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Terraria Wiki
Chlorophyte Bar
  • Chlorophyte Bar item spriteold Chlorophyte Bar item sprite
  • Chlorophyte Bar placed
Placeable✔️ (1 wide × 1 high)
Use time15 (Very fast)
TooltipReacts to the light
Max stack9999 / 999 tModLoader version / 99
RarityRarity level: 7
Research25 required

Chlorophyte Bars are a type of Hardmode bars that are crafted from 5 / 6 Chlorophyte Ores, an ore which can be found in the Underground Jungle and mined once all three mechanical bosses have been defeated.

Crafting all items that require Chlorophyte would use a total of 701 / 675 / 544 / Nintendo 3DS version 476 Chlorophyte Bars or 3505 / 4050 / 3264 / Nintendo 3DS version 2856 Chlorophyte Ore. Excluding Spectre and Shroomite items and Chlorophyte ammo, crafting all equipment requires 366 / 342 / 302 / 288 bars or 1830 / 2052 / 1812 / Nintendo 3DS version 1728 ore.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Old-gen console versionWindows Phone versionNintendo 3DS versiontModLoader 1 only:
Chlorophyte BarChlorophyte Bar
Adamantite ForgeAdamantite Forge
Titanium ForgeTitanium Forge
PC versionConsole versionMobile versiontModLoader version only:
Chlorophyte BarChlorophyte Bar

Used in[]

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Spectre BarSpectre Bar
Adamantite ForgeAdamantite Forge
Titanium ForgeTitanium Forge
Shroomite BarShroomite Bar
PC versionConsole versionMobile versiontModLoader versiontModLoader 1 only:
Chlorophyte ArrowChlorophyte Arrow
  • Chlorophyte BarChlorophyte Bar
Mythril AnvilMythril Anvil
Orichalcum AnvilOrichalcum Anvil
Old-gen console versionWindows Phone versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Chlorophyte ArrowChlorophyte Arrow
  • Chlorophyte BarChlorophyte Bar
Old-gen console versionWindows Phone versionNintendo 3DS versiontModLoader 1 only:
Chlorophyte BulletChlorophyte Bullet
PC versionConsole versionMobile versiontModLoader version only:
Chlorophyte BulletChlorophyte Bullet
Chlorophyte ChainsawChlorophyte Chainsaw
  • Chlorophyte BarChlorophyte Bar18
Chlorophyte ClaymoreChlorophyte Claymore
  • Chlorophyte BarChlorophyte Bar12
Chlorophyte DrillChlorophyte Drill
  • Chlorophyte BarChlorophyte Bar18
Chlorophyte ExtractinatorChlorophyte Extractinator
Chlorophyte GreataxeChlorophyte Greataxe
  • Chlorophyte BarChlorophyte Bar18
Chlorophyte GreavesChlorophyte Greaves
  • Chlorophyte BarChlorophyte Bar18
Chlorophyte HeadgearChlorophyte Headgear
  • Chlorophyte BarChlorophyte Bar12
Chlorophyte HelmetChlorophyte Helmet
  • Chlorophyte BarChlorophyte Bar12
Chlorophyte JackhammerChlorophyte Jackhammer
  • Chlorophyte BarChlorophyte Bar18
Chlorophyte MaskChlorophyte Mask
  • Chlorophyte BarChlorophyte Bar12
Chlorophyte PartisanChlorophyte Partisan
  • Chlorophyte BarChlorophyte Bar12
Chlorophyte PickaxeChlorophyte Pickaxe
  • Chlorophyte BarChlorophyte Bar18
Chlorophyte Plate MailChlorophyte Plate Mail
  • Chlorophyte BarChlorophyte Bar24
Chlorophyte SaberChlorophyte Saber
  • Chlorophyte BarChlorophyte Bar12
Chlorophyte ShotbowChlorophyte Shotbow
  • Chlorophyte BarChlorophyte Bar12
Chlorophyte WarhammerChlorophyte Warhammer
  • Chlorophyte BarChlorophyte Bar18
Drill Containment UnitDrill Containment Unit
Old-gen console versionWindows Phone versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Spectre HamaxeSpectre Hamaxe
Old-gen console versionWindows Phone versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Spectre HoodSpectre Hood
Old-gen console versionWindows Phone version only:
Spectre MaskSpectre Mask
Old-gen console versionWindows Phone version only:
Spectre Paint RollerSpectre Paint Roller
Old-gen console versionWindows Phone version only:
Spectre Paint ScraperSpectre Paint Scraper
Old-gen console versionWindows Phone version only:
Spectre PaintbrushSpectre Paintbrush
Old-gen console versionWindows Phone versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Spectre PantsSpectre Pants
Old-gen console versionWindows Phone versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Spectre PickaxeSpectre Pickaxe
Old-gen console versionWindows Phone versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Spectre RobeSpectre Robe
PC versionConsole versionMobile versiontModLoader version only:
True ExcaliburTrue Excalibur
Turtle HelmetTurtle Helmet
Turtle LeggingsTurtle Leggings
Turtle Scale MailTurtle Scale Mail
Venom StaffVenom Staff


  • Chlorophyte Bars will sparkle when exposed to a light source, as hinted at by the item's tooltip.
  • Chlorophyte Bars do not share their ore counterpart's ability to spread to adjacent blocks.


  • Selling the bar rather than the ore yields 15 / 54 / 87 more than the components per bar.


  • The name Chlorophyte is derived from chlorophyll, the color pigment responsible for photosynthesis, plus the common rock suffix -ite.
  • The suffix -phyte also signifies a relation to organic or plant matter.
  • Chlorophyta is a division of green algae, informally called chlorophytes.
  • Despite not including this material in their recipes, visually, many weapons crafted with Chlorophyte have either handles or some other detail of a very similar color to Rich Mahogany, the wood of trees that grow in the Jungle biome—where Chlorophyte Ore also grows. This is presumably an intentional detail from the game artists.


  • Desktop Crafting requirements lowered from 6 Chlorophyte Ores to 5.
  • Desktop 1.2.1: Now used to craft the Spectre armor and equipment.