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Terraria Wiki
Terraria Wiki
PC versionConsole versionMobile versiontModLoader versiontModLoader 1
PC/Console/Mobile/tModLoader/tModLoader 1.3-Legacy-Only Content: This information applies only to the PC, Console, Mobile, tModLoader, and tModLoader Legacy versions of Terraria.
Conveyor Belt (Clockwise)
  • Conveyor Belt (Clockwise) item sprite
  • Conveyor Belt (Clockwise) placed
Stack digit 9Stack digit 9Stack digit 9Stack digit 9
Placeable✔️ (1 wide × 1 high)
Use time15 (Very fast)
RarityRarity level: 1
Research100 required
Conveyor Belt (Counter Clockwise)
  • Conveyor Belt (Counter Clockwise) item sprite
  • Conveyor Belt (Counter Clockwise) placed
Stack digit 9Stack digit 9Stack digit 9Stack digit 9
Placeable✔️ (1 wide × 1 high)
Use time15 (Very fast)
RarityRarity level: 1
Research100 required

Conveyor Belts (Clockwise and Counter Clockwise) are Hardmode blocks purchased from the Steampunker for 5 each. They have the unique ability to automatically move players, dropped items, placed Golf Balls and town NPCs (but not enemies or critters) in their respective direction upon contact.

Conveyor Belts will remain active from the moment they are placed. Although they do not require any Wire, they can be wired to reverse their direction (toggling between Clockwise and Counter Clockwise). Like most other blocks, they can be shaped into half-blocks and angled slopes using a hammer, allowing for diagonal movement.


  • Conveyor Belts move entities at approximately 12.3 mph. This can only be calculated with a Stopwatch while walking into solid objects.
  • Conveyor Belts can carry items through water and lava, provided the lava does not destroy the item. Conveyor Belts can also carry items unaffected by gravity (e.g. souls), but only if they happen to drop low enough to touch the belt.
  • Enemies can spawn on Conveyor Belts. The game will use the first non-Conveyor block downwards in a 30 block range when determining what type of enemy to spawn.
  • The underside of a Conveyor Belt will not move the player or items if the player has taken a Gravitation Potion or used a Gravity Globe.
  • Slimes are not affected by Conveyer Belts.


  • Conveyor Belts can be used to push town NPCs into traps.
  • Conveyor Belts can be used to create escalators and treadmills.
  • Since Wire costs as much as Conveyor Belts, it is more cost efficient (though less time efficient) to purchase Conveyor Belts instead of Teleporters, which must be connected with Wire (however, large amounts of Wire can be harvested from naturally occurring traps for the cost of nothing more than a single Wire Cutter).
  • A hoik could be preferable to Conveyor Belts in moving items or entities, as hoiks are faster and cheaper to use than conveyor belts. However, hoiks are more difficult to utilize as the player must know the correct techniques in building and using hoiks, as opposed to Conveyor Belts which are fundamentally easier to setup and understand. Hoiks can also only move entities in one direction at once without utilizing a more complicated setup, however the direction of conveyors can be easily toggled with Wire.
  • One could combine Conveyor Belts with an arena setup and effectively farm events with a high DPS magic weapon. First, the player would have to have a large amount of Conveyor Belts, an upwards diagonal escalator wherever it is they decide to stand. Then create a Mana Star farm which can continuously produce Mana Stars (thereby voiding the use of the Mana Flower and the Mana Sickness debuff). The player will also receive Mana Stars from the enemies to constantly supply them with ample amounts of mana. Next, prepare a full Mage load out, with Menacing or Lucky for accessory modifiers, and ideally Nebula armor. The weapon of choice is the Last Prism with a Demonic modifier. If such an arena is needed prior to the Moon Lord, one may find success with the Spectre armor (damage variable) (or highest tier Magic damage set available), and a high DPS, piercing, area-of-effect weapon, such as the Razorblade Typhoon or Nebula Arcanum.
  • A skybridge made of Conveyor Belts can be used to automatically farm Fallen Stars. Due to the Conveyor Belt's slow speed, not all stars will reach the end of the Conveyor Belt in time to be collected (especially on larger worlds). A Conveyor Belt spanning an entire large world and ending at the world center should collect about 60% of stars that fall on a given night.


  • Desktop
    • Fixed an issue where Minecart Tracks that ran directly into Conveyor Belts would cause the Minecart to derail.
    • Fixed an issue where Conveyor Belts overrode biome spawns.
    • Fixed an issue where Falling Stars would clip through Conveyor Belts and end up embedded inside blocks.