Terraria Wiki
This is a Guide page.
This is a Guide page.
This means the page will walk you through a specific task, strategy, or enemy/boss fight.
Status: Subject to revision (This Guide does not meet certain quality standards and may be heavily outdated.)
  • Issues:
     • Most likely outdated since .. Remember not to delete pre-1.4 content; use {{eicons}} and {{eversions}}!
  • 敌怪有许多对游戏进程至关重要的掉落物品. 为了刷这些稀有物品可能要花上大量的时间, 但是存在诸多方法使这个相对繁杂的任务流程变得轻松的多.

    基础[ | ]


    • 无论敌怪还是友方的NPC都只能生成在玩家周围的168x94个图格内, 同时也存在一个极限保证这个区域内可以同时存在敌怪的数量.
    • 生成速度会随着生物群落, 深度, 和具体时间的变化而变化. 这些因素同样影响着生成敌怪的具体种类, 所以必须仔细选择正确的刷怪时间和地点.
    • 许多特殊的事件可以增加敌怪的生成速度和最大生成数. 进一步的说, 这些事件有自己的敌怪列表. 玩家可以使用适当的物品手动召唤大多数此类事件. 血月要特殊提一下, 因为这个事件可以增加全局敌怪的最大生成数, 这意味着你在这个世界任何一个地方敌怪生成数量都会变多.
    • 在友方NPC附近, 敌怪的生成会被压制, 这并不只是包括"城镇"NPC, 还包括旅商骷髅商人. 如果同时有3个友方的NPC同屏, 敌怪将完全停止生成. 当然友方NPC的存在并不能影响事件敌怪的生成, 诸如血月和各种入侵.
    • 通过使用水蜡烛和/或战斗药水将增加敌怪的生成. 相反, 和平蜡烛, 镇静药水, 和 向日葵会降低敌怪的生成速度. 入侵类事件并不会受这些道具影响, 但是血月和日食例外.

    知道掉落物品的限制也很重要: 虽然这些物品不会消失, 但全世界范围内一次只可以存在400个掉落物. 如果有刷出更多物品, 最先刷出的物品将消失. 当大量敌怪被杀死并掉落物品时, 这一点尤为重要.

    方法[ | ]

    刷怪厂[ | ]

    刷怪最基础的方法去寻找或者建造一个可以简单聚怪并随之消灭的地方. 当你选择刷怪的位置时, 最好选择宽阔的空地. 如下所示一个空旷的洞穴, 或者地牢的一个大房间. 一旦找好并确定后, 便可以对其进行进一步修改, 提高其效率并减少在生成在刷怪厂外的敌怪, 对此炸药挖矿药水可以派上用场. 当然你也可以从头开始挖掘构建刷怪厂, 一旦投入了最初的时间和精力, 它就会非常高效。

    任何刷怪厂也应该包括一个不受敌怪攻击的安全区域, 允许玩家恢复生命值并使用可穿过墙壁攻击的武器. 尽管门可以阻止大多数敌怪进入, 但有些敌怪也可以将其拆除或直接穿墙.

    刷怪厂可以进一步通过篝火红心灯笼蜂蜜增加生命再生速度, 和水蜡烛增加怪物生成速度. 一个星星瓶 (or few) 会增加魔力再生速度.



    熔岩坑[ | ]

    See also: Lava and Liquids

    最简单的刷怪思路是将大量敌怪聚体到一个有熔岩的坑洞中. 这种方法可以有效地应对大多数地面敌怪以及一些飞行中的敌怪,但是对法师和可以穿越方块的敌怪无效. 这种熔岩坑最常见的设计是建成"火山"样子: 一个熔岩坑和边上的左右两个由锤子锤出来的斜坡. 当玩家站在熔岩坑的下面, 生成的敌怪会沿着斜坡爬上去随之掉到熔岩坑中. 这个坑至少应该高于8个方块来避免掉在坑中的怪物不会跳出去. 需要注意的是飞行中的敌人通常会避开熔岩(如果玩家在熔岩坑下方, 这可能会导致一些飞行敌怪的死亡), 这些飞行敌怪可以通过其他方法杀死他们, 例如召唤武器或陷阱. 许多敌怪还缺少从平台跳下去的能力, 这可以进一步有效地将这些敌怪困在农场的某个部分.

    熔岩深度[ | ]

    This content is transcluded from Lava § 熔岩深度.

    机械[ | ]

    For further info on how to connect traps, see Guide:Wiring and Guide:Logic Gates.

    一旦机械师获救后, 飞镖机关和其改良型, 喷泉(机关)烈焰机关, 长矛机关, 或尖球机关就能用来进一步给农场提速.

    可以通过制动器来建立安全门进一步改进熔岩坑; 在熔岩坑入口上面覆盖一层激活的方块, 这样农厂只有在使用时才能被激活. 一旦蒸汽朋克人到了, 玩家可以购买 传送机创建即时且安全的入口; 传送带更轻松地收集战利品.

    怪物农场[ | ]


    在一些情况内。雕像农场是有效的办法; 详情可见链接。对于该雕像是否产出我们想要的掉落物亦或是可售卖的其它物品详情可见下文。

    下列物品 (coins, souls, biome keys, some yoyos) 可由在相应生态系的任何怪物进行产出 (但掉率可能极低), 因此建立一个在合适生态系下的农场就显得十分实用,或者通过人工构建生态系可以使得这件事事半功倍;此外农场所衍生的怪物应当能被轻易杀死, 否贼你极有可能就会被反噬。不幸的是,经由这些雕像所刷新的怪物几乎悉数是你的敌人。

    首先,选择一个你想要的的敌人刷新的地点很有必要(包含生态系和高度) (biome and height) ; 如果你忽略那些你不想要但是已被刷新出的怪物,该区域会达到单位刷新数量上限以至于你无法再刷新你所期望遇到的那些怪物。被虚弱的敌人更容易被消灭(这是私货,原文是屠杀一词,我不知道作者怎么想的,但是这个词第一条意思是针对于平民的行为); 或者这种情况例外,玩家可以自动选择被杀的目标。例如,建立一个陷阱可能会使地面的敌人陷入熔岩坑而另一些敌人强大到足以在熔岩中生存下来。相反,陷阱可以阻止飞行的敌人,而地面单位则不受限制。

    前困难模式[ | ]

    • 尽管史莱姆slimes 是一种司空见惯的怪物,但建立史莱姆农场有助于玩家获得大量的粉史莱姆以及可以被用来制作和平蜡烛 Peace Candles的粉凝胶 PinkiesPink Gel。使用史莱姆农场并不会得到粉凝胶,但是会得到其他的史莱姆物品。
    • 在血月期间Blood Moon,血腥僵尸 Blood Zombies 与滴滴怪 Dripplers 会掉落鲨牙项链 Shark Tooth Necklace 以及钱币槽 Money Trough, 这两种都是很有用的杂物。(也可以通过这两种自敌人的雕像进行获取,详情见下文。)
    • Dungeon: Angry Bones in the Dungeon drop the Clothier Voodoo Doll, which can be used to summon Skeletron again. A variety of enemies can drop a Tally Counter to complete your Cell Phone. Cursed Skulls drop the Nazar, which (besides being useful on the spot) will be needed later for your Ankh Shield.
    • Underworld: Demons drop the Demon Scythe (a particularly powerful magic weapon for its stage), and its Voodoo variant drops the Guide Voodoo Doll (used to summon the Wall of Flesh). The player may want to kill the boss multiple times due to the very useful items it drops, so collecting the dolls in Pre-Hardmode is useful. However, if a Voodoo Demon drops its Voodoo Doll in Lava, the Wall of Flesh will be summoned, so it is better to cover all nearby Lava lakes before farming. If a Hellbridge has been built for the Wall of Flesh, it can be used as a farm area.
    • In, it is recommended to farm large amounts of Eaters of Souls, as they have a rare chance to drop Ancient Shadow armor, the second best melee armor Pre-Hardmode, only surpassed by Molten armor, which can only be obtained after beating at least some segments of the Eater of Worlds.

    Hardmode[ | ]

    • Enemies in several different biomes (Jungle, Snow, Desert, Hallowed, and Corruption or Crimson) can drop Biome Keys. Since any enemy can drop them, these are a good target for farms in the respective biomes at any height.
    • Likewise Souls of Night and Light are required for many early Hardmode recipes. They can only be obtained from enemies in the underground Corruption/Crimson and Hallow, respectively, but any variation of the infected biome will do.
      • If you previously made a Hellbridge with corruptible blocks, you could use converted blocks to farm Underworld enemies for souls. This makes it easier, as Hardmode enemies don't spawn until a Mechanical Boss is defeated. Console has them instantly, so its useless for console unless you want to farm hell mobs instead.
      • Spawn King Slime in the Underground Hallow, Corruption, or Crimson. As Blue Slimes are common enemies, they can drop souls when killed. (This no longer works as of 1.4)
    • Ichor and Cursed Flames are obtained from certain enemies in the Underground Crimson or Corruption respectively. They are used for multiple Ammo types.
    • Unicorns and Pixies from the surface Hallow can be easily farmed and drop useful crafting materials that can also be sold for a decent amount, such as Pixie Dust and Unicorn Horns. (See example farm below)
    • Solar Eclipses spawn many enemies, most of them having distinctive drops:
    • One of the Oceans can be easily turned into an Artificial Jungle biome, with the use of Jungle Grass Seeds on Mud Blocks or Lihzahrd Bricks. (See example below.) This will cause Arapaimas to spawn in the water at a very high rate. When the player stands on a puddle of water built above the Ocean, the Arapaimas will try to attack them, but be unable to do so and instead be stuck just below them, where they can be automatically killed by Minions, Traps and Lava. As of 1.4 this will no longer occur through solid blocks. Using bubbles and platforms will still work, but is less safe.
    • Enemy farms have been buffed as of update 1.4, as some enemies drop a lot of gold. Staying AFK for a long time can even give hundreds of platinum coins.

    Some more specific targets to focus on:

    Post-Plantera[ | ]

    Plantera's death unleashes many new enemies, each with their drops:

    Statue Farms[ | ]

    Statue Farm

    A multi-target statue farm.

    Statue farms can be used in order to easily obtain special items from a particular enemies, or to gather large numbers of items for sale or supply. They have the advantage of being able to choose a particular enemy to farm.

    The basic setup for statue farming involves connecting one or more statues to a 1 Second Timer (or a Crab Engine). Place a shallow layer of lava (recommended) around the statue, and/or connect a few Dart Traps to kill the spawned monsters. Once you click the switch, all you have to do is wait for drops to accumulate. A tunnel beneath the trap can allow safe collection. Housing a vendor NPC near the farm is convenient for selling the items quickly. Multiple statues in a lava pit can speed things up.

    However, there are limits to statue farming:

    • Statue-spawned enemies do not drop coins and many have reduced drops. An already-rare drop with reduced chances can require considerable amount of time to farm.
    • Some statue-spawned enemies will not drop items at all if they are killed by traps. Using a lava-based setup will avoid this limit entirely.
    • If a statue for a Hardmode enemy is used before Hardmode, it either will not spawn or will not drop loot.
    • Statue-spawned critters cannot be captured. Critters converted to evil forms by a Blood Moon will not drop coins, but can drop other items.
    • A farm can make use of up to three statues; for most enemies a single timer will do, but for the weakest enemies (those killed in less than a second by lava) staggered timers may improve speed slightly.

    List of Spawner Statues[ | ]

    This content is transcluded from Statues.

    雕像 敌怪 备注
    放置的武装僵尸雕像  僵尸僵尸专家模式种类)
    放置的蝙蝠雕像  洞穴蝙蝠洞穴蝙蝠
    放置的血腥僵尸雕像  血腥僵尸血腥僵尸
    放置的骨头骷髅雕像  骷髅骷髅专家模式种类)
    放置的宝箱雕像  宝箱怪宝箱怪
    • 生成的宝箱怪类似于当前生物群落所对应的宝箱类型。
    • 宝箱雕像在困难模式之前中依然能够生成宝箱怪。
    • 通过雕像生成的宝箱怪不会掉落战利品,即使在困难模式中亦是如此。
    放置的腐化雕像  噬魂怪噬魂怪
    放置的螃蟹雕像  螃蟹螃蟹
    放置的滴滴怪雕像  滴滴怪滴滴怪
    放置的魔眼雕像  恶魔眼恶魔眼
    放置的哥布林雕像  哥布林侦察兵哥布林侦察兵
    • 掉落 1–2 个破布(1%)。
    • 机关NPC、及熔岩杀死时不会掉落物品。
    • 常规掉落率降低了 100 倍。
    放置的花岗岩巨人雕像  花岗岩巨人花岗岩巨人
    放置的鸟妖雕像  鸟妖鸟妖
    放置的装甲步兵雕像  装甲步兵装甲步兵
    放置的黄蜂雕像  黄蜂黄蜂
    放置的小鬼雕像  火焰小鬼火焰小鬼
    放置的水母雕像  蓝水母蓝水母
    放置的蛇发女妖雕像  蛇发女妖蛇发女妖
    放置的猪龙雕像  猪龙猪龙(任何)
    • 掉落培根 (1.67%)
    • 困难模式之前也可以生成,但不会掉落战利品。
    • 需要有 6 格宽 3 格高的区域才能生成(否则只会产生一股轻烟)。
    • 生成的颜色随机。
    • 机关NPC、及熔岩杀死时不会掉落物品。
    • 常规掉落率降低了 20 倍,培根除外,它根本不会掉落自雕像。
    放置的食人鱼雕像  食人鱼食人鱼
    放置的鲨鱼雕像  鲨鱼鲨鱼
    • 掉落鲨鱼鳍(19.6%)、鲨鱼风筝(0.8%)和潜水头盔(0.4%)。
    • 需要有 7 格宽 3 格高的区域才能生成(否则只会产生一股轻烟)。
    • 机关NPC、及熔岩杀死时不会掉落物品。
    • 常规掉落率降低了 5 倍。
    放置的骷髅雕像  骷髅骷髅
    放置的史莱姆雕像  蓝史莱姆蓝史莱姆
    放置的亡灵维京海盗雕像  亡灵维京海盗亡灵维京海盗
    放置的独角兽雕像  独角兽独角兽
    放置的爬墙蜘蛛雕像  爬墙蜘蛛爬墙蜘蛛
    放置的幻灵雕像  幻灵幻灵

    Examples[ | ]

