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Grass enables many plants to grow on it, and covers most of the aboveground landscape. There are seven types of grass: Normal, Corrupt, Crimson, Mushroom, Jungle, Hallowed and Ash grass.

Natural grass types[]

Type Soil type Seeds Location Plants
Grass Grass
Internal Tile ID: 2
Dirt BlockDirt Grass Seeds Surface of Forests, Floating Islands Trees, Mushrooms, wild Grass, Dayblooms, Yellow Marigolds, Blue Berries
Corrupt grass Corrupt grass
Internal Tile ID: 23
Dirt BlockDirt Corrupt Seeds Surface of The Corruption Corrupt trees, Vile Mushrooms, wild Corrupt grass, Deathweed, Thorny bushes
Corrupt Jungle grass Corrupt Jungle grass
Internal Tile ID: 661
Mud BlockMud Corrupt Seeds Surface of The Corruption in Jungles Corrupt trees, Vile Mushrooms, wild Corrupt grass, Deathweed, Thorny bushes
Crimson grass Crimson grass
Internal Tile ID: 199
Dirt BlockDirt Crimson Seeds Surface of The Crimson Crimson trees, Vicious Mushrooms, wild Crimson grass, Deathweed, Thorny bushes
Crimson Jungle grass Crimson Jungle grass
Internal Tile ID: 662
Mud BlockMud Crimson Seeds Surface of The Crimson in Jungles Crimson trees, Vicious Mushrooms, wild Crimson grass, Deathweed, Thorny bushes
Mushroom grass Mushroom grass
Internal Tile ID: 70
Mud BlockMud Mushroom Grass Seeds Glowing Mushroom biome Glowing Mushrooms, Giant Glowing Mushrooms
Jungle grass Jungle grass
Internal Tile ID: 60
Mud BlockMud Jungle Grass Seeds Jungle, Underground Jungle Jungle trees, wild Jungle grass, Moonglow
Underground Jungle: Thorny bushes, Jungle Spores, Jungle Roses, Moonglows, Nature's Gifts
Hallowed grass Hallowed grass
Internal Tile ID: 109
Dirt BlockDirt Hallowed Seeds Surface of The Hallow Hallowed trees, Mushrooms, wild Hallowed grass, Dayblooms
Ash grass Ash grass
Internal Tile ID: 633
Ash BlockAsh Ash Grass Seeds The edges of the Underworld Ash Trees, wild Ash grass, Fireblossoms

Mowed grass types []

Type Soil type Source
Mowed grass Mowed grass
Internal Tile ID: 477
Dirt BlockDirt Lawn Mower used on grass
Mowed Hallowed grass Mowed Hallowed grass
Internal Tile ID: 492
Dirt BlockDirt Lawn Mower used on Hallowed grass

Wild Grasses and Plants[]

Image Grows On Notes
link= 472x20px Grass May drop Grasshoppers, Worms or their gold variants.
Corruption Plants Corrupt Grass Drops nothing. Contributes to Corruption biome tile count.
Short Crimson Plants Crimson Grass Drops nothing. Does not contribute to Crimson biome tile count.
Short Hallowed PlantsTall Hallowed flowers Hallowed Grass Drops nothing. Contributes to Hallowed biome tile count.
Short Jungle Plants
Tall Jungle Plants
Jungle Grass May drop Grubby, Sluggy, Buggy or Jungle Grass Seeds. Contributes to Jungle biome tile count.
Short Ash Plants Ash Grass May drop Ash Grass Seeds.


  • Normal grass spreads over Dirt Blocks. Above ground grass blocks will grow Mushroom, Daybloom, flowers, and weeds, all of which can be cut with any tool or weapon. If a grass block has room below it, vines will grow downward from it. Grass is necessary in order to plant trees, Pumpkins, and Sunflowers. Grass does not spread below 0 elevation, but can be placed in lower layers block by block using the Staff of Regrowth or Grass Seeds. This grass will not grow flowers and tall grass, and trees planted on it will never mature. Grass occurs naturally above ground, but it may also be planted by using Grass Seeds bought from the Dryad. It can also be mowed with a Lawn Mower.
  • Corrupt grass converts normal grass, and spreads over Dirt Blocks in lieu of normal grass. Above ground Corrupt grass can sprout Vile Mushrooms, Deathweed, corrupt flowers, and weeds, all of which can be cut with any tool or weapon. In addition, Corrupt thorns will grow from Corrupted grass in any direction, also spreading Corruption. Vines do not grow from Corrupt grass. Like normal grass, it does not spread below 0 elevation. This type of grass occurs naturally in the Corruption. It can be created with Corrupt Seeds, Clentaminator with Purple Solution, or Unholy Water. A large amount of Corrupt grass ( 300 / 200) will turn the area into a Corruption biome. In Hardmode, any grass growing on dirt can be converted into Corrupt grass if it is within three tiles of a Corrupt block (Corrupt grass, Ebonstone, Purple Ice, Ebonsand, Hardened Ebonsand). Corrupt grass will convert infectable blocks (grass, stone, ice, sand, hardened sand, sandstone) that are up to three tiles away into their Corrupt variants. This can result in grasses below 0 elevation converting into Corrupt grass. Corrupt grass can convert mud into dirt, unless the mud is covered by Mushroom grass; in this manner, it can convert Jungle grass. It also gives off particles.
  • Crimson grass converts normal grass, and spreads over Dirt Blocks in lieu of normal grass. Above ground Crimson grass can sprout Vicious Mushrooms, Deathweed, crimson flowers, and weeds, all of which can be cut with any tool or weapon. In addition, Crimson thorns will grow from Crimson grass in any direction, also spreading Crimson. If a Crimson grass block has room below it, Crimson vines will grow downward from it. Like normal grass, it does not spread below 0 elevation. This type of grass occurs naturally in the Crimson. It can be created with Crimson Seeds, Clentaminator with Red Solution, or Blood Water. A large amount of Crimson grass ( 300 / 200) will turn the area into a Crimson biome. In Hardmode, any grass growing on dirt can be converted into Crimson grass if it is within three tiles of a Crimson block (Crimson grass, Crimstone, Red Ice, Crimsand, Hardened Crimsand). Crimson grass will convert infectable blocks (grass, stone, ice, sand, hardened sand, sandstone) that are up to three tiles away into their Crimson variants. This can result in grasses below 0 elevation converting into Crimson grass. Crimson grass can convert mud into dirt, unless the mud is covered by Mushroom grass; in this manner, it can convert Jungle grass. Crimson vines can spread Crimson to any grass below.
Mushroom Grass Light Source example

The light provided from Mushroom grass.

  • Mushroom grass spreads over Mud Blocks and will grow Glowing Mushrooms and Giant Glowing Mushrooms and can be found underground at a depth of 0 feet or below. Patches of mud seeded with Mushroom grass can be found in some caverns underground, generally with several tall Giant Glowing Mushrooms. Mushroom Grass Seeds are an uncommon drop from Glowing Mushrooms and Giant Glowing Mushrooms. Mushroom grass glows faintly and can be used as a natural light source. Mushroom grass is unaffected by Corruption or Crimson, but the uncovered mud is. When above ground, Mushroom grass and the Mushrooms on it actually grow faster.
  • Hallowed grass converts normal grass, and spreads over Dirt Blocks in lieu of normal grass. Above ground Hallowed grass will grow Mushroom, Daybloom, and flowers, similar to normal grass. Like regular grass, Hallowed grass does not spread below 0 feet elevation. Hallowed grass does not occur naturally until a world enters Hardmode, and may be created with Hallowed Seeds sold by the Dryad in Hardmode or with Holy Water. A large enough amount of Hallowed grass will turn the area into a Hallow biome. In Hardmode, Hallowed grass will convert blocks that are up to three squares away into their Hallowed variants, although it does not turn Jungle grass into Hallowed grass. It gives off a sparkle particle effect. It can also be mowed with a Lawn Mower.
  • Mowed grass is made by mowing Normal and Hallowed grass with a Lawn Mower sold by the Golfer. Mowed grass has a different texture, reduces enemy spawn chance, prevents tall grass from growing, and changes how Golf Balls move in golfing.


Main article: Biome spread § Grass

Grass of any type spreads from existing blocks to other blocks of the correct soil type. Corrupt, Crimson, and Hallowed grass can even – with certain restrictions – spread to and convert each other.

If painted grass spreads to adjacent Dirt/Mud Blocks, it will spread the paint too. Furthermore, tall grass, flowers, or Glowing Mushrooms growing on the colored grass will take on the same color. This does not always extend to trees, Giant Glowing Mushrooms, or dye plants.

On PC version PC version, Console version Console version, Mobile version Mobile version, and tModLoader version tModLoader version, Mowed grasses will still spread, but the resulting new grass will be un-mowed.


  • Note that when mining blocks with grass, the grass will absorb the first hit from the pickaxe. So unlike mining most blocks, a tool with high mining speed will actually always outperform a slower tool, even if the slower one has higher pickaxe power. This means that the best pre-Hardmode item for digging grass would be the Bone Pickaxe. In theory, the Shroomite Digging Claw has the best speed out of hardmode tools.
    • This becomes particularly important in the Jungle biome, due to the prevalence of jungle grass.
  • Abigail's Flower can only be grown on normal grass.


Unused grasses

Examples of the two unused grass graphics.

  • Crimson grass appears to be "Weaker" than Corrupt grass since the Hallow can spread on Crimson grass but not on Corrupt grass.
  • There are unused graphics for two other grass types in the game's files. One is a yellow-green grass akin to Jungle Grass, although it is tiled on dirt. Its internal name "Tiles_2_Beach.png" implies that it was originally intended for the Ocean. The second is a variation of Flesh Blocks, tiled to work as a grass.
    • Crimson grass is referred to as "FleshGrass" internally, so the second grass variation may have been an early crimson grass sprite.


  • Desktop
    • Artificial Jungle biomes now require 140 Jungle grass blocks instead of 100.
    • Added mowed grass.
  • Desktop 1.2.4:
    • Replaced grass graphics for when they are surrounded.
    • Grass is now removed when a player covers it in solid tiles.
  • Desktop 1.2.3:
    • Acorns can now be planted on all grass types.
    • Corrupt grass, Crimson grass, and Hallowed grass wall spreads further.
    • Fixed bug where the player can not pick up Crimson grass and Hallowed grass with Dirt Rod.