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Demon Eye
The Bestiary entry for the Demon Eye: "That suspicious feeling of being watched may very well come true in the dark of night, when Cthulhu's minions roam the skies."
- A pre-Hardmode enemy that spawns during a Blood Moon, and is implied to be formed by many Demon Eyes.
The Bestiary entry for the Drippler: "Demon eyes become erratic under a Blood Moon, sometimes twisting together into a dripping cluster of cursed blood and eyeballs."
Wandering Eye
- The Hardmode equivalent of the Demon Eye. It resembles the Eye of Cthulhu, and even changes to resemble its second stage when damaged sufficiently.
The Bestiary entry for the Wandering Eye: "That suspicious feeling of being watched may very well come true in the dark of night, when Cthulhu's minions roam the skies."
Wandering Eye Fish
- A pre-Hardmode enemy that can be fished during a Blood Moon. It is implied to be a hybrid of a wandering eye and a Flying Fish.
The Bestiary entry for the Wandering Eye Fish: "For mysterious reasons, fish are known to mutate with other living things or even man-made objects. This one is especially violent."
- Hardmode enemies, found outside the Dungeon post-Golem as 2 Lunatic Devotees and 2 Cultist Archers surrounding a Mysterious Tablet. Killing both Cultist Archers and both Lunatic Devotees will cause the Lunatic Cultist to spawn, causing a chain of events that culminate in fighting the Moon Lord.
– According to the official game lore, the Lunatic Cultist and their cult worship Cthulhu and wish to recreate/restore their master, forcing the Mechanic to create mechanical organs to replace the ones Cthulhu had ripped from his body.
Eye of Cthulhu
- One of the first bosses that will be faced by the player.
– According to the official game lore, it is one of the organs ripped out from Cthulhu when he was defeated.
The Bestiary entry for the Eye of Cthulhu: "A piece of Cthulhu ripped from his body centuries ago in a bloody war. It wanders the night seeking its host body... and revenge!"
Brain of Cthulhu
- The pre-Hardmode boss of The Crimson.
– According to the official game lore, while the Mechanic has almost finished recreating Cthulhu, his complete restoration would require a brain. The brain in question is the Brain of Cthulhu, one of the vital organs ripped off when he was defeated. Also, the lore claims that only chunks of the brain were ripped out, implying that the Brain of Cthulhu is one of the fragments of the actual unseen brain.
The Bestiary entry for the Brain of Cthulhu: "A piece of Cthulhu torn asunder, this vile mastermind pulses with agony and aids the Crimson in an attempt to avenge its master."
- The pre-Hardmode boss that guards the entrance to the Dungeon.
– According to the official game lore, Skeletron originally was a part of Cthulhu's skeleton that the Dryads ripped from him.
The Bestiary entry for the Skeletron: "The disembodied bones of a former tyrant pulsed with a hatred so strong, it left behind a mighty curse which guards the Dungeon."
Mechanical bosses
- Considered the final boss of the versions it appears in. It shares some resemblances to common depictions of Cthulhu, as well as to the Moon Lord.
- As Ocram was not created by Re-Logic, any possible ingame connections to Cthulhu are superficial at best.
Lunatic Cultist
- The penultimate boss of the game. Fought outside the dungeon in Hardmode after Golem and Skeletron are defeated. Defeating them triggers the Lunar Events, which culminate in fighting the Moon Lord.
– According to the official game lore, the Lunatic Cultist and their cult worshipped Cthulhu, and sought to restore/resurrect their master. To this end, they forced the Mechanic to forge the Mechanical Bosses as new mechanical organs for Cthulhu - however, as the mechanical brain was never completed before the events of the game, this plan never came to fruition (and may have been pointless anyway, if the Moon Lord - Cthulhu connection is true).
The Bestiary entry for the Lunatic Cultist: "A fanatical leader hell-bent on bringing about the apocalypse by reviving the great Cthulhu through behind-the-scenes scheming."
Lunar Events
- The final event in the game. Spawns 4 Celestial Pillars around the world, each one themed around a certain celestial phenomenon (Solar, Vortex, Stardust, and Nebula). Each one spawns enemies themed around it, and a certain number of these enemies must be killed for their respective Pillar to be attacked directly. Once all 4 Pillars fall, a one minute preparation period occurs, after which the Moon Lord spawns.
- All 4 Bestiary entries for the Celestial Pillars reference them being a seal for a 'terrifying tyrant'.
– According to the official game lore, the Celestial Pillars could have been used by the Dryads to seal Cthulhu on the moon, if the implied Moon Lord-Cthulhu connection is true.
Moon Lord
- The final boss in the game. It resembles common depictions of Cthulhu, and summons True Eyes of Cthulhu when its body parts are sufficiently damaged.
– The official game lore implies that the Moon Lord may actually be Cthulhu following his defeat. However, the Moon Lord's sprite has an intact brain, upper skeleton (as seen when it dies), and eyes, contradicting the damage the Dryads inflicted on Cthulhu. However, it may be possible that this is Cthulhu in the process of regenerating the damage they took.
The Bestiary entry for the Moon Lord: "The mastermind behind all terrors which befall the world, freed from his lunar prison. Practically a god, his power knows no limits."
Servant of Cthulhu
- A minion summoned by the Eye of Cthulhu.
The Bestiary entry for the Servant of Cthulhu: "Young Demon Eyes newly birthed from the Eye of Cthulhu, brought forth to protect their master by any means necessary."
- Floating eyeball minions that spawn alongside the Brain of Cthulhu, and orbit around it. Killing all of them is required for the Brain to enter its second phase.
The Bestiary entry for the Creeper: "Manipulated through the hive mind of the Crimson, Creepers serve as the brain's eyes and orbit around it for defense in numbers."
True Eye of Cthulhu
- An invincible enemy summoned by the Moon Lord.
Ancient Vision
- A minion summoned by the Lunatic Cultist. It resembles Cthulhu's head and is also reminiscent of the head of the Moon Lord.
Mysterious Tablet
- Found outside the Dungeon after Golem and Skeletron have been defeated. It appears similar to common depictions of Cthulhu.
- It is destroyed by the Lunatic Cultist at the start of its fight, and thus is tied to the Lunar Events that result in the Moon Lord bossfight.
Shield of Cthulhu
- An Expert Mode-exclusive item dropped by the Eye of Cthulhu. It resembles the second phase of the aforementioned boss.
Brain of Confusion
- An Expert Mode-exclusive item dropped by the Brain of Cthulhu. It resembles the second phase of the aforementioned boss.
Suspicious Looking Tentacle
- An Expert Mode-exclusive item dropped by the Moon Lord. When used, it summons the Suspicious Looking Eye light pet, which resembles the True Eye of Cthulhu minions summoned by the boss it drops from.
- The item name and pet name reference the Suspicious Looking Eye, a boss summoning item used to manually spawn the Eye of Cthulhu.
Piece of Moon Squid
- A Master Mode-exclusive item dropped by the Moon Lord. When used, it summons the Moonling pet, which resembles both the Moon Lord and common depictions of Cthulhu.
- The Moonling's buff tooltip, "A friend from beyond", references the H.P. Lovecraft short story "From Beyond", further entrenching its Lovecraftian connections.
The Fish of Cthulhu
- A quest item for the Angler. It resembles a Demon Eye.
The Eye of Cthulhu
Suspicious Looking Eye
- A boss summoning item crafted using 6 lenses at an altar. Using it during the night summons the Eye of Cthulhu.
- Its sprite is a perfect match of the appearance of a Servant of Cthulhu, only lacking the animation the latter possesses.
Bloody Spine
- A boss summoning item crafted using 15 vertebrae (
and 30 Vicious Powder). When used in The Crimson, it summons the Brain of Cthulhu.
– According to the official game lore, Cthulhu's spine was torn from his body; the Bloody Spine might be a replica of said spine, hence why it summons a portion of him.
Celestial Sigil
- A boss summoning item crafted using 12 of each type of Lunar Fragment, which are obtained by defeating the Celestial Pillars, at an Ancient Manipulator. Using it triggers a twelve second preparation period, after which the Moon Lord will be summoned.
- It resembles the Mysterious Tablet, as well as common depictions of Cthulhu.