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幻影龙Hardmode exclusive
Phantasm Dragon
Classic mode icon Classic
Expert mode icon Expert
Master mode icon Master
AI Type蠕虫 AI
Max Life10000/12500/15937
KB Resist100%
Immune toAll debuffs except Whip debuffs
This article is about 出现于拜月教邪教徒战斗中的敌怪. For 星尘之龙仆从, see 星尘之龙法杖. For 拜月教邪教徒后的弓, see 幻影弓.



Classic mode icon Classic
Expert mode icon Expert
Master mode icon Master
2 values: Pre-Hardmode › Hardmode
3 values: Pre-Hardmode › Hardmode › Post-Plantera
NPC ID 部分 伤害 防御
454 Phantasm Dragon (Head) 幻影龙 100/150/225 15
455 Phantasm Dragon (Body1) 幻影龙 50/75/112 30
456 Phantasm Dragon (Body2) 幻影龙 50/75/112 30
457 Phantasm Dragon (Body3) 幻影龙 50/75/112 30
458 Phantasm Dragon (Body4) 幻影龙 50/75/112 30
459 Phantasm Dragon (Tail) 幻影龙 50/75/112 30


  • Like all multi-segmented enemies, the Phantasm Dragon is vulnerable to weapons with piercing and area-of-effect damage. If 玩家 has already defeated the 日耀柱 before, the 日耀喷发剑 is available as an effective choice. Other options include the 电圈发射器毒气瓶.
  • Due to its large hitbox, it can be hit easily with 吸血鬼刀, which will restore a lot of health.
  • 玩家 should try to aim for the Phantasm Dragon's head, which has the least defense out of all of its segments. However, it also inflicts the most damage。


  • The Phantasm Dragon is a total of 30 segments long. Its first segment being the head, the other 29 segments consist of the legs every four segments (for a total of 6 legs), with the final three being the tail.
  • A pet version of this enemy can be spawned via the Tablet Fragment, which is dropped from the cultist in master mode.
  • The 怪物图鉴物图 entry for the 幻影龙: "Wyvern souls are entwined in the atmosphere of the world. Powerful magicks can summon them through the veil with physical form."


  • 电脑版 1.4.1: Increased the maximum health from 4000 to 10,000, the head's damage from 80 to 100 and defense from 10 to 15, and the body's and legs' damage from 40 to 50 and defense from 20 to 30.

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