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Classic mode icon Classic
Expert mode icon Expert
Master mode icon Master
2 values: Pre-Hardmode › Hardmode
3 values: Pre-Hardmode › Hardmode › Post-Plantera
NPC ID 类型 生命值 伤害 防御 击退抗性 钱币
2 Demon Eye 恶魔眼 60/120264/180396 18/3664/5496 2/24 20%/28%/36% 75Pre-Hardmode: 187Hardmode: 3
-43 Demon Eye 恶魔眼 69/138303/206455 20/4173/62110 2/24 32%/39%/46% 86Pre-Hardmode: 215Hardmode: 345
190 Cataract Eye 恶魔眼 65/130286/195429 18/3664/5496 4/48 30%/37%/44% 75Pre-Hardmode: 187Hardmode: 3
-38 Cataract Eye 恶魔眼 74/149328/224493 20/4173/62110 4/49 41%/46%/52% 86Pre-Hardmode: 215Hardmode: 345
191 Sleepy Eye 恶魔眼 60/120264396/180396594 16/325686/4884129 2/246 15%/24%/32% 75Pre-Hardmode: 187Hardmode: 3Post-Plantera: 450
-39 Sleepy Eye 恶魔眼 66/132290435/198435653 17/356194/5292141 2/246 24%/31%/39% 82Pre-Hardmode: 25Hardmode: 330Post-Plantera: 495
192 Dilated Eye 恶魔眼 50/100220330/150330495 18/366496/5496144 2/246 20%/28%/36% 75Pre-Hardmode: 187Hardmode: 3Post-Plantera: 450
-40 Dilated Eye 恶魔眼 45/90198297/135297445 16/325786/4886129 1/135 12%/21%/30% 67Pre-Hardmode: 168Hardmode: 270Post-Plantera: 45
193 Green Eye 恶魔眼 60/120264/180396 20/4072/60108 0 20%/28%/36% 75Pre-Hardmode: 187Hardmode: 3
-41 Green Eye 恶魔眼 51/102224/153336 17/3461/5191 0 8%/17%/26% 63Pre-Hardmode: 158Hardmode: 255
194 Purple Eye 恶魔眼 60/120264396/180396594 14/285074/4275111 4/4812 20%/28%/36% 75Pre-Hardmode: 187Hardmode: 3Post-Plantera: 450
-42 Purple Eye 恶魔眼 66/132290435/198435653 15/305581/4682122 4/4813 28%/35%/42% 82Pre-Hardmode: 25Hardmode: 330Post-Plantera: 495
317 Owl Demon Eye 恶魔眼 75/150330/225495 16/3256/4884 6/612 30%/37%/44% 1Pre-Hardmode: 250Hardmode: 4
318 Spaceship Demon Eye 恶魔眼 60/120264/180396 20/4072/60108 4/48 35%/42%/48% 1Pre-Hardmode: 250Hardmode: 4


  • 僵尸那样,恶魔眼有时候会生成的比普通尺寸的大点或者小点;大的恶魔眼有更高的生命、伤害、防御、和击退抗性,而小的恶魔眼速度更快且更难击中。
  • 新月期间恶魔眼会更常出现。
  • 虽然胀大眼看上去有又大、又黑的瞳孔,黑晶状体的掉落率并没有因此而提升。


  • 恶魔眼会试图直冲向玩家。这使得只要躲到墙后就能相对轻松的逃开。
  • 由于它们不能入,因此只要完全浸入水中它们就碰不到你了。然而你却还能用阔剑或任意远程武器击中它们。
  • 新玩家可能会发现用长矛类武器对付他们非常有效率。
  • 在对付恶魔眼时同样推荐用远程武器,比如木弓,因为它们在够不着你的地方花很多时间。最佳攻击时机是在它转弯的时候,因为成功击中它会将其击退并打乱其飞行路线,这样就能在它够得着你之前多射几发。
  • 如果你每次都从不同方向挥剑,就能有效地将恶魔眼困在剑的有效范围内,因为剑会将其击向你所面对的路线。


怪物图鉴物图 entries

  • Demon Eyes: "That suspicious feeling of being watched may very well come true in the dark of night, when Cthulhu's minions roam the skies."
  • Halloween Demon Eyes: "No one knows who dressed these demon eyes up in cute costumes, but the whole process hasn't made them any friendlier."



zh:恶魔眼nl:Demon Eye/nlit:Demon Eye/itcs:Demon Eye/cs
