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  • Wood platform item sprite
Colocável✔️ (1 de longura × 1 de altura)
Vel. de uso10 (Muito alta)
Pilhagem máx.999 / 99
Raridade00*Nível de raridade: 0
  • ID interno da peça: 19
Este artigo é sobre the group of items. Para systems that can run Terraria, veja Game platform.

As Plataformas ("Platforms" em inglês)... are a special type of block that can be walked on, but also allow movement through the space they occupy. The player normally stands and walks on platforms as if they were ordinary blocks, and they can move down through a platform by pressing the ▼ Para Baixo key while standing on one. Players can also walk or jump horizontally through the space occupied by platforms, only treating the platform as "solid" when landing on them from above.

Walking enemies can similarly walk on or pass through platforms. Flying enemies like bats will fly up through them, but not down. Other enemies, including Harpies, ignore them entirely. NPCs will always climb up platforms.

Weapons and their projectiles will travel through platforms. Liquids flow through platforms, and lava will destroy all platforms upon contact, with the exception of Obsidian and Stone Platforms. Gravity-affected blocks like Sand will be supported by platforms.

Because of the high mobility provided by platforms, they can be used in a variety of ways: as a bridge across gaps that players can descend through without destroying, for roof access that keeps some enemies from getting through, or to create a fighting area above most enemies that players can fire down through while keeping out of reach. Also, since Piggy Banks, Chests, crafting stations and most other furniture can be placed on them like on ordinary blocks (exceptions include gems and Crystal Shards), they can be used as a shelving to pack furniture into a confined space without restricting player movement.

Positioning platforms[]

A platform has four distinct positions, which can be cycled through by hitting it with a hammer, similarly to an ordinary block:

  1. In the default or "top" position, it occupies the top half of a block space. Only in this position can furniture be placed on top of it. This includes a Bottle (or similar), which will count as a Placed Bottle for crafting potions.
  2. After one hammer blow, it will change to the slanted stairs form, facing right. It may also show "struts" beneath the slanted part depending on adjacent blocks, but this is purely visual.
  3. A second hammer blow will switch it to stairs facing left.
  4. A third hammer blow will move it to its "bottom" position, horizontal but lowered to the bottom half of the block. Only in this position, banners (and some other hanging items) can be attached beneath them. However, chandeliers or lanterns will not attach there.

A fourth hammer blow will cycle the platform back to its default position. Only one platform can occupy a single block tile, so there cannot be top and bottom platforms in the same tile.


Stairs can face either direction, regardless of what side of a block they are on. Walking up stairs in the direction they face will raise the player as expected, but walking towards stairs facing away from the player will not have any effect. As with normal platforms, pressing ▼ Para Baixo will cause stairs to be ignored. Nothing can be placed on stairs. Smart Cursor can be used to place stairs without having to hammer the platforms into the correct state.


Craftable Platforms

Plataformas criáveis colocadas. Clique na imagem para visualizar um resumo de cada linha.


ResultadoIngredientesEstação de criação
Soldador de OssoSoldador de Osso
À mão
  • Bloco de CristalBloco de Cristal
  • Madeira de ÉbanoMadeira de Ébano
  • Bloco de GeloBloco de Gelo
  • Bloco de Granito LisoBloco de Granito Liso
  • Bloco de MelBloco de Mel
  • Bloco de Mármore LisoBloco de Mármore Liso
  • Tijolo de MeteoritoTijolo de Meteorito
  • MognoMogno
  • Madeira EscuraMadeira Escura
  • Bloco de MelBloco de Mel
Distribuidor de MelDistribuidor de Mel
Sala de EstarSala de Estar
Moinho CelesteMoinho Celeste
Caldeira SteampunkCaldeira Steampunk
Bancada de TrabalhoBancada de Trabalho
total: 45 row(s)

Usadas em[]

ResultadoIngredientesEstação de criação
Soldador de OssoSoldador de Osso
À mão
Distribuidor de MelDistribuidor de Mel
Sala de EstarSala de Estar
Moinho CelesteMoinho Celeste
Caldeira SteampunkCaldeira Steampunk
Bancada de TrabalhoBancada de Trabalho
total: 45 row(s)

Na Versão para 3DSVersão para 3DS, platforms are crafted from only one block of their respective type.

Plataformas não criáveis[]

Noncraftable Platforms

Plataformas não criáveis colocadas. Clique na imagem para visualizar um resumo de cada linha.

Team Platforms are sold by the Traveling Merchant. Golden Platforms are dropped during the Pirate Invasion. All other noncraftable platforms are found in the Dungeon.

Plataforma Notas
Prateleira de Calabouço Prateleira de Calabouço
Encontrada no Calabouço.
Prateleira de Madeira Prateleira de Madeira
Encontrada no Calabouço.
Prateleira de Metal Prateleira de Metal
Encontrada no Calabouço.
Prateleira de Latão Prateleira de Latão
Encontrada no Calabouço.
Plataforma de Tijolos Azuis Plataforma de Tijolos Azuis
Encontrada no Calabouço.
Plataforma de Tijolos Cor-de-rosa Plataforma de Tijolos Cor-de-rosa
Encontrada no Calabouço.
Plataforma de Tijolos Verdes Plataforma de Tijolos Verdes
Encontrada no Calabouço.
Plataforma da Equipe Vermelha Plataforma da Equipe Vermelha Vendida pelo Caixeiro-viajante.
Plataforma da Equipe Verde Plataforma da Equipe Verde Vendida pelo Caixeiro-viajante.
Plataforma da Equipe Azul Plataforma da Equipe Azul Vendida pelo Caixeiro-viajante.
Plataforma da Equipe Amarela Plataforma da Equipe Amarela Vendida pelo Caixeiro-viajante.
Plataforma da Equipe Cor-de-rosa Plataforma da Equipe Cor-de-rosa Vendida pelo Caixeiro-viajante.
Plataforma da Equipe Branca Plataforma da Equipe Branca Vendida pelo Caixeiro-viajante.
Plataforma de Ouro Plataforma de Ouro
Deixada por Piratas.


  • Nearly all platform variants are functionally identical, and are differentiated only by their appearance and their crafting recipes. Obsidian and Stone Platforms are an exception, in that they do not break upon contact with lava the way most platforms do, although they will still disintegrate if dropped or thrown into it.
    • Team Platforms can be broken by lava; however, they cannot be destroyed due to their rarity.
  • Hooks can attach to platforms. While grappling to a platform on the Versão para Console old-gen Versão para Console old-gen, Versão para 3DSVersão para 3DS e a versão usada pelo tModLoader a versão usada pelo tModLoader, it is impossible to grapple to anything else, regardless of the direction the hook is fired in. On the Versão para Computador Versão para Computador, Versão para Console Versão para Console, Versão para Celular Versão para Celular e Versão para Switch Versão para Switch, the hook will ignore all platforms covered by the player's body.
  • The player will fall through platforms while in a Minecart.
  • Wraiths cannot fly up using platforms but are able to hover on top of them.


Merchant walking

An NPC-proof door. The stairs (and the platforms below) act as a divider between each "house cell". Everything can go through this entryway but NPCs see it as a solid wall so they turn around.


A stair elevator made of Frozen Platforms. Walk into it holding ▲ Para Cima and Pular to use it.

  • Stairs are a key part of many advanced movement techniques, such as hoiks, NPC-proof doors, elevators, or enemy traps.
  • Similarly to ordinary blocks, it is possible to remove every second platform in a row of platforms without movement disadvantages, as the player is two tiles wide and will not fall through.


  • Computador Fixed an issue where if the entire top of the world was covered with platforms, it would prevent meteors from spawning.
  • Computador Spider, Lesion, Sandstone, Stone, Bamboo, Nebula, Solar, Stardust, and Vortex Platforms added.
  • Computador 1.3.5: Crystal, Golden, Lihzahrd, Flesh, Frozen and Dynasty Platforms added.
  • Computador 1.3.1:
    • Team Platforms added.
    • Crystal, Golden, Lihzahrd, Flesh, Frozen and Dynasty Platforms added, but unimplemented.
  • Computador
    • Added Granite, Marble, Meteorite, and Martian Platforms.
    • Stack size increased from 99 to 999.
    • Doubled output of crafting and made reverse crafting possible.
    • Added recipe for Obsidian and Bone Platforms.
    • Can now place torches on platforms.
  • Computador 1.2.4: Palm Wood, Mushroom, Boreal Wood, Slime, Steampunk, Skyware, Living Wood and Honey Platforms added.
  • Computador 1.2: Pearlwood, Ebonwood, Shadewood, Dungeon Shelf, Metal Shelf, Brass Shelf, Wood Shelf, Pink Brick, Green Brick, and Blue Brick Platforms added.
  • Computador 1.0.1: Torches now work correctly when being placed on wooden platforms.