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Rainbow Crystal Staff (demo)


七彩水晶法杖是一件困难模式月亮领主后的召唤武器。It can summon the 七彩水晶 sentry, which lasts for 2 minutes, remains stationary, and does not count against the player's minion capacity.七彩水晶法杖有 11.11*1/9 (11.11%) 的几率掉落于月亮领主。


Its best modifier is Ruthless. The Mythical modifier provides the widest array of stat bonuses, but these primarily affect the initial summon rather than the resulting minion. Additionally, minions cannot deal critical hits. The only lasting advantage a Mythical 七彩水晶法杖 has over a Ruthless one is knockback.


  • 水晶偶尔可以穿过物块攻击,但这并不经常发生。
  • 水晶的光束会侦测到尚未出现在屏幕上的敌怪。这对于提前知晓敌人会在哪个方位出现有所帮助。
  • 瞄准敌怪时按下 Open / Activate,将会在那个敌怪死亡或切换目标前一直集火它。
  • 和所有的哨兵召唤型武器一样,当召唤一个哨兵就会导致另一个哨兵消失,除非玩家带有减少限制的配件饰品。


  • 虽然它拥有游戏中所有召唤武器中最高的基础伤害,但七彩水晶创造射弹的慢速度让其在面对快速敌怪时一无是处。It is effective only if the player can somehow lure enemies into getting stuck in one place, or force it to target areas where enemies are guaranteed to appear (such as right next to the Mysterious Portals in the Old One's Army). If the player is being chased by an enemy, it is possible (and very likely) that the Rainbow Crystal will be unable to land a single hit on the pursuer.
    • The Stardust Guardian can draw the aggro of a handful of grounded-based enemies and lure them to a single spot where the Rainbow Crystal can pick them off.
  • This weapon has massive range and can target enemies far off-screen, though it prefers to aim at closer targets. As such, it is recommended to place this sentry high in the air to provide it with the widest view; its accuracy will not improve if it is close to its target.
  • Because it does an immense amount of damage upon contact with players in PvP and can be placed in midair, most regulated PvP servers ban the use of this weapon.


  • 它的工具提示:“公爵,多么缤纷的颜色!”("The colors, Duke, the colors!")是对冰棒广告的引用。
  • 七彩水晶法杖有所有召唤武器中最高的基础伤害。
  • 当使用mods或第三方软件召唤时,其射弹为红色。


  • 电脑版
    • 伤害从 150 降低至 80。
    • 修复了精度问题, 改善了水晶爆炸的速度。


