Terraria Wiki

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Terraria Wiki
Terraria Wiki
PC versionConsole versionMobile versiontModLoader versiontModLoader 1
PC/Console/Mobile/tModLoader/tModLoader 1.3-Legacy-Only Content: This information applies only to the PC, Console, Mobile, tModLoader, and tModLoader Legacy versions of Terraria.
The patch notes listed below pertain to the Desktop only Desktop version.
Added items are likely included in Console version Console version and Mobile version Mobile version as well. Bug fixes for Console and Mobile can be found in Console history and Mobile history, respectively.

The patch was primarily focused on bug fixes.

New Additions[]

  • All of the DD2 defenses can now have Modifiers!

Bug Fixes[]

  • Hopefully fixed chat not properly blocking player movement and misc functions
  • Fixed smart-cursor not placing pumpkin seeds properly
  • Fixed certain melee weapons causing frame-drops when used at (very) far distance from hittable targets
  • Fixed Betsy's Wings emitting faint amount of lights when descending (this was not ever intended)
  • Fixed Pumpkin seeds not being placeable on each other (by cutting the old one first)
  • Fixed filterPriorityThreshold config setting resetting in every future update (sorry!)
  • Fixed self-harming exploit when using the Eternia Crystal Stand at certain heights acting inconsistently
  • Fixed two exploits
  • Fixed Luminite Bullets emitting lights through town npcs as they travel
  • Fixed Love & Stink Potions not properly applying to other players in multiplayer
  • Fixed rare case of magic weapons hitting enemies for melee damage if you stand directly on the enemy...
  • Fixed "Skeletron has awoken" being "Skeleton has awoken!" when summoned
  • Fixed Sand Slimes not appearing in singleplayer and hazardously desyncing in multiplayer
  • Fixed a certain Linux/Mac server crash
  • Fixed tier 3 of the Old One's Army not having proper Eternia Crystal health assignments.

Patched entities

