Terraria Wiki
巫师Hardmode exclusive
WizardOld-gen console version and Nintendo 3DS version
Map Icon Wizard
Classic mode icon Classic
Expert mode icon Expert
Master mode icon Master
AI Type被动 AI
Max Life250
KB Resist50%

巫师是一个困难模式 NPC 商贩,出售魔法相关物品。一旦血肉墙被打败,他就会偶尔生成在洞穴层或更深处。类似于哥布林工匠机械师高尔夫球手酒馆老板发型师,他一开始是作为静止的受缚巫师生成。和他谈话会将其释放,然后只要有空房屋可用他就会重生,哪怕被杀掉。

敌怪出现在他附近时,巫师会向他们投掷类似于火之花那样的火球,同时释放出一个华丽的魔法阵,造成 18 / 27 / 31 伤害。


受缚巫师 is one of the few entities that can be detected by the 命体分析 or its upgrades.


Note: All item prices can be decreased by equipping a Discount Card or 婪戒. On the Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version, prices can also be higher or lower based on the NPC's happiness level.
Item Cost Availability

水晶球水晶球 10 Always available.
冰雪魔杖冰雪魔杖 50
Always available.
强效魔力药水强效魔力药水 5 Always available.
铃铛铃铛 1 Always available.
竖琴竖琴 1 Always available.
魔法书魔法书 5 Always available.
书 15 Desktop version Desktop version上。
八音盒八音盒 10 Always available.
空滴管空滴管 1 Always available.
巫师之帽巫师之帽 3 万圣节期间。
任何晶塔任何晶塔 10 当在特定生物群落中且足够快乐时。

生活偏好 []


For more information, see NPC happiness.


The 巫师 may have any of the following names:

  • Abram
  • Alasdair
  • Arddun
  • Arwyn
  • Berwyn
  • Dalamar
  • Dulais
  • Elric
  • Fizban
  • Gearroid
  • Greum
  • Gwentor
  • Hirael
  • Leomund
  • Maelor
  • Magius
  • Merlyn
  • Ningauble
  • Sargon
  • Seonag
  • Tagar
  • Xanadu


  • 地牢包含有大量的开放区域,为巫师的生成提供了最多机会,在打败世纪之花之前这里不会有新的困难模式敌怪在这里生成,使得它成为一个安全方便的区域来寻找巫师。
  • 狩猎药水可用于定位巫师。



  • 如果人物是男性且相应的 NPC 在场:

    • Well, hi there, <向导的名字>! What can I do for you today?
    • Well, hi there, <爆破专家的名字>! What can I do for you today?
    • Well, hi there, <哥布林工匠的名字>! What can I do for you today?

    如果人物是女性且相应的 NPC 在场:

    • Well, hi there, <护士的名字>! What can I do for you today?
    • Well, hi there, <机械师的名字>! What can I do for you today?
    • Well, hi there, <树妖的名字>! What can I do for you today?


    • Want me to pull a coin from behind your ear? No? Ok.
    • Do you want some magic candy? No? Ok.
    • I make a rather enchanting hot chocolate if you'd be inter...No? Ok.


    • Are you here for a peek at my crystal ball?
    • Ever wanted an enchanted ring that turns rocks into slimes? Well neither did I.
    • Someone once told me friendship is magic. That's ridiculous. You can't turn people into frogs with friendship.
    • I can see your future now... You will buy a lot of items from me!
    • I once tried to bring an Angel Statue to life. It didn't do anything.


    • Ohh, my hero!
    • Oh, how heroic! Thank you for saving me, young lady!”(如果人物是女性)
    • Oh, how heroic! Thank you for saving me, young man!”(如果人物是男性)
    • Now that we know each other, I can move in with you, right?


    • Thanks for saving me, friend! This bondage was starting to chafe.


    • Clearly I throw the most magical of parties.


    • This gale got you bothered? There's a spell for that.
    • A blast of wind terrorizing our world? Did I do that?


    • Yes, I can go out in the rain and not melt. I'm a wizard, dammit!
    • Raindrops falling on my... uh.. Where am I? Who are you? ... Who am I?


    • You call this lightning!? Back in my day, I .. uh.. Hmm. Oh, did you need something?
    • Did somebody steal my spell book again!?


    • I can't bring anyone back from the dead, so don't ask!
    • Funny, when I look far enough into the crystal ball, this is where every customer ends up!

    打败 1 级的旦军之后:

    • You know, I think I've seen a portal like that before, but it was gold.
  • 快乐话语 []

  • 无家可归时:

    • Where is my house? Where am I? Who are you? Who am I?


    • I could have sworn my house was here somewhere...


    • Reminds me of the old days, practicing magic up in a tower in the middle of nowhere!


    • Can some of these noisy people move further away? No? Ok.
    • This overcrowding is starting to dampen my magic! I think.


    • What's not to like about 神圣之地? It has unicorns and rainbows.


    • I dislike 海洋, magic does not flow well in a place like this.


    • The abominations in 腐化之地/猩红之地/地牢 disturb me, like the darkest form of magic.


    • I love that there's a lot to talk about with <高尔夫球手的名字>.


    • <公主的名字>? We have a princess? Fascinating, she seems nice.


    • <商人的名字> and I share a very long history, I like the mutual wisdom.


    • <巫医的名字> dabbles in things that shouldn't be disturbed, and I don't like that.


    • That loathsome <机器侠的名字> is a complete and total abomination to magic!


    • I feel magical.
  • 巫师运气状态话语 []

    Main article: 运气
  • 如果运气 ≥ 0.75
    • You are overflowing with a blessing of stupendous prosperity!!
    • Excessive health and happiness gush from your very being! You are a Godsend!!
    如果运气 <0.75 且 ≥ 0.5
    • "Have you a garden of four-leaf clovers? You are bursting with essences of great fortune!"
    • Serendipity smiles upon you! It is likely you shall find profit in all things!
    如果运气 <0.5 且 ≥ 0.25
    • You are giving off a positive energy, like something grand could occur at any moment.
    • There are vibes of good fortune emanating from you, as though your wishes could possibly come true.
    如果运气 <0.25 且 > 0
    • I sense a speck of good karma about you, but I could be mistaken.
    • There's something unusually warm about you. I'm not sure how to place it, but keep walking in that direction.
    如果运气是 0
    • (如果运气是 0,巫师不会使用这些话语中的任何一条。)
    如果运气 <0 且 ≥ −0.14
    • The air feels dull and gloomy where you step. Be wary of ill feelings.
    • Is something bothering you? Something doesn't feel quite right about you.
    如果运气 <−0.14 且 ≥ −0.28
    • Negative energy is seeping from your pores. I wouldn't take any chances today.
    • Unfortunate omens hang over your head. You DID forward that letter, right?
    如果运气 <−0.28 且 ≥ −0.42
    • I feel a terrible fate surrounding you! You should just stay in bed today!
    • What manner of salt did you spill to receive such misfortune!?
    如果运气 < -0.42(实际上无法达成)
    • Stay away! You are dragging a behemoth of woeful bad luck in your wake! I want nothing of it!!
    • Did you smash every mirror in WorldName!? You hapless fool, you are cursed beyond help!!
  • 花絮[]

    • The 怪物图鉴物图 entry for the 巫师: "The Wizard is an absent-minded, demented old man who dabbles in the arcane arts. He sells magical trinkets to train new apprentices."


    • 电脑版 修正了一个 Bug,即提到向导的话语出现的条件是存在恶魔眼(而非向导)。
    • 电脑版
      • 现在出售空滴管。
      • 冰雪魔杖的价格从1降到50
      • 外观更新。

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