Elas seguirão os jogadores até o nível do chão, e podem voar através de blocos, mas Serpes comuns tendem a não voar abaixo do chão.
Serpes serão geradas somente quando o jogador estiver acima de uma certa altitude (veja Espaço § Notas). Fora dos biomas de Carmim, Corrupção e Calabouço, e exceto durante eventos, ter pelo menos um NPC próximo ao jogador também as prevenirá de serem geradas. Uma Serpe não será gerada se outra já estiver viva, e como a maioria dos inimigos que podem atravessar blocos, ela não poderá ser gerada se o próprio jogador estiver na frente de paredes colocadas por um jogador, mesmo que haja pontos de geração válidos para a Serpe.
É possível matar uma Serpe enquanto sua cabeça está fora do mapa. Como a cabeça é a parte que solta os espólios, isso pode resultar na perda dos espólios.
Serpes tem um total de 15 segmentos. O primeiro segmento é a cabeça, o terceiro e o sétimo são as pernas, o segundo, quarto ao nono, décimo primeiro e décimo segundo são segmentos do corpo, e os últimos 3 são os
segmentos da cauda.
Apesar de morarem no céu, elas são imunes a lava e podem nadar por ela desimpedidos, como todos os inimigos semelhantes a vermes.
Na Predefinição:Versão 3DS, Serpes não desaparecem quando todos os jogadores morrem, diferente da maioria dos outros inimigos e chefões.
As serpes não seguirão os jogadores no subsolo. Elas irão na direção oposta se os jogadores forem abaixo da superfície.
As with any multi-segmented enemy, piercing and explosive weapons can strike multiple segments at once, dealing several times their normal damage.
Using a bow or repeater with Jester's Arrows or Holy Arrows is a good way to kill a Wyvern.
As of, thrown-type flails like the Blue Moon or Sunfury are highly effective against Wyverns and can kill them in a single, well aimed hit in normal mode. The Sunfury can inflict On Fire! to multiple segments, dealing large damage with few hits.
Other useful items for killing Wyverns and other worms are the Shotgun or Detonador de Ônix (with Exploding Bullets), the Nimbus Rod, and the Cabeça da Medusa.
The Drenagem da Vida, obtained from Mímico de Carmim, is also a very powerful choice, as it can absorb life from many segments at once.
Dodging a Wyvern is crucial, as it is capable of inflicting significant damage.
It is easier to fight a Wyvern at higher altitudes in Space, as the low gravity helps to dodge its attacks.
Engaging a Wyvern with a Gravitation Potion in Space and allowing themselves to free-fall while moving horizontally can put the player at almost the same speed as the Wyvern. With adequate movement speed buffs it is possible to match or even outpace it, and while the Wyvern is tailing the player, attacking it with piercing weapons such as the Golden Shower can make short work of it, even in Modo Perito or Modo Mestre.
Wyverns can be hard to kill in early Hardmode, so it is recommended to stay away from them until better armor and piercing weapons can be obtained.
Minecarts and the Unicorn Mount are both faster than a Wyvern.
The head of a Wyvern has lower defense than its tail or body segments, making it more vulnerable to damage as it charges the player. However, the head also deals twice the damage as the rest of the body on contact, making it risky to face a Wyvern head on.
Although the name wyvern refers to a type of Western dragon depicted as having two wings and two hind legs, but no arms or forelegs, Terrarian Wyverns are shaped after Chinese dragons in Chinese folklore.
The Angler mentions in a quest that Wyverns are born and raised as tadpoles called Cauda de Serpe.
Wyverns take knockback, while Arch Wyverns do not.
The Wyvern strongly resembles Haku's dragon form from the 2001 Japanese animated coming-of-age fantasy movie Spirited Away (image).
According to the Collector's Edition trading card, Wyverns are capable of speaking and were once kind, but the Corruption has made them aggressive.
Once Hardmode begins, a Wyvern can sometimes be seen flying in the background as ambience.
A cloud in the shape of a Wyvern can also appear in the background.
The paintingO Guardião do Céu, sold by the Painter, depicts a Wyvern.
According to their Bestiary entry, the Dragão Fantasma are souls of Wyverns summoned with powerful magic.
O registro no Bestiário para o Serpe é: "Uma criatura dracônica colossal liberta juntamente com os espíritos antigos. Domina os céus com seu poder sem igual."
Animation of a Wyvern flying in the background.
Wyvern-shaped cloud seen in the background.
Wyvern and Pixie displayed on the Official Terraria Forums (Hallowed style).