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Terraria Wiki


加益狀態可以好輕鬆咁用快捷鍵(預設係喺電腦上面嘅B)啟用,當依個快捷鍵暗咗落去嘅時候,玩家身上所有未被啟用嘅取得加益消耗品都會被啟用(由最左上角嘅開始)。每一個玩家身上限制阻只可以有22種(Nintendo 3DS版10種)唔同嘅加益狀態或者減益狀態同時存在,當超過咗嘅時候,最左邊嘅狀態就會被解除嚟讓個位畀嗰個新加入去嘅狀態。大部分嘅加益狀態都可以用右鍵點擊對應嘅標誌嚟提早解除,雖然嗰啲因為接近咗某啲物品而得到嘅狀態要係遠離嗰件物品嘅範圍先可以解除(可以睇下下面嘅Environmental)。

啟用咗嘅加益狀態係綁定係角色身上面,當角色轉移伺服器或者轉移世界嘅時候都會保留。除咗嗰啲由藥樽攞到嘅加益狀態之外,其他嘅都會喺玩家死亡嘅時候解除。不過喺舊代電子遊戲機版 舊代電子遊戲機版Windows Phone version Windows Phone versionNintendo 3DSNintendo 3DS版入面,由藥樽攞到嘅加益狀態都會隨著玩家嘅死亡解除。



圖示 名稱 來源 效果 工具提示 持續時間

慳彈 慳彈 慳彈藥水慳彈藥水 任何嘅彈藥都有20%機率唔被消耗。 20%機率唔消耗彈藥 8 分鐘

箭術 箭術 箭術藥水箭術藥水 提升20%弓箭傷害及速度。 10% increased bow damage and 20% increased arrow speed 8 分鐘

引敵 引敵 引敵藥水引敵藥水 提升50%敵怪同埋小動物嘅生成機率。 Increased enemy spawn rate 7 分鐘

起樓 起樓 起樓藥水起樓藥水 提升25%放置速度同埋延伸一個圖格嘅放置範圍。 Increased placement speed and range 45 分鐘

鎮敵 鎮敵 鎮敵藥水鎮敵藥水 減少17%敵怪生成率。 Decreased enemy spawn rate 12 分鐘

板箱 板箱 板箱藥水板箱藥水 將釣到板箱嘅機率變成兩倍。 Greater chance of fishing up a crate 4 分鐘

危機感知 危機感知 危機感知藥水危機感知藥水 標記出危險方塊或者好似陷阱咁嘅物件。 You can see nearby hazards 10 分鐘

堅勁 堅勁 堅勁藥水堅勁藥水 受到嘅傷害全部減10%。 10% reduced damage 4 分鐘

山珍海味食到滯 山珍海味食到滯 一啲嘢食類物品 超提升某啲基礎數值,例如傷害,防禦之類。 Major improvements to all stats
Major improvements to all stats and increased life regeneration
4-48 分鐘

飄羽 飄羽 飄羽藥水飄羽藥水 攞到玩家墜落速度嘅控制權同埋令墜落傷害無效。 Press UP or DOWN to control speed of descent 10 分鐘

釣魚 釣魚 釣能藥水釣能藥水 提升漁力值 Increased fishing power 8 分鐘

腳蹼 腳蹼 腳蹼藥水腳蹼藥水 令液體唔會減慢移動速度。 Move like normal in water 8 分鐘

魚鰓 魚鰓 魚鰓藥水魚鰓藥水 令玩家可以喺水底呼吸而唔會浸親。 Breathe water instead of air 4 分鐘

重力控制 重力控制 重力控制藥水重力控制藥水 令玩家可以用▲上嚟倒轉重力方向。 Press UP to reverse gravity 3 分鐘

執心 執心 執心藥水執心藥水 增加生命之心嘅執拾距離。 Increased heart pickup range 8 分鐘

狩獵者 狩獵者 狩獵藥水狩獵藥水 標記喺螢幕上顯示嘅所有敵怪 Shows the location of enemies 8 分鐘

醉咗 醉咗 斐神啤酒斐神啤酒 受到同埋造成嘅全部傷害減半。 減輕玩家受到嘅傷害但係同時減少玩家可以造成嘅傷害。 30秒

冰獄環火 冰獄環火 冰獄環火藥水冰獄環火藥水 喺玩家周圍召喚出一個會造成傷害嘅火環。 Nearby enemies are ignited 4 分鐘

隱形 隱形 隱形藥水隱形藥水 令到玩家隱形。 Grants invisibility 3 分鐘

鐵甲 鐵甲 鐵甲藥水鐵甲藥水 增加8點防禦 Increase defense by 8 8 分鐘

生命源力 生命源力 生命源力藥水生命源力藥水 提升20%最大生命值。 20% increased max life 8 分鐘

幸運 幸運 稀白運氣藥水稀白運氣藥水
提升玩家幸運值。 You are feeling pretty lucky 5 分鐘
10 分鐘
15 分鐘

魔能 魔能 魔能藥水魔能藥水 提升20%魔法傷害。 20% increased magic damage 4 分鐘

回魔 回魔 回魔藥水回魔藥水 提升回魔速度。 Increased mana regeneration 8 分鐘

挖掘 挖掘 挖掘藥水挖掘藥水 提升挖掘速度。 25% increased mining speed 10 分鐘

夜梟 夜梟 夜梟藥水夜梟藥水 提升玩家夜視能力同埋增加所有光源嘅半徑。 Increased night vision 10 分鐘

曜甲 曜甲 曜甲藥水曜甲藥水 令玩家攞到對熔岩嘅免疫效果。 無視熔岩傷害 6 分鐘

都幾滿足 都幾滿足 一啲嘢食類物品 中提升某啲基礎數值,例如傷害,防禦之類。 Medium improvements to all stats
Medium improvements to all stats and increased life regeneration

狂暴 狂暴 狂暴藥水狂暴藥水 提升10%暴擊機率。 10% increased critical chance 4 分鐘

回復 回復 回復藥水回復藥水 增加每秒兩點生命回復速度。 Provides life regeneration 8 分鐘

發光 發光 發光藥水發光藥水 令玩家發光。 Emitting light 10 分鐘

聲納 聲納 聲納藥水聲納藥水 當釣魚時顯示漁獲名稱。 You can see what's biting your hook 8 分鐘

尋寶嗅覺 尋寶嗅覺 尋寶藥水尋寶藥水 標記出所有礦物同埋其他寶藏。 Shows the location of treasure and ore 5 分鐘

多重召喚 多重召喚 多重召喚藥物多重召喚藥物 提升一隻最大從屬數量。 Increased max number of minions 8 分鐘

敏捷 敏捷 敏捷藥水敏捷藥水 提升25%移動速度。 25% increased movement speed 8 分鐘

尖刺 尖刺 尖刺藥水尖刺藥水 當敵人用近戰攻擊玩家嘅時候,會受到少量傷害。 Attackers also take damage 8 分鐘

瘟瘟沌沌 瘟瘟沌沌 艾爾啤酒艾爾啤酒
玩家減4點防禦,從而攞到喺近戰攻擊嘅時候+2%暴擊同埋+10%近戰攻擊速度同埋傷害。[1] Increased melee abilities, lowered defense 2 分鐘
4 分鐘

泰坦 泰坦 泰坦藥水泰坦藥水 提升所有武器嘅擊退。 Increased knockback 8 分鐘

保暖 保暖 保暖藥水保暖藥水 減少從寒系敵怪嘅傷害。 Reduced damage from cold sources 15 分鐘

水上漂 水上漂 水上漂藥水水上漂藥水 允許玩家喺液體上面行。撳▼下就可以令玩家跌落液體入面。 Press DOWN to enter water 10 分鐘

忿怒 忿怒 忿怒藥水忿怒藥水 增加10%武器造成嘅傷害。 10% increased damage 4 分鐘

食飽咗 食飽咗 一啲嘢食類物品 提升某啲基礎數值,例如傷害,防禦之類。 Minor improvements to all stats
Minor improvements to all stats and increased life regeneration

武器賦能—派對彩紙 武器賦能—派對彩紙 派對彩紙樽派對彩紙樽 近戰攻擊會產生一堆彩紙。 Melee attacks cause confetti to appear 20 分鐘

武器賦能—咒焰 武器賦能—咒焰 咒焰樽咒焰樽 近戰攻擊會對敵怪造成魔呪焰嘅減益狀態。 Melee attacks inflict enemies with cursed flames 20 分鐘

武器賦能—火焰 武器賦能—火焰 火焰樽火焰樽 近戰攻擊會對敵怪造成着火啦!嘅減益狀態。 Melee attacks set enemies on fire 20 分鐘

武器賦能—斂財 武器賦能—斂財 斂財金樽斂財金樽 近戰攻擊會對敵怪造成金銀銅化嘅減益狀態。 Melee attacks make enemies drop more gold 20 分鐘

武器賦能—破靈 武器賦能—破靈 破靈血樽破靈血樽 近戰攻擊會對敵怪造成破靈(減益狀態)}嘅減益狀態。 Melee attacks decrease enemies defense 20 分鐘

武器賦能—納米機械 武器賦能—納米機械 納米機械樽納米機械樽 近戰攻擊會對敵怪造成混亂嘅減益狀態。 Melee attacks confuse enemies 20 分鐘

武器賦能—毒藥 武器賦能—毒藥 毒藥樽毒藥樽 近戰攻擊會對敵怪造成中毒嘅減益狀態。 Melee attacks poison enemies 20 分鐘

武器賦能—酸毒 武器賦能—酸毒 酸毒樽酸毒樽 近戰攻擊會對敵怪造成酸毒嘅減益狀態。 Melee attacks inflict acid venom on your targets 20 分鐘



Icon 名稱 來源 效果 工具提示 持續時間

甲蟲堅勁 甲蟲堅勁 著曬全套甲蟲裝甲加埋甲蟲殼甲甲蟲殼甲 減少15%/30%/45%所有受到嘅傷害。 Damage taken reduced by 15%
Damage taken reduced by 30%
Damage taken reduced by 45%

甲蟲意志 甲蟲意志 當著住全套甲蟲裝甲加埋甲蟲胸甲甲蟲胸甲嘅時候對敵怪造成傷害。 增加10%/20%/30%近戰攻擊傷害同埋速度。 Melee damage and speed increase by 10%
Melee damage and speed increase by 20%
Melee damage and speed increase by 30%

增傷星雲 增傷星雲 著曬全套星雲裝甲嘅時候攻擊敵怪。 增加15%/30%/45%玩家所造成嘅傷害。 15% increased damage
30% increased damage
45% increased damage

烈韌祝福 烈韌祝福 烈韌鞭劍烈韌鞭劍劈敵人。 增加35%近戰速度。 Whip speed is increased 3秒

收穫時間 收穫時間 闇黑收割者闇黑收割者劈敵人。 增加50%近戰速度。 Whip speed is increased 3秒

神聖保護 神聖保護 著住全套聖潔裝甲去劈敵人。 令玩家避過敵怪下一次嘅攻擊。 You will dodge the next attack 30 秒 (或者直至劈中目標)

寒冰障壁 寒冰障壁 冰封龜殼冰封龜殼 得到25%傷害減免 / 30 防禦 [2] Damage taken is reduced by 25% 當生命值低過50% / 25% 嘅時候

叢林之怒 叢林之怒 破碎荊棘鞭破碎荊棘鞭劈敵人。 增加20%近戰速度。 Whip speed is increased 3 秒

噬命法杖 噬命法杖 噬命法杖噬命法杖 增加生命回復速度。 Increased life regeneration 當攻擊緊一個唔免疫依個減益狀態嘅敵怪嘅時候。

生命星雲 生命星雲 當著住全套星雲裝甲嘅時候攻擊敵怪。 增加每秒5/10/15嘅生命回復。 Increased life regeneration
Increased life regeneration
Increased life regeneration

回魔星雲 回魔星雲 當著住全套星雲裝甲嘅時候攻擊敵怪。 提升回魔 Increased mana regeneration
Increased mana regeneration
Increased mana regeneration

鮫人化 鮫人化 涅普頓之殼涅普頓之殼 / 弦月殼弦月殼 / 諸天星殼諸天星殼 當玩家跳落水入面嘅時候鮫人化,令玩家可以喺水入面有無限嘅肺活量同增加游水能力。 Can breathe and move easily underwater 喺水入面嘅時候

驚到走夾唔抖 驚到走夾唔抖 當裝備緊恐慌頸鏈恐慌頸鏈或者甜心頸鏈甜心頸鏈嘅時候被攻擊。 增加50%移動速度。 Movement speed is increased 5秒

快速回血 快速回血 當著住全套鈀金裝甲嘅時候攻擊咗敵怪。 一段時間內回復15生命值。 Life regeneration is greatly increased 5秒

鈦金障壁 鈦金障壁 當著住全套鈦金裝甲嘅時候攻擊咗敵怪。 鈦金碎片會生成而且圍繞著玩家旋轉,對接近嘅敵怪造成傷害。 Defensive shards surround you 10秒

耀陽閃耀 耀陽閃耀 當著住全套耀陽裝甲而又冇受到傷害嘅時候,充能值最大為三。 減少30%全部受到嘅傷害。得到消耗充能值而進行衝刺嘅能力,受到傷害嘅時候亦都會消耗一格充能值。 Damage taken reduced by 30%, repel enemies when taking damage 無限,直至受到三次傷害

星痕護衛 星痕護衛 著住全套星痕裝甲 整一隻跟住玩家嘅星痕護衛。 The stardust guardian will protect you 無限

必殺一刻 必殺一刻 烈獄之痕烈獄之痕同埋盾一齊用或者裝備合眾中士盾合眾中士盾 下一次嘅近戰攻擊傷害乘以五倍。 400% increased damage for next melee strike 5秒 (或者直至近戰攻擊擊中目標)

狼人化 狼人化 弦月護符弦月護符 / 弦月殼弦月殼 / 諸天星殼諸天星殼 提升物理屬性嘅能力,亦都會畀玩家一個狼人嘅裝扮。 Physical abilities are increased 夜晚嘅時候



Icon Name Source Effect Tooltip Duration

彈藥箱 彈藥箱 彈藥箱彈藥箱 20%機率唔消耗Ammo。 20% chance to save ammo 10分鐘

魔力激發 魔力激發 激魔臺激魔臺 增加最大從屬數1。 Increased max number of minions 10分鐘

耳目清明 耳目清明 水晶球水晶球 得到以下嘅魔法增益:+20最大魔力值,+5%魔法傷害,+2%魔法攻擊暴擊機率,-2%魔力使用。 Magic powers are increased 10分鐘

刀光劍影 刀光劍影 磨刀臺磨刀臺 增加12近戰武器裝甲穿透值。 Melee weapons have armor penetration 10分鐘

血糖激升 血糖激升 一件蛋糕一件蛋糕 提升20%玩家移動同埋挖掘速度。 20% increased movement and mining speed 2分鐘


呢一類加益狀態係當玩家喺一啲放咗喺度嘅傢俬,方塊或者NPCs嘅範圍嘅時候提供嘅,敵怪旗幟同埋例如和藹蠟燭,笑哈哈呢一類嘅背景效果,都有由物件中心出發170×125 / 100×84 圖格面積嘅效果範圍。由於唔可以通過右鍵取消效果,要整走呢一啲加益狀態唯一嘅方法就係離開嗰個區域(除咗甜甜嘅蜜糖)。

Icon Name Source Effect Tooltip Duration

暖笠笠嘅火堆 暖笠笠嘅火堆 Campfire營火 or 壁爐壁爐 Increases life regeneration by 0.5 HP/s, and multiplies current healing rate by 1.1. Life regen is slightly increased Infinite while in the vicinity of a Campfire or Fireplace

樹精嘅祝福 樹精嘅祝福 樹精樹精 Increases the player's defense by 8 and increases life regeneration by 3 HP/s. The power of nature protects you Infinite while inside the Dryad's leaf barrier

笑哈哈 笑哈哈 太陽花太陽花 Increases movement speed by 10% and reduces enemy spawns by 17%. Movement speed increased and monster spawns reduced Infinite while in the vicinity of a Sunflower

生命之燈 生命之燈 生命燈籠生命燈籠 Increases life regeneration by 1 HP/s. Life regen is increased Infinite while in the vicinity of a Heart Lantern

蜜糖 蜜糖 蜜糖蜜糖 Increases life regeneration by 1 HP/s and multiplies natural regeneration by 3. Life regeneration is increased Infinite while in honey, 30 seconds after stepping out of the honey

和藹蠟燭 和藹蠟燭 和藹蠟燭和藹蠟燭 Decreases enemy spawn rate by 23%, and maximum enemies on-screen by 30%. Decreased monster spawn rate Infinite while in the vicinity of a Peace Candle

星塵之瓶 星塵之瓶 星塵之瓶星塵之瓶 Increases mana regeneration by about 2 MP/s. Increased mana regeneration Infinite while in the vicinity of a Star in a Bottle

芭絲特嘅守護 芭絲特嘅守護 芭絲特雕像芭絲特雕像 Defense is increased by 5. Defense is increased by 5 Infinite while in the vicinity of a Bast Statue


Aside from the normal buffs, some buffs provide you with a minion. Unlike other buffs, they last until the player dies, cancels the buff, or leaves the current world.

Icon Name Source Item Tooltip Buff Tooltip Duration

Baby Slime Baby Slime 史萊姆召喚杖史萊姆召喚杖 Summons a baby slime to fight for you The baby slime will fight for you infinite

Baby Finch Baby Finch 燕雀召喚杖燕雀召喚杖 Summons a baby finch to fight for you The baby finch will fight for you infinite

Hornet Hornet 虎頭蜂召喚杖虎頭蜂召喚杖 Summons a hornet to fight for you The hornet will fight for you infinite

Imp Imp 小惡魔召喚杖小惡魔召喚杖 Summons an imp to fight for you The imp will fight for you infinite

Spider Spider 蜘蛛召喚杖蜘蛛召喚杖 Summons spiders to fight for you The spider will fight for you infinite

Twins Twins 魔眼召喚杖魔眼召喚杖 Summons twins to fight for you The twins will fight for you infinite

海盜 海盜 海盜召喚杖海盜召喚杖 Summons pirates to fight for you The pirate will fight for you infinite

Pygmies Pygmies 俾格米召喚杖俾格米召喚杖 Summons a Pygmy to fight for you The pygmies will fight for you infinite

UFO UFO 異域召喚杖異域召喚杖 Summons a UFO to fight for you The UFO will fight for you infinite

Ravens Ravens 烏鴉召喚杖烏鴉召喚杖 Summons a raven to fight for you The ravens will attack your enemies infinite

Sharknado Sharknado 暴風召喚杖暴風召喚杖 Summons sharknados to fight for you The sharknado will fight for you infinite

泰拉之稜 泰拉之稜 泰拉之稜泰拉之稜 Summons an Enchanted Sword to fight for you The Blades of the Empress will fight for you infinite

Deadly Sphere Deadly Sphere 攞命波召喚杖攞命波召喚杖 Summons a deadly sphere to fight for you The Deadly Sphere will fight for you infinite

Stardust Dragon Stardust Dragon 星痕飛龍召喚杖星痕飛龍召喚杖 Summons a stardust dragon to fight for you
'Who needs a horde of minions when you have a giant dragon?'
The stardust dragon will protect you infinite

Stardust Cell Stardust Cell 星痕細胞召喚杖星痕細胞召喚杖 Summons a stardust cell to fight for you
'Cultivate the most beautiful cellular infection'
The stardust cell will fight for you infinite


Icon Name Source Item Tooltip Buff Tooltip Duration

Slime Mount Slime Mount Slimy SaddleSlimy Saddle Summons a rideable Slime mount BOOOIIINNNG! infinite

Bee Mount Bee Mount Honeyed GogglesHoneyed Goggles Summons a rideable Bee mount BzzzBzzBZZZZBzzz infinite

Turtle Mount Turtle Mount Hardy SaddleHardy Saddle Summons a rideable Turtle mount Slow if by land, zoom if by sea infinite

Bunny Mount Bunny Mount Fuzzy CarrotFuzzy Carrot Summons a rideable Bunny mount You are craving carrots infinite

Pogo Stick Mount Pogo Stick Mount Pogo StickPogo Stick Summons a rideable pogo stick mount
Press Jump again in mid-air to do tricks!
Kss-shik! Kss-shik! Kss-shik! infinite

Golf Cart Golf Cart Golf Cart KeysGolf Cart Keys Summons a rideable Golf Cart mount A fair way to cross the fairway infinite

Flamingo Flamingo Mollusk WhistleMollusk Whistle Summons a rideable flamingo mount Flamingogogo infinite

Painted Horse Mount Painted Horse Mount Dusty Rawhide SaddleDusty Rawhide Saddle Summons a rideable painted horse mount Riding a Painted Horse infinite

Majestic Horse Mount Majestic Horse Mount Royal Gilded SaddleRoyal Gilded Saddle Summons a rideable white horse mount Riding a Majestic Horse infinite

Dark Horse Mount Dark Horse Mount Black Studded SaddleBlack Studded Saddle Summons a rideable dark horse mount Riding a Dark Horse infinite

Book Mount Book Mount Dark Mage's TomeDark Mage's Tome Summons a magic tome mount
'A book said to be at its holder's behest.'
The Book is now helping in your guidance infinite

Lava Shark Mount Lava Shark Mount Superheated BloodSuperheated Blood Summons a rideable lava shark mount
'Bloody hell!'
Surfing the molten seas! infinite

Goat Mount Goat Mount Goat SkullGoat Skull Summons a rideable death goat mount
This ride is totally metal! infinite

Basilisk Mount Basilisk Mount Ancient HornAncient Horn Summons a rideable basilisk mount Crash into anyone... and EVERYONE! infinite

Unicorn Mount Unicorn Mount Blessed AppleBlessed Apple Summons a rideable unicorn mount Charge ahead... fabulously! infinite

Pigron Mount Pigron Mount Scaly TruffleScaly Truffle Summons a rideable Pigron mount Now you see me... infinite

Pirate Ship Mount Pirate Ship Mount The Black SpotThe Black Spot Summons the Black Spot mount
'Arrr! This be mutiny!'
You're the captain now infinite

Winged Slime Mount Winged Slime Mount Gelatinous PillionGelatinous Pillion Summons a rideable Winged Slime mount BOING FLAP BOING! infinite

Tree Mount Tree Mount Hexxed BranchHexxed Branch Summons a rideable tree mount
'A wand crafted from the branch of a cursed tree.'
Run, forest, run! infinite

Santank Mount Santank Mount Toy TankToy Tank Summons a rideable Santank mount
'For the REALLY naughty ones.'
Crossing off the naughty list... infinite

Rudolph Rudolph Reindeer BellsReindeer Bells Summons a rideable reindeer Riding the red nosed reindeer infinite

Scutlix Mount Scutlix Mount Brain Scrambler (item)Brain Scrambler (item) Summons a rideable Scutlix mount Pew Pew infinite

UFO Mount UFO Mount Cosmic Car KeyCosmic Car Key Summons a rideable UFO mount It's a good thing you had a MAC infinite

Witch's Broom Witch's Broom Witch's BroomWitch's Broom 'Grants a witching spark of inspiration!' It flies! WITCHCRAFT! infinite

得意豬龍魚坐騎 得意豬龍魚坐騎 鮮蝦松露鮮蝦松露 Attracts a legendary creature which flourishes in water & combat Just don't make it crawl. infinite

Drill Mount Drill Mount Drill Containment UnitDrill Containment Unit Summons a rideable Drill mount
<left> to mine blocks, Right click to mine walls
Riding in a flying drill infinite


  • A known issue with buffs & debuffs alike is visually minor but the duration timer will start one minute ahead of its intended countdown meaning once the buff/debuff reaches 2 minutes it will wait one minute extra before it counts completely by 1 minute in one second & down to seconds in another.
    • This has no major impact on gameplay & is purely visual.


Achievement Be Prepared
有備無患 • 「你已經做好戰鬥準備!」
Achievement The Cavalry
騎士道 • 「裝備一隻坐騎。」
Category: Collector Collector
Achievement You and What Army?
你嗰隊咩軍隊話? • 「召喚同埋同時指揮九隻從屬。」
Category: Challenger Challenger


  • 減益狀態
  • 寵物


電腦版 電腦版
  • Desktop
    • Buff effects should now properly follow enemies affected by NPC smoothing.
    • Fixed a bug where buff order wasn't recalculated properly under certain circumstances, leaving empty spaces.
    • Fixed some buff icons having white space on them instead of transparency.
  • Desktop 1.3.2:Fixed extremely long-timed buffs not updating properly in Multiplayer.
  • Desktop bug where upon loading the player might sometimes have empty spaces between their buffs.
  • Desktop 1.0.6
    • Orb of Light buff introduced to replace the Orb of Light spell.
    • Well Fed buff added.
    • Many buff durations adjusted.
  • Desktop 1.0.5:Introduced. 18 buffs added.
電子遊戲機版 電子遊戲機版
Nintendo Switch Nintendo Switch版
  • Switch版1.0.711.6:Introduced.
手機版 手機版
  • Mobile active buffs increased from 10 to 22.
Nintendo 3DSNintendo 3DS版


  1. 雖然"瘟瘟沌沌"畀嘅效果總體嚟講都係好嘅,但係佢仍然被分類做減益狀態,所以唔可以通過右鍵嚟移除呢個效果,佢係依個表入面嘅原因係因為佢睇落可以分類做加益狀態或者減益狀態都得。
  2. These buffs are automatically applied by an equipped accessory under specific conditions. They cannot be cancelled by right-click, but by removing the accessory.

