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Terraria Wiki
Land Mine
  • Land Mine item spriteold Land Mine item sprite
  • Land Mine placed
Stack digit 9Stack digit 9Stack digit 9Stack digit 9
Placeable✔️ (1 wide × 1 high)
Use time15 (Very fast)
TooltipExplodes when stepped on
RarityRarity level: 0
Research5 required
Not to be confused with the mines placed by the Proximity Mine Launcher, which uses rockets purchased from the Cyborg as ammo.
Land Mine (demo)

Animation of the Land Mine blowing up a Skeleton.

Land Mines are unique Hardmode, post-Plantera placeable items. They remain dormant once placed, until a character touches them or they are activated by Wire, at which point they explode, dealing 250 damage. They are purchased from the Demolitionist for 5 each, after Plantera and at least one Pirate Invasion have been defeated. In the Old-gen console version Old-gen console version, Land Mines can be purchased before Plantera is defeated, but only at night; once Plantera is defeated, they will be available at all times.


  • Land Mine explosions do not damage placed blocks or walls.
  • NPCs can trigger Land Mines.
  • Land Mines can be painted.


  • Land Mines can be useful in PvP situations where it is necessary to ward players away from a certain patch of land.
    • A Pressure Plate wired to Explosives may be more effective during PvP, since it is not as visible. However, it will destroy blocks, and other players may hide in the pit.
      • Land Mines can even kill players who have PvP disabled or their users.
  • Land Mines can be used as a convenient way to kill and collect drops from friendly NPCs, especially considering that they don't dislodge placed blocks.
  • Like explosives and Explosive Bullets, Land Mine damage counts as a PvP death, so softcore characters don't drop money when killed.


  • The Land Mine's texture is a reference to the Land Mine weapon in the artillery tactical video games series Worms.
