Plantera's Bulb in dark and light.
Plantera's Bulbs are Hardmode background objects that will summon Plantera when broken. They are found naturally placed in random Underground Jungle locations, once all three of the mechanical bosses have been defeated (on Nintendo version, one suffices) – the status message "The jungle grows restless..." indicates that Plantera's Bulbs have begun spawning. A bulb must be destroyed with a pickaxe,with a drill, a block, Explosives, or a Clentaminator using any but the green solution, in order to summon Plantera.
Plantera's Bulbs emit low light, and will appear on the minimap in pink in areas the player has already explored. They spawn one at a time after a delay of about half a day between them, and unless destroyed, several will eventually be present (10–15 in a large world's naturally generated Underground Jungle). If destroyed, they respawn after the same delay (though not necessarily in the same spot), allowing the player to summon Plantera an infinite number of times. Bulbs will not appear on the Metal Detector or its upgrades.

Bulb distribution at maximum concentration.

Plantera's Bulb on the map screen.
- Plantera's Bulbs can spawn on any block of Jungle grass (including player-placed ones) below the surface; it does not have to be in an Underground Jungle biome. However, they will never spawn within 302×302-tiles rectangles (centered on the bulbs) of each other,[1] i.e. they are spaced 150 tiles apart at maximum concentration.
- Bulbs will break if the block beneath them is turned into a sloped block using a hammer, is changed using the Block Swap feature, turns into a Chlorophyte Ore block, is converted into a Dirt Block by biome spread or the Clentaminator, or comes in contact with lava.
- Plantera will only be spawned if there is any player within a rhombus whose diagonals are 50 tiles long, centered on the broken bulb.[2]
- If a bulb is broken while Plantera is still alive, a second Plantera will not spawn.
- Bulbs are very easy to spot, as they emit a faint pink light. On the map screen, they appear as small pink squares.
They will also be labeled "Plantera's Bulb" if hovered over them on the map screen.
- If planning to farm Plantera, a viable method is by digging long tunnels of mud near an arena so any bulbs can be easily found and reached. Scarab Bombs will suffice, but obtaining a consistent amount may require Journey Mode.
- The bulbs can be farmed with rows of Mud Blocks.
Sleeping is a good way to get bulbs to spawn.In Journey Mode, the time speed can be set to x24 to increase the rate at which bulbs grow.
- The bulbs are very similar in appearance to Plantera's first form.
- When a bulb spawns, a flash of pink light appears where it spawned.
- The bulbs are similar to the larva in that they are both ambient objects in the Underground Jungle which summon a boss when destroyed.
- Additionally, both vaguely take on the appearance of their respective bosses.
- Plantera's Bulb can spawn on blocks that are at 0' depth, giving the appearance of spawning in the surface layer.
- Having The Guide to Environmental Preservation or Guide to Peaceful Coexistence active prevents the player from accidentally mining the bulb itself.
- Although fulfilling other break conditions will summon Plantera nonetheless.
- Desktop 1.2.3: Will no longer spawn until all 3 mechanical bosses are defeated.
- Desktop 1.2: Introduced.
- Console 1.02: Introduced.
- Switch 1.0.711.6: Introduced.
- Mobile 1.2.6508: Introduced.
- 3DS-Release: Introduced.
- ↑ Information taken from the
PC source code, method
. There may be inaccuracies, as the currentPC version is
- ↑ Information taken from the
PC source code, method
. There may be inaccuracies, as the currentPC version is