Terraria Wiki

伤害是从某个实体的当前生命值中所减去的生命值的量。有众多实体都可以造成它,最显著的是武器敌怪、和NPC(以及所有相关的射弹)。此外,它也可能是由环境危险(例如多刺灌木机关、或熔岩)和游戏机制(例如掉落伤害溺水、或减益)所造成的。通常只能对具有生命值属性的实体造成伤害,即玩家、大多数敌怪、和 NPC。大多数伤害还会对受伤害的实体造成击退


Damage inflicted by player-wielded weapons is categorized into five different types: melee, ranged, magic, summon, and throwing. Accessories, buffs, and other damage-boosting or damage-decreasing effects often only affect one of these damage types. A few weapons as well as all other damaging entities are not categorized into any of the five types.




In total, there are currently 184 unique melee weapons.


Ranged weapons are used in long-ranged combat. Their defining trait is the requirement of ammunition in order for the weapon to operate. They are roughly categorized into bows, repeaters, guns, and launchers. Note that Terraria classifies boomerangs as melee weapons and consumables as thrown weapons.

In total, there are currently 90 unique ranged weapons. On the tModLoader version tModLoader version, the total number is only 89 due to the differentiation of throwing weapons.



In total, there are currently 76 unique magic weapons.


Summoning weapons include summon staffs and whips. Using a summon staff spawns a secondary character which will aid the player in battle by automatically attacking enemies. The summoned character is either mobile, i.e. following the player around (minion), or stationary, i.e. remaining at the location it was summoned at (sentry). [[鞭|]] are close- to mid-range weapons which boost minion damage on hit enemies as well as marking them, making minions focus on those enemies.

Mounts that do damage, like the Slime Mount, deal summon damage.

In total, there are currently 46 unique summon weapons, 8 of which are whips.



Throwing is only considered a separate damage type on the tModLoader version tModLoader version. Throwing weapons deal ranged damage instead on the Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, Old-gen console version Old-gen console version, Mobile version Mobile version, Nintendo 3DSNintendo 3DS version version, and Nintendo Switch version Nintendo Switch version. In total, there are currently 4 unique throwing weapons.

Invincibility frames and piercing

Player invincibility

受到伤害后,玩家会得到一段称为“无敌帧”的时间,在此期间他们就不会再次受到伤害。默认情况下是 2/3 秒(40 嘀嗒[1]),但有各种装备可以延长之:

  • 使用十字项链或其任意升级物会在受到攻击后再加上 2/3 秒(40 嘀嗒)。(十字项链与其升级物不叠加。)
  • 如果穿上黑腰带(或其升级物忍者大师装备,但二者不叠加),成功的躲闪(10% 几率)会触发无敌帧并为其加上 2/3 秒(40 嘀嗒)。Verify它同样还会防止此攻击造成伤害(但不会防止与其相关的减益)。如果将其与十字项链组合,这能将无敌延长至整整 2 秒(120 嘀嗒)。
  • Hallowed armor similarly provides the Holy Protection buff; this is triggered by attacking an enemy, and when active, the next time the player would have taken damage, they instead get 2 seconds (120 ticks) of invincibility. This also stacks with the effects of the Cross Necklace and Black Belt, potentially granting 3 and 1/3 seconds (200 ticks) of invincibility.

Piercing attacks against enemies


在受到这种攻击后,此敌怪在短时间内就不再会从另一个此类攻击中承受伤害,这个时间通常为 1/6 秒(10 嘀嗒[1])。因此,在熔岩中或者被魔刺之类的持久性武器刺穿时,它们每秒最多承受 6 次伤害。但是,对于多体节的敌怪(通常是蠕虫类),此抗性是分别作用于每个体节的,因此此类攻击以然可以击中单个敌怪的多个体节。(请注意,任何情况下蠕虫类敌怪都是免疫熔岩的。)

On the Old-gen console version Old-gen console version, Nintendo 3DSNintendo 3DS version version, and tModLoader version tModLoader versionVerify, this also applies to almost any missile, beam, or other attack which can pass through an enemy to strike other enemies behind it. This can sharply limit the effects of rapid-fire guns and bows, and those which fire multiple projectiles. Most minions are considered to have piercing attacks, which can also hinder the efficiency of piercing weapons used alongside them. This problem is remarkably present with the Spider Staff and the Stardust Dragon Staff. 一些高级武器具有特殊行为:

  • 终极棱镜每秒能够攻击 12 次而非仅 6 次。
  • 夜明弹不会导致这类无敌帧,但若无敌帧是由其他攻击引起的则会遵循其效果。



  • 步骤 1:应用武器修饰语
中间值1 = 基础伤害值 * (1 + 武器修饰语/100)
  • 步骤 2:取整,四舍五入到最接近的整数
中间值2 = 四舍五入(中间值1)
中间值3 = 中间值2 * [1 + (头部 + 胸部 + 腿部 + 套装加成)/100 + (配饰1 + 配饰2 + .. + 配饰5 + 配饰修饰语1 + 配饰修饰语2 + .. + 配饰修饰语5)/100 + (增益1 + 增益2+ ..)/100]
中间值3 = (中间值2 + 箭/子弹/火箭) * [1 + (头部 + 胸部 + 腿部 + 套装加成)/100 + (配饰1 + 配饰2 + .. + 配饰5 + 配饰修饰语1 + 配饰修饰语2 + .. + 配饰修饰语5)/100 + (增益1 + 增益2+ ..)/100]
  • 步骤 4:向下取整
武器伤害 = 中间值4 = 向下取整(中间值3)
  • 步骤 5:对于连弩箭术药水会额外为它们增加 20% 伤害(计算后向下取整)。
武器伤害 = 向下取整(1.2*中间值 4)

举个例子,神级 太极连枷加上装备着海龟盔甲险恶 战士徽章、险恶 复仇者徽章, 险恶 毁灭者徽章、险恶 机械手套和险恶 天界石吃得好处于激活状态:

中间值1 = 63 * (1 + 14/100) = 71.82

中间值2 = 四舍五入(71.82) = 72

中间值3 = 72 * [1 + (6+8+0+0)/100 + (15+12+10+12+10+4+4+4+4+4)/100 + (5)/100] = 72 * [1.98] = 142.56

武器伤害 = 向下取整(142.56) = 142



敌怪伤害减免 = 向上取整(敌怪防御力 * 0.5)


无敌怪旗时:对敌怪造成伤害 = 武器伤害 - 敌怪伤害减免
有敌怪旗时,普通模式下:对敌怪造成伤害 = 1.5*武器伤害 - 敌怪伤害减免
Or DamageDealtToEnemy = 2*WeaponDamage-EnemyDamageReduction with a banner in Expert Mode,

实际造成的伤害最少是 1。

另外,实际出去的伤害还会用一个随机系数修正一下,系数随机取值范围为 0.85~1.15,(但某些类型的伤害,比如史莱姆坐骑,不受此项影响),结果最后四舍五入取整至最接近的整数。所以可以计算出你的武器对敌怪的最小和最大伤害:

最小伤害 = 四舍五入(武器伤害 * 0.85 - 敌怪伤害减免)
最大伤害 = 四舍五入(武器伤害 * 1.15 - 敌怪伤害减免)


最小暴击伤害 = 最小伤害 * 2
最大暴击伤害 = 最大伤害 * 2


  1. 1.0 1.1 A tick is a time unit countable by the software. Most of Terraria's updating logic happens every tick. A tick has the length of 1/60th of a second, hence there are 60 ticks in a second and 3600 ticks in a minute.

