|修补程序 | 10月 7, 2021[1] |
- Bug 修复
- Fixed autosave bug
- Fixed the black screen sync bug
- Fixed a crash when fighting Empress of Light
- Fixed a crash after long play times
- Fixed a crash in very old world saves
- Fixed hotbar navigation affecting player movement
- Fixed housing query controller bindings (Players will have to go into settings and rechoose from Classic, Advanced or Simplified again or bind the Housing Query setting)
- Fixed research not consuming the held item stack
- Fixed mouse conflicting in split screen pause menu
- Fixed PS4 offscreen mouse cursor
- Fixed PS4 trophy for Empress of Light
- 新增内容
- Added shoulder combo hint on screen
- Added more controller bindings on screen
- Added safe region settings in game
- Added support for PS4 touchpad button
| |修补程序 | 10月 1, 2021[2] | Fixed an issue involving file syncing. |'s End (Desktop equivalent) | 9月 30, 2021[3] |
See the page for the complete list of changes.
- 主机版独有改动
- A host of new settings and options, ranging from graphic quality to control profiles and much, much more!
- Horizontal vs Vertical Splitscreen Toggle
- Revised Gamepad mapping to account for the wide range of Journey's End controls - adjusted Defaults (Console Legacy, Advanced, Simplified) as well!
- UI Changes to account for Journey's End Features
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1.0.1168.9Splitscreen Update | 9月 10, 2020[4] |
- Bug 修复
- Along with this long-desired feature comes a solid handful of bug fixes - both for two-player Splitscreen and for the core Single Player experience. Let's take a quick moment to dive into the details so that you can get started today on your Splitscreen experience!
- 分屏
- To start your Splitscreen adventure, you will need a second paired set of controls and each player will need their own user account on the Switch. With all of that in place, here is how you get going!
- Player One should start up a Single Player game - choose their character and the world on which you want to play
- Once the game has loaded completely, Player Two should pick up their controller and press the A button
- This will bring up the User Account Selection Menu - Player Two then selects their Switch User Account
- Upon selecting their account, Player Two will be able to select any Character files tied to that account (or create a new one if they do not have any)
- Once Player Two picks their Character, they will load into the game... and off you and your buddy go on your Splitscreen Terraria adventures!
- All other controls should work as per the normal game, just with a bit different viewport. Note that you can zoom in/out just as you can with Single Player (Pause, ZL/ZR) to allow for greater visibility.
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1.21生活质量更新 | 8月 13, 2020[5] |
- Multiplayer quality of life
- Save the map data for worlds you join in multiplayer games (Previously, map data would be reset for Clients whenever they rejoined a world hosted by another player)
- Allow password protected multiplayer games
- Allow refreshing the "join game" list
- Gamepad quality of life
- Allow specifying the deadzone & cursor speed for the right and left sticks
- Allow specifying whether the tile grid is visible using the precision cursor
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1.20修补程序 | 5月 21, 2020[6] |
- Bug 修复
- Fixed issue with paint displaying incorrectly (the Transparent Blocks bug)
- Grand Design now works correctly in multiplayer
- Water waves now render correctly for all split-screen players
- Miscellaneous multiplayer and performance improvements (there is a lot here, which should hopefully help iron out some of the performance issues, particularly in multiplayer sessions and with the Old One's Army event)
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1.0.1096.2Party, Desert, DD2 Update (Desktop 1.3.5 equivalent) | 5月 21, 2020[7] |
- Bug 修复
- We've fixed a ton of bugs since the last patch, including dozens present in the live build. If there's something that's been bothering you there's a good chance we fixed it. Take a look!
- Performance upgrades, particularly focused around stability issues stemming from particles have been made across the board.
- 新功能
- Parties have now been added! You can start your own via the Party Girl's Party Center or the Town NPCs may start one, if certain conditions are met.
- A new weather event has been added, Sandstorms! With it comes new enemies, new loot, new soundtrack, and a unique experience in the desert biome!
- Blizzards now have a new visual effect
- Deserts and the Underworld now have a heat distortion visual effect.
- Dripping sand effects can be found in the desert, and placed anywhere by the player with the Magic Sand Dropper!
- Invasion event featuring enemies, weapons, and gameplay mechanics inspired by Etheria: the Dungeon Defenders 2 universe.
- This event will play like no other in Terraria - featuring a brand new mechanic where you protect an artifact from invading enemies with the help of a unique defensive structure system.
- This multi-tiered event allows players at multiple points in the game to experience scaling difficulty, with corresponding loot.
- Enjoy rewards in the form of armor, weapons, pets and more, all straight from the Dungeon Defenders 2 universe!
- The Tavernkeep, a new NPC from the Dungeon Defenders universe, has arrived. He will be offering a variety of Etherian loot and gear in exchange for an exclusive currency earned by playing the new invasion!
- Other new features
- Completely redesigned liquid visuals. Enjoy the ripples and waves, as the player, enemies, and projectiles now have a visible impact when they enter and move through water.
- A new ability for Summoner players to direct their minions to attack a specific target.
- New items
- Added Forbidden armor.
- Added Forbidden Fragment.
- Added Ancient Horn (Basilisk Mount).
- Added Onyx Blaster.
- Added Sky Fracture.
- Added Mandible Blade.
- Added Spirit Flame.
- Added Desert Spirit Lamp.
- Added Pocket Mirror.
- Added Djinn's Curse.
- Added Lamia clothes.
- Added Ancient set and Ancient Cloth.
- Added Magic Sand Dropper.
- Added Music Box (Sandstorm).
- Added several new banners.
- Added Bundled Party Balloons.
- Added Balloon Animal.
- Added Party Hat.
- Added Silly Sunflower Vanity.
- Added Silly Balloon Blocks and Walls.
- Added Silly Tied Balloons and Bundle of Balloons.
- Added Pigronata.
- Added Party Center.
- Added Silly Balloon Machine.
- Added Streamers.
- Added Party Present.
- Added Cog Wall.
- Added Sandfall Blocks and Walls.
- Added Snowfall Blocks and Walls.
- Added Snow Clouds.
- Added Pedguin's suit.
- Added 0x33's Aviators.
- Added Apprentice armor
- Added Apprentice's Scarf
- Added Dark Artist armor
- Added Huntress armor
- Added Huntress's Buckler
- Added Monk armor
- Added Monk's Belt
- Added Red Riding armor
- Added Shinobi Infiltrator armor
- Added Squire armor
- Added Squire's Shield
- Added Valhalla Knight armor
- Added Gato Egg
- Added Creeper Egg
- Added Dragon Egg
- Added Aerial Bane
- Added Ale Tosser
- Added Betsy's Wrath
- Added Ghastly Glaive
- Added Flying Dragon
- Added Phantom Phoenix
- Added Brand of the Inferno
- Added Sky Dragon's Fury
- Added Sleepy Octopod
- Added Tome of Infinite Wisdom
- Added Ballista Rod
- Added Ballista Cane
- Added Ballista Staff
- Added Explosive Trap Rod
- Added Explosive Trap Cane
- Added Explosive Trap Staff
- Added Flameburst Rod
- Added Flameburst Cane
- Added Flameburst Staff
- Added Lightning Aura Rod
- Added Lightning Aura Cane
- Added Lightning Aura Staff
- Added War Table
- Added War Table Banner
- Added Eternia Crystal Stand
- Added Eternia Crystal
- Added Defender's Forge
- Added Defender Medal
- Added Betsy's Wings
- Added Etherian Mana
- Added Music Box (Old One's Army)
- Added Leinfors' and Arkhayla's developer armor sets
- Added Crystal Furniture
- Added several items to fully flesh out various Furniture sets
- Added several more platform types
- Added Golden Chest and Trapped Golden Chest variant
- New enemies
- Added Sand Elemental.
- Added Flesh Reaver.
- Added Crystal Thresher.
- Added Bone Biter.
- Added Sand Shark.
- Added Angry Tumbler.
- Added Etherian Lightning Bug
- Added Etherian Javelin Thrower
- Added Etherian Wyvern
- Added Wither Beast
- Added Kobold
- Added Kobold Glider
- Added Drakin
- Added Old One's Skeleton
- Added Etherian Goblin
- Added Etherian Goblin Bomber
- Added Ogre
- Added Dark Mage
- Added Betsy
- Quality of Life tweaks/New features
- Rain Clouds are now craftable.
- Clinger Staff can now use platforms as its resting point.
- Town NPCs will try to avoid falling into cliffs away from their home area.
- After reaching Hardmode, you can choose the type of the world's evil when generating new worlds. If you have already reached hardmode, just load any pre-existing hardmode world and it will activate this feature
- Improved visuals of many different things
- Added "James" as a name that could be given to the Clothier NPC as a nod to the famous Terraria Youtuber, ChippyGaming (James Robert Benn)
- New error messages for invalid housing
- NPCs who are manually assigned to a room will have their successor attempt to move in when the original is killed
- Dungeons in newly generated worlds now contain new furniture
- Added most of the main menu's settings to the in-game settings menu
- Added UI Size Slider to the Settings Menu (Docked Only)
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1.0.1479.5Parity Update (Desktop 1.3.5 equivalent) | 4月 20, 2020[8] | 请注意本 wiki 仅一致使用“主机版 1.19”,这包括了“主机版 1.0.1479.5”。
- New content
- Added Leinfors' and Arkhayla's developer armor sets
- Added Crystal Furniture
- Added several items to fully flesh out various Furniture sets
- Added several more platform types
- Added Golden Chest and Trapped Golden Chest variant
- 新功能
- Improved visuals of many different things
- Added "James" as a name that could be given to the Clothier NPC as a nod to the famous Terraria Youtuber, ChippyGaming (James Robert Benn)
- New error messages for invalid housing
- NPCs who are manually assigned to a room will have their successor attempt to move in when the original is killed
- Dungeons in newly generated worlds now contain new furniture
- Added most of the main menu's settings to the in-game settings menu
- Added UI Size Slider to the Settings Menu (results shown in sample images below)
- Bug 修复
- Title crashes when 4th split-screen is invoked
- Title crashes for host on client joining the session
- Trapped Crystal Chest has wrong "hover over" image
- Title crashes upon adding split screen after modifying the zoom level
- All "Hover Over" text has blue background boxes
- Mini map is still present in-game and is graphically corrupt after disabling the map settings from main-menu
- Order of Recipes for 1.3.5 items in Crafting Guide is not accurate
- Graphical lines are displayed under the dropped copper coin
- Tavernkeep npc quotes for selecting Eternia Crystal fails to appear in the order
- Damage count is not displayed for the secondary player in the split screen session
- Actuator design in the preview is inappropriate
- Unable to trigger the second ability of certain staffs in build mode
- Title crashes while exploring the bottom of the world using any wiring items
- Informational stats are getting overlapped on Minimap after exiting a split-screen player from the session
- Defender's forge closes instantly when interacted from below.
- Trapped chests preview is displayed as normal chests in NPC shop inventory
- Clothes art gets corrupted on re-entering the session after re-launch and changing the armor when strange dye is applied
- FPS drop is observed while increasing or decreasing the UI scale while in-game
- Title crashes on exiting any session
- UI elements doesn't fit into the screen when the UI scale is set to its max percentage.
- Zoom slider does not update dynamically
- Grand Design will not lay wires or actuators over sloped blocks
- Title crashes on signing out the profile and selecting the character immediately on character selection screen
- 'The old one's army has been defeated' text is not localized in respective FIGS languages for client
- Old Ones Army Event music cuts in and out when too many sound effects are playing at once
- User is able to access the radial hot bar while in ghost
- Guide Crafting slot is misaligned on interacting with guide NPC
- World gets corrupted after signing out the profile being in a multiplayer session
- Items description text overlaps on the crafting recipes preview screen in Splitscreen
- User is unable to mute other players except himself via player list
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1.0.895.9 | 12月 10, 2019[9] |
- New features
- Dart Traps & all Temple Traps can now be hammered to rotate 90 degrees at a time, revolutionizing arena building
- Cannons (normal, bunny, confetti, Snowball Launcher) can now be controlled by wire and shoot fake projectiles!
- New Combat Targeting/Lock On system - enable/map this to a button in the Settings Menu!
- New items
- Tons of new Wiring/Mechanical items - from Logic Gates to Logic Sensors to Junction Boxes, Conveyor Belts, and more!
- Yellow Wrench adds a fourth wire color
- The Grand Design, once crafted, will place all of your cool wiring tools in one place for easy use
- The Grand Design has had some special UI modification to work better with touch on the Switch!
- Team Blocks and Platforms make for cool new aspects to your PVP games
- Static Hook will allow you full control over your grappling
- New Pressure Plates, including the Teal Pressure Plate (which can be triggered by pets and projectiles)
- Trapped Chests can now be crafted to keep others from poking around in your stuff
- Angler Tackle Bag will make fishing more efficient than ever!
- Brand new Critter & Monster Statues
- And of course, who could forget that you will now be able to pick up your very own Companion Cube from the Traveling Merchant!
- Quality of life tweaks
- Improved Wire drawing to look less fuzzy with multiple colors on the same tile.
- New large gem over-head display
- You can now use situational building accessories from your inventory and toggle their effects like info accessories
- Decompressed sprite graphics for improved fidelity
- Miscellaneous additions
- Duke Fishron will no longer run away so easily
- You will find Beehives in the Jungle - Not the bees!
- Torches can be put on actuated tiles
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1.18修补程序 | 11月 25, 2019[10] |
1.0.1438.8派对、沙漠、地牢守护者 2 更新 (等同于电脑版 1.3.4) | 11月 5, 2019[11] | 请注意本 wiki 仅一致使用“主机版 1.17”,这包括了“主机版 1.0.1438.8”。
- Bug 修复
- We've fixed a ton of bugs since the last patch, including dozens present in the live build. If there's something that's been bothering you there's a good chance we fixed it. Take a look!
- 新功能
- Parties have now been added! You can start your own via the Party Girl's Party Center or the Town NPCs may start one, if certain conditions are met.
- A new weather event has been added, Sandstorms! With it comes new enemies, new loot, new soundtrack, and a unique experience in the desert biome!
- Blizzards now have a new visual effect
- Deserts and the Underworld now have a heat distortion visual effect.
- Dripping sand effects can be found in the desert, and placed anywhere by the player with the Magic Sand Dropper!
- Added Old One's Army
- Invasion event featuring enemies, weapons, and gameplay mechanics inspired by Etheria: the Dungeon Defenders 2 universe.
- This event will play like no other in Terraria - featuring a brand new mechanic where you protect an artifact from invading enemies with the help of a unique defensive structure system.
- This multi-tiered event allows players at multiple points in the game to experience scaling difficulty, with corresponding loot.
- Enjoy rewards in the form of armor, weapons, pets and more, all straight from the Dungeon Defenders 2 universe!
- The Tavernkeep, a new NPC from the Dungeon Defenders universe, has arrived. He will be offering a variety of Etherian loot and gear in exchange for an exclusive currency earned by playing the new invasion!
- Other new features
- Completely redesigned liquid visuals. Enjoy the ripples and waves, as the player, enemies, and projectiles now have a visible impact when they enter and move through water.
- A new ability for Summoner players to direct their minions to attack a specific target.
- New items
- Added Forbidden armor.
- Added Forbidden Fragment.
- Added Ancient Horn (Basilisk Mount).
- Added Onyx Blaster.
- Added Sky Fracture.
- Added Mandible Blade.
- Added Spirit Flame.
- Added Desert Spirit Lamp.
- Added Pocket Mirror.
- Added Djinn's Curse.
- Added Lamia clothes.
- Added Ancient set and Ancient Cloth.
- Added Magic Sand Dropper.
- Added Music Box (Sandstorm).
- Added several new banners.
- Added Bundled Party Balloons.
- Added Balloon Animal.
- Added Party Hat.
- Added Silly Sunflower Vanity.
- Added Silly Balloon Blocks and Walls.
- Added Silly Tied Balloons and Bundle of Balloons.
- Added Pigronata.
- Added Party Center.
- Added Silly Balloon Machine.
- Added Streamers.
- Added Party Present.
- Added Cog Wall.
- Added Sandfall Blocks and Walls.
- Added Snowfall Blocks and Walls.
- Added Snow Clouds.
- Added Pedguin's suit.
- Added 0x33's Aviators.
- Added Apprentice armor
- Added Apprentice's Scarf
- Added Dark Artist armor
- Added Huntress armor
- Added Huntress's Buckler
- Added Monk armor
- Added Monk's Belt
- Added Red Riding armor
- Added Shinobi Infiltrator armor
- Added Squire armor
- Added Squire's Shield
- Added Valhalla Knight armor
- Added Gato Egg
- Added Creeper Egg
- Added Dragon Egg
- Added Aerial Bane
- Added Ale Tosser
- Added Betsy's Wrath
- Added Ghastly Glaive
- Added Flying Dragon
- Added Phantom Phoenix
- Added Brand of the Inferno
- Added Sky Dragon's Fury
- Added Sleepy Octopod
- Added Tome of Infinite Wisdom
- Added Ballista Rod
- Added Ballista Cane
- Added Ballista Staff
- Added Explosive Trap Rod
- Added Explosive Trap Cane
- Added Explosive Trap Staff
- Added Flameburst Rod
- Added Flameburst Cane
- Added Flameburst Staff
- Added Lightning Aura Rod
- Added Lightning Aura Cane
- Added Lightning Aura Staff
- Added War Table
- Added War Table Banner
- Added Eternia Crystal Stand
- Added Eternia Crystal
- Added Defender's Forge
- Added Defender Medal
- Added Betsy's Wings
- Added Etherian Mana
- Added Music Box (Old One's Army)
- New enemies
- Added Sand Elemental.
- Added Flesh Reaver.
- Added Crystal Thresher.
- Added Bone Biter.
- Added Sand Shark.
- Added Angry Tumbler.
- Added Etherian Lightning Bug
- Added Etherian Javelin Thrower
- Added Etherian Wyvern
- Added Wither Beast
- Added Kobold
- Added Kobold Glider
- Added Drakin
- Added Old One's Skeleton
- Added Etherian Goblin
- Added Etherian Goblin Bomber
- Added Ogre
- Added Dark Mage
- Added Betsy
- Quality of Life tweaks
- Rain Clouds are now craftable.
- Clinger Staff can now use platforms as its resting point.
- Town NPCs will try to avoid falling into cliffs away from their home area.
- After reaching Hardmode, you can choose the type of the world's evil when generating new worlds. If you have already reached hardmode, just load any pre-existing hardmode world and it will activate this feature
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1.0.732.3修补程序 | 7月 15, 2019[12] |
- Multiplayer Fixes
- Fixed an exception error that occurred when trying to join a multiplayer session
- Resolved a bug where Destroyer segments were desynced for non-host players after a respawn
- Fixed a bug where infinite loading could occur when dismissing the connection lost prompt after enabling airplane or sleep mode on the system keyboard while renaming a chest
- Game Functionality Fixes
- Fixed a bug where a character could sometimes spawn in the Crimson biome in the newly created world
- Resolved a bug where the “Lucky Break” accomplishment would unlock without fulfilling the given criteria
- Fixed a bug that caused the grid cursor to not move along with the player character
- Resolved a bug where the Mana and Damage Booster buffs appeared infinite along with a negative timer
- Fixed a bug where the Tombstone dialogue box could be observed when toggling between inventory slots
- Resolved a bug where the Sniper Scope accessory caused precision mode to behave erratically
- Fixed a bug where the player was unable to dismiss the keyboard after accessing the crafting wheel via touch while renaming the chest
- Resolved a bug where crafted items were being duplicated
- Fixed a bug where Two King Slime were triggered for a few seconds on the map after summoning
- Resolved a bug where using the last summoning item from a stack of 20 deleted the highlighted hotbar item
- Fixed a bug where the world zoom would be zoomed all the way out after zooming all way in or out on the map
- Resolved a bug where the world would not properly update for the players after any of the non-host players re-joined the session
- Fixed a bug where the stats of hardmode enemies (zombies) were different from their PC counterpart
- Crash Fixes
- Fixed an application crash that would occur for the client while exploring in the underworld biome
- Resolved an application stall on world generation that occurred when settling liquids.
- Fixed an issue where placed training dummies and item frames would prevent a saved world from loading
- Performance Fixes
- Resolved a bug where a momentary freeze would occur while performing basic actions in a newly created large world.
- Adjusted the liquid wave flow while using heavy weapons in a multiplayer session with maximum players to improve performance
- Fixed a bug that would cause the game to hang for several seconds after defeating the wall of flesh for the first time in a world.
- Art & Text Fixes
- Fixed a bug where vanity that were equipped would appear naked for the bottom of the character
- Resolved a bug where duplicate hair style icons were displayed after interacting with the Stylist NPC
- Fixed a bug where the inventory could become enlarged after switching between handheld and docked mode during the interactive start-up screens
- Resolved a bug where the health bar flickered after consuming a life potion
- Fixed a bug where the wrong lighting effect would trigger when firing a Laser Rifle
- Resolved a localization where the “Refresh” text on the Join Game screen was not properly localized for all supported languages
- Fixed a couple of other miscellaneous text strings in the game
- Made a few minor adjustments to different parts of the UI that were not scaled correctly
- Resolved a bug where the text input would not display while renaming a chest in tabletop and handheld mode
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1.0.711.6Initial release (Desktop equivalent) | 6月 27, 2019[13] |
- Key features
- All
Desktop content
- Touch screen support to quickly navigate inventory and add more finesse in building, digging and combat (two joy-con controllers required per player)
- Under Settings in the Main Menu, and in the in-game Settings Menu, you can access a list of Touch Controls you can use in Terraria, including:
- While in-game, you can pinch the screen to zoom in and out
- Fair warning - this also uses your currently selected item, so make sure you don’t have a consumable selected!
- You can zoom all the way out to the full-screen map this way
- You can tap the screen to use / place items
- There is also a zoom magnifier to help you see where you’re touching!
- You can tap the minimap to bring up the fullsize map
- You can also tap and drag the fullsize map to pan around
- You can tap and drag items around the Inventory and Equipment screen. Double-tapping an item in the inventory will enter build mode with it if applicable.
- In build mode you’ll get a semi-transparent grid around your character for extra-precise placement, also a good reminder that you’re in build mode
- You can double tap the Hotbar to open the Inventory
- You can double tap to toggle Accessory visibility
- You can tap buffs to cancel them, and most in-inventory/shop/chest functions are accessible with touch! Try tapping ‘Loot All’ instead of dragging the highlight all the way over there.
- You can use touch to interact with the virtual keyboard as well.
- HD Rumble, which can be deactivated by navigating to the Switch Settings menu -> Controllers and Sensors and turning off Controller Vibration
- Up to 8-player online play (Nintendo Switch Online subscription required)
- Note that local docked split-screen and local wireless multiplayer are not included and will be added in future updates
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1.0.1372.7修补程序 | 6月 4, 2019[14] |
- Bug 修复
- 修复了 3 个由于特定墙和油漆组合造成的游戏崩溃。
- 性能提升,提高了特定场合下游戏的帧率。
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1.0.1372.5 | 5月 13, 2019[15]
5月 11, 2019[15] |
参见 1.3.1 页面获取详细新增内容列表。见下方获取 Bug 修复。
- Stability/Crashes
- Resolved a crash that would occur after a non-host player would exit a multiplayer session
- Fixed a bug where a crash could occur during the generation of a 2nd world using a fresh profile
- Resolved a crash that would trigger from signing in and out of player profiles on Xbox One
- Fixed a bug where menu functionality would fail after performing a sign-in change
- Fixed a bug where all the players would get kicked out of a session when one of them was exploring the Underworld biome
- Resolved a bug where the player was unable to exit the game session via save & exit after resuming the title from connected standby
- Fixed a bug where the game would crash after invoking a chest after re-hosting the same world
- Resolved a multiplayer bug where the player would get kicked out of the session after stepping on a land mine
- Resolved several other crash bugs around console profile usage
- Fixed a bug where a player was unable to host or join a multiplayer session after previously exiting from that session when a secondary player was in the character selection screen
- Resolved a bug where the game would crash during world generation after deleting save data
- Fixed a few other crashes related to network connectivity on the world generation screen
- Functionality
- Resolved a bug where the Wormhole potion lacked functionality for the player in a multiplayer or cooperative session
- Fixed a bug where graphical corruption was observed occasionally when using spears
- Resolved a bug where the players were able to fire an infinite number of rockets after placing them
- Fixed a bug where accomplishments that have the criteria to defeat bosses/enemies failed to unlock in multiplayer after fulfilling the criteria
- Resolved a bug where the grapple functionality of “Lunar Hook’ was divided between the players
- Fixed a bug where a Hardcore character failed to navigate back to the spawn point set by the player
- Resolved a bug where certain weapons and tools would stop functioning while using them continuously
- Fixed a bug where incorrect game behavior could occur after performing a connected stand-buy during world loading
- Resolved a bug where information stats were carried over to the main menu after a LAN ejection or force closing a multiplayer session
- Fixed a bug where the ‘Lock on Priority’ mark carried forward to the full-screen map
- Resolved a bug where certain debuffs didn’t apply for the player when inflicted by the host in PvP
- Fixed a bug where in some rare instances the player was unable to create a new character
- Resolved a bug where multiplayer session invitations were sent incorrectly
- Art/Graphics/Text
- Fixed a bug where graphical corruption was observed occasionally when using spears
- Resolved a bug where Yoraizor’s spell became distorted over the character’s eyes while flying
- Fixed a bug where the lava lamp caused highlighted doors to flicker
- Resolved a bug where the avatars feet were missing from the dresser preview UI
- Fixed a bug where multiple menus could be seen for a second after adding additional split-screen players
- Resolved a bug where the Mushroom statue did not animate when activated
- Fixed dozens of other art inconsistencies between the console and PC versions
- Resolved a few instances of graphical corruption when zooming
- Dozens of localization fixes have been included in this update
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1.0.1229.15修补程序 | 12月 11, 2018[16] |
- Multiplayer & Split-Screen Fixes
- Fixed a bug where multiplayer players would be stuck in an infinite load after the host force quit Terraria.
- Fixed several bugs that would occur from exiting and re-entering both split-screen and online multiplayer in different ways.
- Fixed a bug where players were unable to add the maximum number of split-screen players into a multiplayer session.
- Fixed a bug where accessories equipped or unequipped would not be reflected for either the host or other players in the session.
- Fixed a bug where the game would sometimes freeze for the host when multiple players joined the game simultaneously.
- Fixed a bug where the player would fail to navigate to a multiplayer session after accepting the invitation while they hosted a multiplayer game.
- Fixed a few other crashes that occurred from different actions surrounding console invitations.
- Functionality Fixes
- Fixed a bug that would cause the crafting menu to not update when the player ran out of material while in auto-pause.
- Fixed a couple of different bugs related to sign-in changes on Xbox One.
- Fixed a bug that would cause the cursor movement to become inconsistent when the extendo grip was equipped.
- General Crash Fixes
- Fixed several PS4 crashes that were reported via the System Crash Reporter.
- Includes fix for Daybreak Weapon crash.
- Includes fix for crashes that occurred while mining.
- Includes other miscellaneous gameplay crashes.
- Performance Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the frame-rate would drop drastically when the primary player would exit and rejoin a session several times.
- Art & Text Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the defense stats of armors would flicker when equipped.
- Fixed several localization bugs.
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1.0.1147.9修补程序 | 9月 18, 2018[17] |
- Multiplayer & Split-Screen Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the game would become indefinitely unresponsive following an Xbox profile change during a multiplayer session
- Resolved several instances of crashes that occurred when adding split-screen players
- Fixed a crash that would occur when a non-host split-screen partner is navigating into the session after the primary player has rejoined the same session
- Resolved a miscellaneous crash that occurred on Xbox One during multiplayer
- Fixed a bug that would cause non-host players to be booted out of multiplayer while exploring the world
- Resolved a crash that would cause a host or non-host player to crash during gameplay
- Fixed a rare multiplayer instance where a non-host player failed to join a multiplayer session and received the message “A network error has occurred”
- Resolved a bug where players were unable to join a multiplayer session after quitting it previously while that multiplayer session included the maximum number of players
- Fixed a bug where the Buff Timer freezes when a non-host player rejoined a multiplayer session
- Resolved a bug where using the Save and Exit function while dying in a split-screen game would cause the game to crash
- Fixed a crash that would occur after 5-10 minutes with the maximum number of split-screen players with low bandwidth
- Resolved a crash that would occur when hosting two different split-screen partners
- Fixed a crash that would occur for the host when a non-host player joined a MP session via the ‘Play Together’ function while they were in their own hosted game
- Resolved a bug where the host’s mini-map would appear corrupted after suspending and resuming the game while being in a split-screen game
- Fixed a crash that would occur when the primary player in a split-screen game exited the game after disabling the map from the settings
- Resolved a bug where split-screen players were unable to exit the session when both players had the map disabled and Autopause set to ON
- Fixed a bug where enemies became invisible and invincible during multiplayer games for non-host players
- Resolved dozens of instances of enemies, NPCs, and other content throughout the game flickering while in multiplayer
- Fixed a bug where death animations of enemies fail to appear on non-host player screens when the host kills the enemy
- Resolved a bug where players would get stuck while using Solar Eruption in a prolonged multiplayer session while having the minimum amount of players
- Fixed a bug where certain trophies/achievements related to boss fights would fail to unlock for non-host players in a multiplayer session
- Resolved several instances of players being unable to join a multiplayer session
- Fixed several instances of freezing or crashes related to unforeseen internet disconnections
- Resolved several Xbox One specific multiplayer crashes
- Resolved several PS4 specific multiplayer crashes
- Fixed several different multiplayer crashes that occurred during gameplay including places like the Underworld
- Resolved a crash that would occur using the Drill Containment Unit in a split-screen game
- Fixed a bug where a character took more than 30 seconds to respawn in multiplayer
- Functionality & Design/Gameplay Fixes
- Resolved a bug that allowed 9 players to join multiplayer through split-screen
- Fixed a bug where items by the player were not saved upon exiting via ‘Save & Exit’
- Resolved a bug that would cause enemies to sometimes disappear and reappear during gameplay
- Fixed a bug that would cause some menus to persist in circumstances where they shouldn’t be visible
- Resolved a bug where the background would appear zoomed in after sign-in changes
- Fixed a bug where an item engaged in build mode falls to the ground after getting slain
- Resolved a bug where closing an object with either ‘B’ or ‘O’ would reopen that object
- Fixed a bug where all potion durations would be a minute less than its intended duration
- Resolved a bug that would not allow players to dismiss UI prompts
- Fixed a bug that caused camera issues after returning from suspended console state in split-screen mode
- Resolved a bug where the ‘Select’ button is not present for Direction Buttons Cursor Snap/Hotbar option within the ‘Controls’ menu
- Fixed some exception errors related to the use of ‘Meowmere’
- Resolved several other instances of bugs that occur in conjunction with Autopause set to ‘ON’
- Fixed a bug where certain pet summoning items did not summon pets
- Resolved a bug where the drop/throw animation was missing when the player dropped the item from the inventory
- Fixed a bug where the crafting option failed to function via the Guide NPC
- Resolved a bug where item names were not displayed for non-primary players in split-screen mode
- Fixed a bug where the character preview failed to appear on character selection after controller disconnection
- Resolved a bug where familiar clothes and the wig present in the Clothier NPC’s inventory did not update according to the player’s costume and wig color
- Fixed dozens of player input bugs related to the D-Pad and inventory management
- Resolved a bug where worlds could not be created immediately after committing sign-in changes and selecting a previously created world
- Fixed a bug where a player was able to use two weapons at the same time
- Resolved a few instances of duplicating doors being created
- Fixed several bugs that were preventing players from switching between different menus immediately
- Resolved an instance that prevented Skeletron from spawning after interacting with the Old Man NPC at night
- Fixed a bug that prevented the player character from moving after interacting with any NPC multiple times
- Resolved a bug where a secondary split-screen player was able to accept an invite
- Save Data Fixes
- Resolved a bug that caused save data to become corrupted on adding a 3rd split-screen player after a prolonged session
- Fixed a bug where save data would fail to appear after suspending and resuming the game
- Resolved a bug where in certain circumstances the game did not save game progression when a player terminated the game in ‘Autosave’ mode
- Made additional code changes to eliminate more issues related to save conversion from 1.0.7, 1.0.8, and 1.0.9
- General Crash Fixes
- Fixed a softlock (and other related issues) that would occur when a player spent an extended time in the Ice Biome or Spider Cave minibiome while using endgame gear, even after exiting, that persisted until the game was closed and restarted. (Thanks to various community members including @Cyberra and @ED209 for their help in tracking down the root causes and reproduction steps on this!)
- Fixed a crash that would occur if a player started the game in Turkish
- Resolved a soft lock that would happen when players attempted to access their character Cloud Saves
- Fixed a crash that would occur after idling in a fresh world
- Resolved a bug where the game would become unresponsive after navigating to the main menu after performing a sign-in change while being in a multiplayer session previously
- Fixed numerous other issues related to profile changes that caused instability during gameplay
- Resolved a crash that would occur when a player stood idle in a house with many objects
- Fixed a crash that would occur when toggling the D-Pad controls in Quick Navigation control settings
- Resolved a random crash that would occur when invoking the inventory several times on Xbox One
- Fixed a crash that would occur after mining continuously for 5-10 minutes with a high-speed pick or drill
- Resolved a crash that occurred from mining and then immediately interacting with a tombstone
- Fixed a crash that occurred when continuously creating new characters
- Resolved a few crashes specific to the Stardust Dragon
- General Fixes & Additions
- Fixed dozens of inconsistencies to bring console more in line with PC
- Resolved miscellaneous A.I bugs
- Fixed dozens of platform specific bugs
- Resolved a few instances where accomplishments would not trigger in certain circumstances
- Added a transparency slider to help with inventory visibility for those struggling with that.
- Performance Fixes & Improvements
- Resolved a bug where random hitches/freezes were observed by the host and a crash occurred for other non-host players
- Resolved a performance issue where the framerate would tank when many particle effects persisted on screen
- Fixed a bug that increased the load time to the main menu while having max characters and worlds
- Resolved a bug where the framerate would dip between 10 to 15 with the maximum players in a multiplayer session
- Decreased the overall time it takes to generate a small, medium and large world
- Fixed a bug where the framerate dropped below 45 frames-per-section during all events if they were equipped with the mechanical ruler
- Resolved several other instances of performance decreases related to items and other content within the game
- Event Fixes
- Fixed a bug where background assets unique to events would not appear
- Resolved a crash that would occur for player ShpongledMind during the pirate invasion within their arena
- Fixed multiple errors that would occur for the host during the Frost Moon event
- Fixed multiple errors that would occur during the Martian Madness event
- Art, UI, Sound & Text Fixes
- Resolved a bug that caused menu opacity to increase while zooming in
- Added a tooltip that specifies the changes to the D-Pad and Custom Controls in 1.3
- Fixed a bug where the block placement cursor grid was too faint
- Resolved a bug where the inventory would only show an item as 1 instead of the current stack amount
- Fixed a bug where all event filters show a white flash any time they start or stop
- Resolved a bug where the animation of short swords appeared offset
- Fixed a bug where reflective dyes were missing their reflective shine
- Resolved other instances of UI text pulsating
- Fixed background animations when generating small, medium, and large worlds
- Resolved a bug where buff icons in the equipment sub-menu would overlap with the menu
- Fixed a bug where the ‘Leaf Crystal’ animation would appear to jitter when the character is equipped with ‘Cholorophyte armor’
- Resolved a bug where the Buff/Debuff icons are nearly invisible
- Fixed a bug where the Blood Moon and Lunar event background filters appeared overlapped
- Resolved a bug where Yoyos appear invisible while a familiar shirt is equipped
- Fixed a bug where Moon Lord’s hand movement animation would stutter while in combat during a multiplayer session
- Resolved a bug where the VFX was missing for most of the weapons & pet projectiles while using certain dyes
- Fixed a bug where the Stardust Dragon would flicker in split-screen
- Resolved a bug where the UI would overlap in certain circumstances after a sign-in change
- Fixed a bug where the rocket effect did not change after applying any dye on ‘Yoraiz0r’s Spell’ wing
- Resolved a bug where the flow animation pattern of a character’s head in the Map/Mini-Map isn’t smooth after applying dye.
- Fixed a bug where text on the hotbar would persist in certain circumstances when it shouldn’t have
- Resolved a bug where the Twilight dye stars all draw as one blob instead of smaller stars spread out
- Fixed a bug where the Nebula pillar shader shows the static lightning sprite instead of light beams
- Resolved a bug that caused flashing for a moment every time the character moved within the monolith’s range
- Fixed many other instances of dyes being inconsistent with the PC version
- Dozens of additional fixes to shaders and dyes
- Fixed dozens of other instances of the UI overlapping throughout different parts of the game
- Resolved a bug where placeholder text would be displayed when the Tax Collector arrives
- Fixed a bug where inconsistent dye animations were observed for Pets/Mounts when Primary and Secondary players crossed each other after equipping gradient dye
- Resolved several issues related to dyes in relation to mounts
- Fixed a bug where some animations for dyes would get altered/corrupted within the character preview on the character selection screen
- Resolved a bug that would cause accomplishments to be displayed twice after performing sign-in changes
- Fixed a bug where the mine cart preview is not displayed while the cursor is place on the mine cart track
- Resolved several instances were menu highlights states could be difficult to distinguish for the player
- Fixed several instances of equipment stuttering or flickering during gameplay
- Resolved several instances of firing animations appearing in the foreground over a player’s sprite
- Fixed a bug where incomplete hint text was displayed
- Resolved several instances of equipment appearing offset
- Fixed a bug where a gap was observed between paintings went placed side-by-side
- Resolved several graphical issues related to paintings
- Fixed a bug where enemy stats were displayed passing through enemies while being in Ghost form
- Resolved a bug where certain weather effects like rain would persist for secondary players in split-screen
- Fixed several localization bugs across different languages and parts of the game
- Resolved dozens of other art bugs relating to the UI, animation, VFX, and much more
- Fixed a few different instances of certain SFX not triggering properly
- Resolved a few instances of certain objects being bound to the character upon being slain
- Fixed a few instances of missing SFX
- Resolved multiple layering issues encountered when the Wall of Flesh is spawned in the underworld
- Resolved several other instances of incorrect layering throughout the game
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1.0.983.5修补程序 | 3月 22, 2018[18]
3月 28, 2018[18] |
- Multiplayer & Split-Screen Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the host’s world would get copied and replaced by another player’s previously created world.
- Fixed a bug where a player’s world would get replaced when they went from a single-player session to a multiplayer one and the host quit first.
- Fixed a bug where the game would freeze after exiting the session with either a 3rd or 4th split-screen player.
- Fixed a split-screen crash that would occur when the primary player used ‘Save and Exit’ from a 4-player multiplayer split-screen session.
- Fixed a crash that would occur for players whose 2nd split-screen player exited a multiplayer session.
- Fixed a freeze that occurred when a player selected multiplayer after being in a multiplayer game that the host quit.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when two or more split-screen players would access their cloud save on the ‘Select Player’ screen.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when a secondary player interacted with a chest during split-screen.
- Fixed a multiplayer error that was encountered during the Pirate Invasion.
- Fixed a bug where elements in the mini-map would be missing for other players in a multiplayer session.
- Fixed a split-screen bug where secondary players would get kicked out of a multiplayer session after interacting with a chest.
- Fixed a crash that would occur after accepting an invite.
- Fixed a bug that would cause infinite loading after losing connection to the internet while in a multiplayer session.
- Fixed a crash that would occur if the primary player exited a split-screen session while the secondary player selected the ‘Edit’ option by interacting with a tombstone.
- Fixed other stability bugs related to accepting invitations while in suspend mode.
- Fixed a crash that would occur after the host added a split-screen player and another non-split-screen player joined simultaneously.
- Fixed a crash that would occur for the host while fighting in a PvP multiplayer session.
- Fixed a crash that would occur after exiting the split-screen players one by one while the players were zoomed in.
- Functionality Fixes
- Fixed a bug that would prevent progression being saved when ‘Autosave’ was turned off, and the player exited via Save & Exit.
- Fixed other bugs related to Autosaving.
- Fixed instances of the game becoming unresponsive after signing in and out of profiles.
- Fixed a bug where certain enemies (Blue Slime) and bosses would respawn despite being defeated.
- Fixed an instance where players wouldn’t be taken to a multiplayer session after accepting an invite.
- Fixed a bug where worlds couldn’t be created after performing sign-in changes after a previous world creation process.
- Autopause is now enabled on the Map screen for single player only.
- Save Conversion Fixes
- Fixed a bug where save conversion wouldn’t progress past converting maps when the player has only played in multiplayer games previously.
- Fixed a bug where saved worlds would disappear after save conversion when worlds had the same name, but a variation in capitalization.
- Fixed several other bugs related to save conversion.
- General Crash Fixes
- Fixed a crash that would occur while fighting Moon Lord.
- Fixed a bug where the game would freeze after being killed while using the Stardust Dragon and having a minion count of 8 or more in medium or large worlds.
- Fixed a crash that would occur after accepting a player invite while suspended in a single-player game.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when the Golem is slain.
- Fixed other miscellaneous crashes that were reported through console crash report systems.
- Item Duplication Fixes
- Fixed a duplication bug that would occur when placing the last item of a stack while moving.
- Fixed a bug where a few potions could be used an infinite amount of times after activating the build mode feature.
- Fixed a duplication bug involving chests.
- Performance
- Fixed a bug where the performance of the game would decrease when using a Lunar Hook with dyes on it.
- Fixed a bug where animated dyes displayed in the player list would result in graphic corruption and slowdown when repeatedly starting and exiting gameplay.
- Event Fixes
- Fixed a crash that would occur for the host when the ‘Goblin Army’ event would trigger naturally.
- Fixed a bug where the ‘Goblin Army’ would fail to spawn even after the event message is displayed and criteria are met.
- Art & Text Fixes
- Fixed a bug where equipping various amounts of animated dyes would cause textures to vanish.
- Fixed a bug where the background of the Eclipse event would be missing for secondary players.
- Fixed a bug where the player hair color would fail to update dynamically in game and in mini map after consuming Mana Hair Dye.
- Fixed a bug where the color of the Angel Halo item did not change in Map or minimap on placing any dye in the dye slot.
- Fixed a bug where a slight gap would be observed between two crafted walls when placed.
- Fixed a bug where the Weapon Rack’s tooltip would display “<right>” instead of the appropriate button prompt.
- Text throughout the game now appears static and no longer blinks.
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1.0.933.1修补程序 | 1月 25, 2018[19]
2月 5, 2018[20] |
- The only consoles that received this update so far are the PS4 and Xbox One.
- Xbox One received this patch along with update content from 1.0.750.0 and 1.0.760.0. PS3 and Xbox 360 did not receive these updates.
- Bug fixes
- Fixed another instance of split-screen becoming distorted during Blood Moon Events.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when a user approached the dungeon on their main world.
- Fixed a bug where launching the game and activating build mode would delete highlighted items.
- Fixed a bug where hotbar items would be deleted when activating build mode in split-screen.
- Fixed a bug where using the last item of a stack in build mode, would consume a unit of a stack highlighted on the hotbar.
- Fixed a bug where players that are not the host would get kicked out of a multiplayer game after prolonged gameplay sessions.
- Fixed a rogue camera bug in split-screen that caused the primary player’s camera to go straight to outer space.
- Fixed a bug where legacy worlds would not be carried over if player’s had Tombstones, signs, or chests with names that included special characters.
- Fixed a user interface bug where the first bubble of the air meter never diminished.
- Fixed a user interface bug where the Default player’s name chat icon would remain on-screen during gameplay.
- Fixed a bug where world changes would not save when auto save was triggered.
- Fixed other instances of players spawning with the Stoned debuff.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when 6 or more players were in a multiplayer session.
- Fixed a critical path bug that was preventing worlds from being blessed with any new metal.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when the game was left on for an extended period of time.
- Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred during world conversion.
- Fixed occasional freezes some players experience when dying during a boss fight.
- Fixed crash bugs related to segmented enemies and other mobs (including Stardust Dragon).
- Fixed an issue where split screen players would sometimes see their screens display incorrectly during in-game events.
- Fixed other miscellaneous stability issues.
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1.0.756.0修补程序 | 12月 19, 2017[21] |
- Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where the game would fail to transition to online games after a player accepted an invitation
- Fixed a bug where players would be turned to stone sometimes after save conversion
- Fixed a bug that was causing some save conversions to crash the game
- Fixed a bug where player 1’s screen would become distorted in split-screen
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1.0.750.0Reset + 1.3 Update ( Desktop equivalent) | 12月 14, 2017[22] |
- General
See the page for the complete list of changes.
- Brand new invasions and events - including Martian Madness and the penultimate challenge: the battle vs the Cultists and Lunatic Cultist, Celestial Pillars, and the Moonlord himself!
- Over 800 new items - including weapons, armor, potions, building items and more - are available to find or craft!
- Expert Mode - Fortune and Glory, Kid... are you willing to take on a much higher challenge with the promise of greater rewards?
- New Biomes - the Underground Desert, Sky Lakes, and other mini biomes are out there for you to uncover
- Loads of Quality of Life changes and new features/mechanics
- Updated sprites and artwork aligned to the Desktop 1.3.4 update
- Brand new Controller schemes - including Red's Pick and legacy console defaults - as well as full controller remapping so that you can customize your controls to your preferences.
- New UI for Single Player and Splitscreen that more closely matches Desktop
- More save slots for Players and Worlds
- Larger worlds that now exactly match their intended sizes on Desktop
- Other smaller visual and otherwise tweaks
- Console Exclusive Changes
In an attempt to align Desktop content and Console content (with the potential for future cross-platform play), all exclusive Console content was be changed.[23]
- Engine
- The game no longer runs on an implementation of XNA, instead having been rewritten in the Unity engine.[24]
- Armor
- Weapons
- Console-exclusive weapons were removed from the game entirely.
- Currently-owned weapons in players' inventories are automatically replaced with similar gear at the Chlorophyte tier.
- Enemies
- Console-exclusive enemies were removed entirely.
- Most of these were reskins/recolors that do not fit into the vision and balance of the game.
- There is a chance that a few of the more interesting will be revisited at a later date.
- Accessories
- Pets
- Console-exclusive Pets were removed from the game
- Currently-owned exclusive pets are replaced with one Gold Bunny each.
- There is a chance that a few of these will be revisited at a later date and re-added to the game with revamped art and/or AI.
- Ocram
- Ocram and his related mobs and summons were removed from the game.
- Ocram Mask and Trophy remain in the game as "legacy" items, but there is no longer any way to obtain them legitimately.
- Souls of Blight were removed from the game.
- Players receive 5 for each Soul of Blight owned (the current sell price of Souls of Blight)
- Banners
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