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Necro armor
  • Necro armorAncient Necro Helmet (equipped)
  • Necro armor femaleAncient Necro Helmet (equipped) female
Stack digit 1
Defense19 / 16 (set)
Set Bonus10% increased ranged critical strike chance
20% chance not to consume ammo
RarityRarity level: 2
Sell210 (set)
    Necro armor (demo)

    After-image shown when a full set of Necro armor is equipped.

    Necro armor is a post-Skeletron armor set consisting of the Necro Helmet, Necro Breastplate, and Necro Greaves. Crafting a full set requires a total of 135 Cobwebs and 150 Bones.

    The Ancient Necro Helmet is a rare drop from Angry Bones and Dark Casters in the Dungeon, with a 0.22*1/450 (0.22%) chance of dropping. On the PC version PC, Console version Console, Mobile version Mobile, Old Chinese version Old Chinese, tModLoader version tModLoader, and tModLoader 1 tModLoader Legacy, it's functionally identical to the Necro Helmet and the two helmets are interchangeable with no bonus loss.

    A full set grants:

    • Defense: 19 / 16
    • Ranged damage:
      • Necro Helmet: 15%
      • Ancient Necro Helmet: 15% / 14%
    • Ranged critical strike chance: 10%
    • Ammo consumption: 20% chance not to consume ammo

    It's currently one of only two ranged-specific pre-Hardmode armor sets on PC version PC, Console version Console, Mobile version Mobile, and tModLoader version tModLoader, the other being Fossil armor. This set provides the highest offensive bonuses for the class prior to Hardmode. On Old-gen console version Old-gen console, Windows Phone version Windows Phone, Old Chinese version Old Chinese, 3DSNintendo 3DS version, and tModLoader 1 tModLoader Legacy, it's the only ranged armor set available in pre-Hardmode.

    If the full set is worn, the player leaves an afterimage while running just like full Shadow armor. In addition, the sound the player makes when taking certain types of damage will be the same as for a Skeleton .


    Necro Helmet
    • Necro Helmet item spriteold Necro Helmet item sprite
    Stack digit 1
    Defense6 / 5
    Body slotHelmet
    Tooltip5% increased ranged damage
    RarityRarity level: 2
    Research1 required
    Ancient Necro Helmet
    • Ancient Necro Helmet item sprite
    Stack digit 1
    Defense6 / 5
    Body slotHelmet
    Tooltip5% increased ranged damage /
    4% increased ranged damage
    RarityRarity level: 2
    Research1 required
    Necro Breastplate
    • Necro Breastplate item spriteold Necro Breastplate item sprite
    Stack digit 1
    Defense7 / 6
    Body slotShirt
    Tooltip5% increased ranged damage
    RarityRarity level: 2
    Research1 required
    Necro Greaves
    • Necro Greaves item spriteold Necro Greaves item sprite
    Stack digit 1
    Defense6 / 5
    Body slotPants
    Tooltip5% increased ranged damage
    RarityRarity level: 2
    Research1 required



    ResultIngredientsCrafting station
    Necro HelmetNecro Helmet
    ShimmerShimmer Transmutation
    Necro BreastplateNecro Breastplate
    Work BenchWork Bench
    Necro GreavesNecro Greaves
    Necro HelmetNecro Helmet


    • In a drunk world, this armor set is obtainable before defeating Skeletron, as Dungeon enemies can spawn prior to defeating the boss.
    • The Ancient Necro Helmet has the same sprite as the Necro Helmet had before 1.0.3, thus the phrase "Ancient" in it.
    • The Ancient Necro Helmet grants 1% less bonus damage than the Necro Helmet.


    • The set bonus stacks with other ammo conservation bonuses. When used with the Megashark, it produces a 60% chance to not consume ammo. Furthermore, using the Ammo Box from the Traveling Merchant will result in a 68% chance not to consume ammo. If an Ammo Reservation Potion is then used, the player's chance not to consume ammo amounts to 74.4%, meaning only approximately every fourth shot consumes a bullet.
    • Given both Cobwebs and Bones in surplus, making Necro Helmets is the most profitable way of monetizing either of them.
    • In the Drunken World seed, this set is obtainable prior to defeating any bosses, as Angry Bones will spawn above where the Dungeon Guardians will, and cobwebs are always obtainable in the underground.


    • The term necro comes from the Greek word νεκρός (nekrós, "dead").
    • It is the only armor set in the game of a Rarity level: 2 rarity.


    • Desktop 1.4.1:
      • Decreased the set bonus ranged critical chance from 15% to 10%.
      • Increasing defense of each piece by 1 (3 total), including Ancient Necro Helmet.
    • Desktop Set bonus changed from 20% chance not to consume ammo to 15% increased ranged critical strike chance.
    • Desktop Ancient Necro Helmet ranged damage bonus increased from 4% to 5%.
    • Desktop 1.2.3: Necro Armor reports the right ranged boost on its tooltip.
    • Desktop 1.1:
      • Amount of bones needed for crafting increased from 90 (25/35/30) to 150 (40/60/50).
      • Graphics variant for female characters added.
    • Desktop 1.0.6: Necro armor stats altered:
      • Added ranged damage increase and new set bonus.
      • Removed set bonus of 30% increased movement speed.
      • Defense of all pieces reduced by 1.