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Terraria Wiki
Terraria Wiki
Old-gen console versionWindows Phone versionNintendo 3DS version
Old-gen console/Windows Phone/3DS-Only Content: This information applies only to the Old-gen console, Windows Phone, and 3DS versions of Terraria.
Soul of Blight
  • Soul of Blight item sprite
Stack digit 9Stack digit 9Stack digit 9
TooltipThe essence of infected creatures’ [sic]
RarityRarity level: 5
Obtained from Obtained from
Classic mode icon Classic
(Second Form)
(Second Form)
5-16 Old-gen console version / 15-25 Nintendo 3DS version100%
For strategies on gathering souls, see Guide:Harvesting Souls.

Souls of Blight are crafting materials dropped by Ocram, an exclusive boss. They are used to craft exclusive weapons and armor.

Crafting all weapons and armor sets costs 205 Souls of Blight, so the player must defeat Ocram a total of Old-gen console version 13–41 / Nintendo 3DS version 9–14 times.

On Nintendo 3DSNintendo 3DS version version, Ocram drops more souls and, unlike other souls, they are affected by gravity.


Used in[]

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Nintendo 3DS version only:
Dragon BreastplateDragon Breastplate
Mythril AnvilMythril Anvil
Orichalcum AnvilOrichalcum Anvil
Old-gen console versionWindows Phone version only:
Dragon BreastplateDragon Breastplate
Nintendo 3DS version only:
Dragon GreavesDragon Greaves
Old-gen console versionWindows Phone version only:
Dragon GreavesDragon Greaves
Nintendo 3DS version only:
Dragon MaskDragon Mask
Old-gen console versionWindows Phone version only:
Dragon MaskDragon Mask
Sparkly WingsSparkly Wings
Nintendo 3DS version only:
Spectral ArmorSpectral Armor
Old-gen console versionWindows Phone version only:
Spectral ArmorSpectral Armor
Nintendo 3DS version only:
Spectral HeadgearSpectral Headgear
Old-gen console versionWindows Phone version only:
Spectral HeadgearSpectral Headgear
Nintendo 3DS version only:
Spectral SubligarSpectral Subligar
Old-gen console versionWindows Phone version only:
Spectral SubligarSpectral Subligar
Nintendo 3DS version only:
Titan HelmetTitan Helmet
Old-gen console versionWindows Phone version only:
Titan HelmetTitan Helmet
Nintendo 3DS version only:
Titan LeggingsTitan Leggings
Old-gen console versionWindows Phone version only:
Titan LeggingsTitan Leggings
Nintendo 3DS version only:
Titan MailTitan Mail
Old-gen console versionWindows Phone version only:
Titan MailTitan Mail
Vulcan RepeaterVulcan Repeater


  • Console 1.02:
    • Souls of Blight no longer fall to the ground and are lit up, like other souls.
    • More souls are now dropped by Ocram.
  • Mobile Removed, giving players 5 for each soul in their inventory.