Terraria Wiki

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Terraria Wiki
PC versiontModLoader versiontModLoader 1
PC/tModLoader/tModLoader 1.3-Legacy-Only Content: This information applies only to the PC, tModLoader, and tModLoader Legacy versions of Terraria.

Resource Packs are add-on files which allow players to customize the game's sprites, music tracks, sound effects and translations.

Installing a Resource Pack[]

Resource Packs menu

The Resource Packs menu.

Resource Packs can be installed by either being placed in the ResourcePacks folder, or by being downloaded from the Steam Workshop, where they will be installed and updated automatically.

The ResourcePacks folder can be accessed by pressing the "Open Folder" option in the Resource Packs menu in-game. This folder is generated when the game is launched.

  • On Windows Vista and later, %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Terraria\ResourcePacks
    • On Windows XP, %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\My Games\Terraria\ResourcePacks
  • On Mac, open Finder and press "Go" on the top. Then press "Go to folder...". Type in ~/Library/Application Support/Terraria/ResourcePacks
  • On Linux, $XDG_DATA_HOME/Terraria/ResourcePacks​
    • This is typically ~/.local/share/Terraria

Installed Resource Packs can be enabled from the Workshop Hub or by selecting the "Resource Packs" option on the main menu, where they can be moved between "Available Packs" and "Enabled Packs". If enabled multiple packs change the same thing, the uppermost one on the list will take priority.

Creating a Resource Pack[]


Resource Packs require a pack.json file; otherwise, it will be not be recognized by the game. It may optionally include an icon.png file for display in the Resource Packs menu. A valid pack.json file will look like the following:

	"Name": "Pack Name",
	"Author": "Author",
	"Description": "Place a brief description of your pack here, line breaks can be input with \n",
	"Version": {
		"major": 1,
		"minor": 0

Example folder structure[]

  • Pack Name
    • icon.png (optional)
    • pack.json
    • Content
      • Images
        • Acc_Back_1.png
      • Localization
        • en-US_Content.json
      • Music
        • Music_77.ogg
      • Sounds
        • Player_Killed.xnb


Images are placed inside the Content/Images folder of the Resource Pack. They must share the same file name (albeit with a png extension) and canvas dimensions as the default images. The default Terraria images can be located here:

  • On Windows Steam version, C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Terraria\Content\Images.
  • On Linux Steam Version, ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Terraria/Content/Images
  • On macOS Steam version, Library/'Application Support'/Steam/steamapps/common/Terraria/Terraria.app/Contents/MacOS/Content/Images.
  • On GOG version, C:\GOG Games\Terraria\Content\Images.
    • Tip for Mac users: To open and view the contents of Terraria.app, right click and select "Show Package Contents"

These default images are stored with the xnb file extension. TConvert can be used to extract the default xnb images as png files for viewing, editing, and saving.


Music files are placed inside the Content/Music folder of the Resource Pack. They can be in either wav, mp3 or ogg format.

List of Music IDs
Name Track
Music_1 Overworld Day
Music_2 Eerie
Music_3 Night
Music_4 Underground
Music_5 Boss 1
Music_6 Title (Classic)
Music_7 Jungle
Music_8 Corruption
Music_9 The Hallow
Music_10 Underground Corruption
Music_11 Underground Hallow
Music_12 Boss 2
Music_13 Boss 3
Music_14 Snow
Music_15 Space Night
Music_16 Crimson
Music_17 Boss 4
Music_18 Alt Overworld Day
Music_19 Rain
Music_20 Ice
Music_21 Desert
Music_22 Ocean Day
Music_23 Dungeon
Music_24 Plantera
Music_25 Boss 5
Music_26 Temple
Music_27 Eclipse
Music_28 Rain (Ambient)
Music_29 Mushroom
Music_30 Pumpkin Moon
Music_31 Alt Underground
Music_32 Frost Moon
Music_33 Underground Crimson
Music_34 The Towers
Music_35 Pirate Invasion
Music_36 Hell
Music_37 Martian Madness
Music_38 Lunar Boss
Music_39 Goblin Invasion
Music_40 Sandstorm
Music_41 Old One's Army
Music_42 Space Day
Music_43 Ocean Night
Music_44 Windy Day
Music_45 Wind (Ambience)
Music_46 Town Day
Music_47 Town Night
Music_48 Slime Rain
Music_49 Day Remix
Music_50 Journey's Beginning (with Re-Logic Intro)
Music_51 Journey's Beginning
Music_52 Storm
Music_53 Graveyard
Music_54 Underground Jungle
Music_55 Jungle Night
Music_56 Queen Slime
Music_57 Empress of Light
Music_58 Duke Fishron
Music_59 Morning Rain
Music_60 Alt Title
Music_61 Underground Desert
Music_62 (Otherworldly) Rain
Music_63 (Otherworldly) Day
Music_64 (Otherworldly) Night
Music_65 (Otherworldly) Underground
Music_66 (Otherworldly) Desert
Music_67 (Otherworldly) Ocean
Music_68 (Otherworldly) Mushroom
Music_69 (Otherworldly) Dungeon
Music_70 (Otherworldly) Space
Music_71 (Otherworldly) Underworld
Music_72 (Otherworldly) Snow
Music_73 (Otherworldly) Corruption
Music_74 (Otherworldly) Underground Corruption
Music_75 (Otherworldly) Crimson
Music_76 (Otherworldly) Underground Crimson
Music_77 (Otherworldly) Ice
Music_78 (Otherworldly) Underground Hallow
Music_79 (Otherworldly) Eerie
Music_80 (Otherworldly) Boss 2
Music_81 (Otherworldly) Boss 1
Music_82 (Otherworldly) Invasion
Music_83 (Otherworldly) The Towers
Music_84 (Otherworldly) Lunar Boss
Music_85 (Otherworldly) Plantera
Music_86 (Otherworldly) Jungle
Music_87 (Otherworldly) Wall of Flesh
Music_88 (Otherworldly) Hallow
Music_89 Journey's End
Music_90 Deerclops
Music_91 Aether


Sound files are placed inside the Content/Sounds folder of the Resource Pack. They should be in xnb format.


Localization files are placed inside the Content/Localization folder of the Resource Pack. They can be in either a csv or json format.

See also[]


  • Desktop
    • Fixed an issue where MP3s used for replacing Music tracks would not loop.
    • Fixed an issue where replaced Music tracks would be significantly louder than normal tracks.
    • Fixed an issue where replacing Music tracks did not work on Mac (and possibly Linux as well, unconfirmed).
    • Fixed an issue that prevented the Title Bar messages from being changed by Resource Packs.
    • Fixed a loading issue with XNB assets in Resource Packs that prevented them from working properly.
  • Desktop 1.4.2:
    • Renamed to Resource Packs.
    • Added Steam Workshop integration, allowing the downloading and sharing of Resource Packs via Steam.
    • Expanded functionality to include language and music replacement.
  • Desktop Fixed a bug where Texture Packs would not work on tiles without a game restart.
  • Desktop Introduced officially as Texture Packs and can now be accessed via an option in the main menu.