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Spectre armor
  • Spectre armor equipped (male)
  • Spectre armor equipped (female)
Stack digit 1
DefenseSpectre Hood : 30 / Spectre Mask : 42 (set)
Set BonusSpectre Hood : Reduces Magic damage by 40% and converts it to healing force
Magic damage done to enemies heals the player with lowest health

Spectre Mask : Magic damage done will hurt extra nearby enemies
RarityRarity level: 8
Sell18 (set)
    Not to be confused with Spectral armor.

    Spectre armor is a Hardmode, post-Plantera armor set that offers magic weapon boosts. The set consists of the Spectre Robe and Spectre Pants, with either the Spectre Hood or Spectre Mask headpiece. Wearing a full set causes small white orbs to manifest whenever the player hits an enemy with a magic weapon. The effect of these orbs depends on the headpiece option chosen: The Spectre Mask causes the orbs to act as homing projectiles, while the Spectre Hood causes the orbs to travel to a player, healing them.

    Crafting a full set with one headpiece requires 54 Spectre Bars (27 Ectoplasm and 270 / 324 Chlorophyte Ore). The full set with both headpieces requires 66 Spectre Bars (33 Ectoplasm and 330 / 396 Chlorophyte Ore).

    Crafting a full set with one headpiece requires 54 Chlorophyte Bars (325 Chlorophyte Ore) and 54 Ectoplasm. The full set with both headpieces requires 66 Chlorophyte Bars (396 Chlorophyte Ore) and 66 Ectoplasm.

    Spectre Mask set bonus: Homing orb projectiles spawn when dealing magic damage to an enemy, which attack nearby enemies, or the same enemy. The orbs deal 100% / 50% of the damage dealt by the magic weapon fired, before it is doubled by a critical hit (if a critical hit deals 200 damage, the orb will have 100 / 50 base damage).

    Spectre Hood set bonus: Life-stealing orbs spawn when dealing magic damage to an enemy, which fly to the player and restore health by 20% / 8% of damage done (e.g. dealing 50 magic damage heals 10 / 4 health). In multiplayer, the player with the lowest health on the team is healed instead. Equipping full set with the Spectre Hood / the Spectre Hood incurs a 40% magic damage decrease.


    Spectre Robe
    • Spectre Robe item spriteold Spectre Robe item sprite
    Stack digit 1
    Body slotShirt
    Tooltip7% increased magic damage and critical strike chance
    RarityRarity level: 8
    Research1 required
    Spectre Pants
    • Spectre Pants item spriteold Spectre Pants item sprite
    Stack digit 1
    Body slotPants
    Tooltip8% increased magic damage
    8% increased movement speed
    RarityRarity level: 8
    Research1 required

    Helmet variants[]

    Spectre Mask
    • Spectre Mask item sprite
    Stack digit 1
    Body slotHelmet
    TooltipIncreases maximum mana by 60 and 13% reduced mana cost
    10% increased magic damage and critical strike chance
    RarityRarity level: 8
    Research1 required
    Spectre Hood
    • Spectre Hood item spriteold Spectre Hood item sprite
    Stack digit 1
    Body slotHelmet
    Tooltip40% decreased magic damage
    Increases maximum mana by 80 and reduces mana usage by 17%
    10% increased magic damage and critical strike chance
    RarityRarity level: 8
    Research1 required



    ResultIngredientsCrafting station
    Spectre HoodSpectre Hood
    Mythril AnvilMythril Anvil
    Orichalcum AnvilOrichalcum Anvil
    Old-gen console versionWindows Phone versionNintendo 3DS version only:
    Spectre HoodSpectre Hood
    Spectre MaskSpectre Mask
    Old-gen console versionWindows Phone version only:
    Spectre MaskSpectre Mask
    Spectre PantsSpectre Pants
    Old-gen console versionWindows Phone versionNintendo 3DS version only:
    Spectre PantsSpectre Pants
    Spectre RobeSpectre Robe
    Old-gen console versionWindows Phone versionNintendo 3DS version only:
    Spectre RobeSpectre Robe


    • If an attack does not do at least 3 damage while the Spectre Mask is equipped, a damaging orb will not appear. If an attack does not do at least 5 / 13 damage while the Spectre Hood is equipped, a healing orb will not appear.
    • Both set bonuses have a limit to their efficiency:
      • The Spectre Hood's healing is based on a hidden stat, "Life Steal", which recharges by 30 every second, up to a maximum of 80 / 70. This stat is drained by the amount healed every time damage is dealt, meaning that while in constant combat its healing is capped at 30 health regained per second, with an initial burst of 80 / 70.
      • The Spectre Mask's damage orbs are based on a hidden stat, "Ghost Damage". Ghost Damage recharges by 400 / 150 every second, up to a maximum of 1500 / 1000. This stat is drained by the damage dealt in every hit, meaning that while in constant combat its extra DPS is capped at 400 / 150, with an initial burst of 1500 / 1000 when entering it.
        • Since the orb projectiles are able to critically strike, critical strike bonuses will increase this extra DPS further.
    • Wearing the full set with either helmet makes the player translucent.
      • Also, if the player is riding a Minecart, it will also appear semitransparent.
      • Dyes are not as visible on a full set of Spectre armor as they are on other armor sets.
    • As the rest of the Spectre armor grants a total of 15% increased damage, the total effect of wearing the Spectre Hood is only a 25% magic damage reduction.


    • If the player changes their mind, the helmet piece can be shimmered and crafted into the alternative.
    • One of the most efficient ways to play with this armor is by owning both the Spectre Hood and the Spectre Mask and switching between them, depending on the situation. This way the player will be able to both keep themselves alive and deal continuous high damage.
      • With the introduction of Loadouts in 1.4.4, one could make a healing-centric build with Spectre armor in a secondary loadout slot which can be switched to and from instantly with F1-3.
    • The combined effects of Mana Sickness and the Spectre Hood's damage reduction will render many magic weapons too weak to be effective, so players should find an alternate means of restoring mana.
    • Magic Cuffs or Celestial Cuffs synergize well with the Spectre Hood as they capitalize on any damage taken; with a highly-damaging weapon like the Razorpine, it is possible to maintain both health and mana at comfortable levels.
    • Spectre armor with the Spectre Hood is widely considered useless against the Moon Lord, whose Moon bite debuff disables lifesteal effects, unless one moves far enough to avoid his tongue to latch on. However, such strategy is usually ineffective since Moon Lord can teleport to the player if they move too far from him. Despite this, the buff may still be very useful, as in classic worlds there is often a time frame while the core is not exposed in which the moon bite debuff is not applied, usually after the Phantasmal Deathray has been used. Homing weapons with fast projectiles, especially the Nightglow, are useful for healing during this brief period, as the projectiles can build up, and heal you the second Moon Bite wears off.



    • Desktop 1.4.1:
      • Spectre Hood's damage decrease is moved to its set bonus.
      • Increased Spectre Mask's magic damage/critical chance bonus from 5% to 10%, increased the limit on how much burst damage can be dealt by the set bonus at once from 1000 to 1500, and the recovery rate of projectiles generated over time has increased from 250 to 400.
    • Desktop
      • Projectiles spawned from the mask now do 100% of the original damage.
      • Recovery rate of projectiles generated over time by the mask increased from 150 to 250.
    • Desktop Spectre armor with Spectre Hood no longer heals with the Moon Bite debuff enabled.
    • Desktop Now requires Spectre Bars instead of Ectoplasm and Chlorophyte Bars.
    • Desktop 1.2.3:
      • Spectre Mask introduced.
      • Spectre Hood no longer increases maximum mana by 80 and reduces mana usage by 17%. Instead, it now reduces magic damage by 40% and increases mana usage by 20%.
      • Life-steal ratio of the Spectre Hood set increased from 8% to 20%.
      • Increased defense of existing pieces:
        • Spectre Hood defense increased from 4 to 6.
        • Spectre Robe defense increased from 12 to 14.
        • Spectre Pants defense increased to from 8 to 10.
    • Desktop 1.2.2:
      • Healing capped at 2 hearts per second.
      • Flame traps no longer trigger the set bonus.
    • Desktop 1.2.1:
      • Life-steal ratio of the set bonus reduced from 10% to 8%.
      • Added requirement of Chlorophyte Bars to craft.
    • Desktop
      • Reduced defense:
        • Spectre Hood defense decreased from 6 to 4.
        • Spectre Robe defense decreased from 14 to 12.
        • Spectre Pants defense decreased from 11 to 8.
      • Traps no longer trigger Spectre armor.
      • Spectre armor does less healing each time the same projectile deals damage.
    • Console 1.09: Fixed the Spectre Mask not having a set bonus.