • +20% melee speed
  • +20% melee critical strike chance
  • +20% movement speed
  • Set Bonus:
    +1 sentry capacity (+3 total)
    Greatly enhances Lightning Aura effectiveness
Red Riding armor Red Riding armor female Red Riding armor 08 024 016 048
  • +2 sentry capacity
  • +60% minion damage
  • +25% ranged damage
  • +10% ranged critical strike chance
  • +20% movement speed
  • Set Bonus:
    +1 sentry capacity (+3 total)
    Greatly enhances Explosive Traps effectiveness
Valhalla Knight armor Valhalla Knight armor female Valhalla Knight armor 020
  • +2 sentry capacity
  • +60% minion damage
  • +20% melee critical strike chance
  • +30% movement speed
  • Massively increased life regeneration
  • Set Bonus:
    +1 sentry capacity (+3 total)
    Greatly enhances Ballista effectiveness
Solar Flare armor Solar Flare armor female Solar Flare armor 24 34 20 78
  • +29% melee damage
    +22% melee damage
  • +26% melee critical hit chance
    +17% melee critical hit chance
  • +15% movement speed
  • +15% melee speed
  • Enemies are more likely to target you
  • Set Bonus: Solar shields generate over time protecting you, consume the shield power to dash, damaging enemies
  • Set Effect: After-image during motion.
Vortex armor Vortex armor female Vortex armor 14 28 20 62
  • +36% ranged damage
  • +27% ranged critical strike chance
  • +10% movement speed
  • 25% chance not to consume ammo
  • Set Bonus: Double tap ▼ Para Baixo to toggle stealth, increasing ranged ability and reducing chance for enemy to target you but slowing movement
  • Effect: Emits light that intensifies with each additional piece equipped.
Nebula armor Nebula armor female Nebula armor 14 18 14 46
  • +26% magic damage
  • +16% magic critical strike chance
  • +10% movement speed
  • +60 mana capacity
  • -15% mana usage
  • Set Bonus: Hurting enemies has a chance to spawn buff boosters, pick boosters up to get stacking buffs.
Stardust armor Stardust armor female Stardust armor 10 16 12 38
  • +66% minion damage
  • +5 minion capacity
  • Set Bonus: Summons a Stardust Guardian which follows the player around (and defends the player). Double tap ▼ Para Baixo to direct your guardian to a location.
  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 Although the Spectral armor, Titan armor, and Dragon armor are available on Versão para Console Console, Versão para Switch Switch e a versão usada pelo tModLoader tModLoader, they only act as vanity and are not considered armor.

Wizard set[]

Though not a traditional armor set, these hats and robes confer a set bonus when worn together.

Appearance Item Body Slot Defense Bonuses Set Bonus (with robe) Cost / Source
Magic Hat (equipped) Magic Hat (equipped) female Magic Hat Head 2
  • +7% magic damage
  • +7% critical strike chance
+60 mana capacity Sold by the Traveling Merchant for 3.
Wizard Hat (equipped) Wizard Hat (equipped) female Wizard Hat Head 2
  • +15% magic damage
+10% magic critical strike chance Dropped by Tim.
Appearance Item Body Slot Defense Bonuses Cost / Source
Amethyst Robe (equipped) Amethyst Robe (equipped) female Amethyst Robe Chest 0
  • +20 mana capacity
  • -5% mana usage
1 RoupãoRoupão and 10 AmetistaAmetista at TearTear.
Topaz Robe (equipped) Topaz Robe (equipped) female Topaz Robe Chest 1
  • +40 mana capacity
  • -7% mana usage
1 RoupãoRoupão and 10 TopázioTopázio at TearTear.
Sapphire Robe (equipped) Sapphire Robe (equipped) female Sapphire Robe Chest 1
  • +40 mana capacity
  • -9% mana usage
1 RoupãoRoupão and 10 SafiraSafira at TearTear.
Emerald Robe (equipped) Emerald Robe (equipped) female Emerald Robe Chest 2
  • +60 mana capacity
  • -11% mana usage
1 RoupãoRoupão and 10 EsmeraldaEsmeralda at TearTear.
Ruby Robe (equipped) Ruby Robe (equipped) female Ruby Robe Chest 2
  • +60 mana capacity
  • -13% mana usage
1 RoupãoRoupão and 10 RubiRubi at TearTear.
Amber Robe (equipped) Amber Robe (equipped) female Amber Robe Chest 3
  • +60 mana capacity
  • -13% mana usage
1 RoupãoRoupão and 10 ÂmbarÂmbar at TearTear.
Diamond Robe (equipped) Diamond Robe (equipped) female Diamond Robe Chest 3
  • +80 mana capacity
  • -15% mana usage
1 RoupãoRoupão and 10 DiamanteDiamante at TearTear.
Gypsy Robe (equipped) Gypsy Robe (equipped) female Gypsy Robe Chest 2
  • +6% magic damage
  • +6% magic critical strike chance
  • -10% mana usage
Sold by the Traveling Merchant for 3 50.

Miscellaneous Armor[]

A few pieces of armor aren't part of any particular set.

Appearance Item Body Slot Defense Bonuses Cost / Source
Empty Bucket (equipped) Empty Bucket (equipped) female Empty Bucket Head 1 Normally used for carrying liquids instead. 3 Barra de FerroBarra de Ferro or 3 Barra de ChumboBarra de Chumbo at Bigorna de FerroBigorna de Ferro / Bigorna de ChumboBigorna de Chumbo.
Goggles (equipped) Goggles (equipped) female Goggles Head 1 2 LenteLente at Bancada de TrabalhoBancada de Trabalho and any Chair.
Diving Helmet (equipped) Diving Helmet (equipped) female Diving Helmet Head 2 Greatly extends underwater breathing time Rare drop from Sharks and Orcas .
Gi (equipped) Gi (equipped) female Gi Chest 4 +5% damage, +5% critical strike chance
+10% melee speed, +10% movement speed
Sold by the Traveling Merchant for 2.
Boots of Ostara (equipped) Botas de Ostara Feet 3 Creates grass on dirt. Able to perform several "bunny hops". Drops from Lepus.
Viking Helmet (equipped) Viking Helmet (equipped) female Viking Helmet Head 4 Rare drop from Undead Vikings.
Night Vision Helmet (equipped) Night Vision Helmet (equipped) female Night Vision Helmet Head 2 Provides an effect similar to the Night Owl Potion Drop from Granite Elementals and sold by the Cyborg for 10 after defeating the Martian Madness event.
Ultrabright Helmet (Equipped) Ultrabright Helmet (equipped) female Ultrabright Helmet Head 4 Provides a light with an intensity similar to the Ultrabright Torch 1 Mining Helmet Mining Helmet and 1 Night Vision Helmet Night Vision Helmet at Oficina do InventorOficina do Inventor.
Moon Lord Legs (equipped) Moon Lord Legs (equipped) female Moon Lord Legs Feet 3 Provides 25% movement speed and four blocks extra jump height. Found in chests on the seed 05162020.


Achievement Matching Attire
Roupas Combinando • Equipe armaduras nos três espaços disponíveis: cabeça, peitoral e pés.
Equipe peças de armadura em todos os slots de armadura (as peças não precisam ser do mesmo conjunto).
Achievement A Knight in Shining Armors
A Knight in Shining Armors • “Obtain every type of armor available.”
Equipe todos os conjuntos de armaduras disponíveis.


  • The chestplate on each armor set changes with the gender of the character, with the female breastplate often having an exposed cleavage, stomach or both. This is a purely visual change and does not decrease defense.
  • In total, there are Versão para ComputadorVersão para ConsoleVersão para Celular / Versão para Console old-gen / Versão para 3DS armor sets. Out of these, Versão para ComputadorVersão para ConsoleVersão para Celular / Versão para Console old-gen / Versão para 3DS are available pre-Hardmode and Versão para ComputadorVersão para ConsoleVersão para Celular / Versão para Console old-gen / Versão para 3DS are Hardmode-exclusive.
  • The ancient armor pieces are shown in the inventory to be facing to the left instead of the right.
  • The default Hardmode ore armors (Cobalt, Mythril, and Adamantite) are often mistaken as direct downgrades to the others (Palladium, Orichalcum, and Titanium). Though it is true they all have lower armor value (except for Adamantite) and don't have fancy effects, they often give better, more class-specific bonuses (e.g. Cobalt Melee Set is still the second-best melee speed armor only bested by the Hallowed Melee Set). The default Hardmode ore armors also do not require as many bars to create, making swift progression easier.
  • For most Hardmode armors with helmet variants, the helmets sell for more than other pieces of their respective sets, despite needing fewer bars to make. This is due to the helmet carrying class-specific bonuses or other special abilities. For example, the melee helmet of such sets will hold melee modifiers and a disproportionate share of Defense.
  • If armor pieces are placed into accessory slots, they wont give their defense and stat buffs.

Mixed Armor Sets[]

While set bonuses are a strong incentive to use a matched set, there are many cases where the powers of individual pieces can be combined usefully, especially late in the game. Particularly versatile pieces include the Valhalla Knight's Breastplate for its regeneration and the Forbidden Treads for the extra 2 minions (though the Forbidden Treads now provide only 1 extra minion in version 1.4, making them less ideal). Some examples include:

  • The Turtle chest piece can be combined with the Hallowed or Chlorophyte Mask and Hallowed Greaves for massively increased melee damage, but at the cost of losing the Thorns effect, a bit of defense, and most of the "enemy magnet" effect. With the Hallowed Mask, this nets a defense of 62 (against 65 for the full Turtle set), +18% melee damage, +18% melee critical chance, and +10% melee speed.
    • With the Chlorophyte Mask instead, the defense goes up a point to 63 and the melee damage bonus rises to +28%, but the melee critical chance bonus drops to +14% and the melee speed bonus is lost. Either way, the wearer gets another +7% for all damage and +8% movement speed.
    • Doing this with the Valhalla Knight's Breastplate instead, gets another 3 points of defense, the regeneration, and a +30% bonus to summon damage, at the cost of some of the melee bonuses (leaving +10% or +20% damage, +10% or +6% critical chance).
  • The combination of the Chlorophyte Helmet and Shroomite Breastplate (or in the endgame, Vortex Breastplate) provides more ammo reduction than any set bonus. (See Sandgun for further discussion.)
  • A regenerative Melee/Summoner set consisting of the Chlorophyte Mask, Valhalla Knight's Breastplate, and Valhalla Knight's Greaves provides +16% melee damage, +26% melee critical strike chance, +30% movement speed, +50% minion damage, and +8 health/second regeneration.
  • For rangers, if the set bonus for Shroomite armor is not needed, the chest piece can be swapped with the Valhalla Knight's Breastplate for the regeneration. Those who use this approach may also wish to swap out the Shroomite Leggings for Forbidden Treads; the extra two minions (in versions earlier than 1.4) can provide a larger total DPS increase despite losing some movement speed and ranged critical bonus.
  • For magic users, Hallowed Headgear, Valhalla Knight's Breastplate, and Dark Artist's Leggings grants +100 mana capacity, +12% magic damage, +37% magic critical strike chance, +50% minion damage, and +8 health/second regeneration.
  • Summoners can summon their minions while wearing the Shinobi Infiltrator's Helmet, Valhalla Knight's Breastplate, and Red Riding Leggings for maximum damage bonuses, swap to the Spooky Helmet to summon one more, swap to the full Spooky Armor set to summon two more, before re-equipping the Forbidden Treads and Valhalla Knight's Breastplate (in that order). This grants high survivability while retaining decent minion damage/capacity bonuses, and is the strongest possible pre-Moon Lord summoning loadout that uses the Breastplate.

