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This means the page will walk you through a specific task, strategy, or enemy/boss fight.
Skeletron PrimeOld-gen console version and Nintendo 3DS version
Map Icon Skeletron Prime
Map Icon
Classic mode icon Classic
Expert mode icon Expert
Master mode icon Master
AI Type機械骷髏王頭部 AI
94 / 158 (旋轉時)
Max Life28000/42000/53550
48 (旋轉時)
KB Resist100%
Immune to[[File:[[:Template:GetBuffInfo|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twPenetrated]]File:Db-zh-twDistorted.png|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twPenetrated]][[File:[[:Template:GetBuffInfo|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twConfused]]File:Db-zh-twConfused.png|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twConfused]][[File:[[:Template:GetBuffInfo|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw]]File:Db-zh-twDistorted.png|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw]][[File:[[:Template:GetBuffInfo|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twPoisoned]]File:Db-zh-twPoisoned.png|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twPoisoned]]

Skeletron Prime Trophy 「你感覺周圍的空氣越來越冷...」 Skeletron Prime Trophy


生成條件[ | ]


  • 砸掉惡魔祭壇/猩紅祭壇猩紅祭壇。夜幕降臨時會有10%概率出現。注意此條件與其他的機械boss共享,因此,如果它們尚未被擊敗,則不能保證結果,且僅當機械骷髏王仍未被擊敗時有效;
  • 使用機械骷髏頭機械骷髏頭


戰鬥[ | ]


  • 機械鋸是近戰臂,9000/1350017212點生命。
  • 機械鉗是近戰臂,9000/1350017212點生命。
  • 機械激光是發射激光的遠程臂,6000/900011475點生命。
  • 機械炮是發射手榴彈的遠程臂,7000/1050013387點生命。
  • 機械骷髏王是頭部,28000/4200053550點生命。



機械鋸[ | ]



機械鉗[ | ]


機械激光[ | ]


機械炮[ | ]


機械骷髏王[ | ]




通用策略[ | ]

提示[ | ]

This content is transcluded from Guide:Practical tips § Combat.指南:Practical tips

  • 使用 召喚武器時,建議使用鎖定功能一次瞄準一隻手臂,以降低機械骷髏王的威脅。只需右擊機械骷髏王手臂上的武器就能鎖定其手臂,這樣僕從們便會優先攻擊被鎖定的手臂。
  • 所有職業都需要注意,霜凍是少有的幾個機械骷髏王不免疫的減益之一,因此使用任何帶有霜凍效果的武器或是寒霜盔甲都會使戰鬥容易得多。如果有條件,可以用靈液來削減機械骷髏王的高防禦力。
  • 當機械骷髏王的頭部沒有旋轉時,如果玩家離頭部太遠,機械骷髏王會以極快的速度飛向玩家,這一攻擊很難躲開。請與機械骷髏王保持適當的距離。
  • 由於較其他兩個機械boss有較小的傷害輸出,推薦把機械骷髏王作為第一個挑戰的機械boss。如果玩家的裝備足夠精良,那麼最大的挑戰可能就是要在黎明前打倒機械骷髏王。

地形準備[ | ]


裝備[ | ]

盔甲[ | ]

  • 精金盔甲精金盔甲精金盔甲精金盔甲 提供最大程度的全面屬性提升。
  • 鈦金盔甲鈦金盔甲鈦金盔甲鈦金盔甲 因其優異的屬性,是一個好的選擇。它同時提供 鈦金屏障鈦金屏障 / 暗影躲避暗影躲避 增益。
  • 水晶刺客盔甲水晶刺客盔甲的高防禦,屬性提升與 衝刺能力可以讓其成為一個困難模式礦物盔甲之外的一個選擇。
  • 山銅盔甲山銅盔甲山銅盔甲山銅盔甲提供非常高的暴擊率,且它的加成能夠同時攻擊多個部位。
  • 鈀金盔甲鈀金盔甲鈀金盔甲鈀金盔甲 對屬性提升幫助較小,但它的 快速治療快速治療 大大提升了再生能力.
  • 神聖盔甲神聖盔甲神聖盔甲神聖盔甲 是一個很好的選擇,在你已經打敗一個機械boss的情況下。 因為它在桌面版上提供神聖防護神聖防護增益.
  • 蜘蛛盔甲蜘蛛盔甲是召喚師們最實用的選擇。但是對於刃杖玩家,黑曜石盔甲仍是一個非常實用的選擇,因為它為鞭提供了屬性提升。
  • Monk's Bushy Brow Bald CapSquire's Great HelmHuntress's WigApprentice's Hat The armor sets available from the Tavernkeep combine summoning with one of the other classes. This is only available if you've already defeated one Mechanical Boss.
  • 寒霜盔甲寒霜盔甲 and 禁戒盔甲禁戒盔甲 provide weak stat bonuses, but allow you to mix different damage types.

武器[ | ]

For melee users[ | ]
For ranged users[ | ]
For magic users[ | ]
  • You can use the 水晶蛇水晶蛇 which functions similarly to Crystal Bullets and deals high damage.
  • The 裂天劍裂天劍 is just as strong.
  • The 流星法杖流星法杖 is powerful and easy to craft, provided you have some leftover Meteorite Bars from Pre-Hardmode.
  • The 黃金雨黃金雨 deals little damage but inflicts the 靈液(減益) debuff, allowing your other weapons to deal even more damage.
  • The 寒霜之花寒霜之花 is a decent weapon that inflicts Frostburn, which Skeletron Prime is not immune to.
  • The 彩虹魔杖彩虹魔杖 is available if you have defeated The Twins previously. The projectile is homing and piercing, meaning it is all but guaranteed to hit three sections of the boss with each cast while at the same time allowing you to focus on dodging.
  • Beating a Hardmode goblin army can provide access to the 暗影焰妖娃暗影焰妖娃, dropped by the Goblin Summoner. The scattering attack can hit multiple limbs and the head rapidly, dealing substantial damage in little time.
For summoners [ | ]
  • The 血紅法杖血紅法杖 an extremely good summon weapon, due to its perfect tracking and high damage.
  • The 刃杖刃杖 is also an extremely viable option due to its fast tracking and insanely fast attack speed. As Skeletron Prime is vulnerable to Ichor, Ichor Flasks can greatly increase the effectiveness of the Blades, as together they ignore 40 defense (45 on Mobile). Whips can boost its damage further.
  • If you have already defeated The Twins, you can use the 魔眼法杖魔眼法杖 to summon miniature versions of them.
  • The 蜘蛛法杖蜘蛛法杖 is very useful for defeating the laser and cannon, as they don't move much and allow the spiders to cling for longer.
  • The 蜘蛛女王法杖蜘蛛女王法杖 is a great choice if you tend to remain in one area the entire battle.
  • Whips, especially the 冷鞭冷鞭 with its armor-ignoring snowflake projectile, are effective at dealing damage to several body parts at once or empowering your minions.
  • The 迪朗達爾迪朗達爾 preferred if at least one mechanical boss has been defeated prior, as it provides Summon Tag damage.

Accessories[ | ]

  • Accessories that increase your mobility such as the 閃電靴閃電靴 or Wings are a must.
  • An Emblem for your class can increase your damage output significantly.
  • The 蛙腿蛙腿 ( and its upgrades) makes all wings significantly faster, which helps when dodging its attacks.
  • The 神話護身符神話護身符 increases your base health regeneration and reduces the cooldown on potions, making it a good choice if you have trouble dodging its attacks.
  • The 鈷護盾鈷護盾 or its upgrades make you immune to knockback, preventing Skeletron Prime from knocking you around.
  • The Expert-exclusive 克蘇魯護盾克蘇魯護盾 can greatly increase your mobility as well as provide some extra defense.
  • The Expert-exclusive 蠕蟲圍巾蠕蟲圍巾 will reduce damage taken, making it a powerful choice.
  • On Desktop version Desktop, Console version Console, and Mobile version Mobile, the Expert-exclusive 混亂之腦混亂之腦 has a chance to dodge an attack, providing the player with a useful 控腦術控腦術 buff.

Potions[ | ]

Mixed strategies[ | ]

  • It is possible to defeat Skeletron Prime by continuous attacks alternating the Megashark and a full stack of Light Discs, while wearing a full set of Palladium armor. However, this is likely to cut the time limit very close, and whichever headpiece you choose, only one of your weapons will get a class bonus. In general, Hardmode fights reward class purity.
  • On Console version Console, Mobile version Mobile, and Nintendo Switch version Switch, it is very easy to defeat Skeletron Prime with The Black Spot, as it is able to move faster than the boss. The only thing you need is stable and high enough damage to win before dawn.
  • An effective way to avoid his spinning head attack is to use a 明膠女式鞍明膠女式鞍 and jump on top of his head with the mount. You can even use this to your advantage to get extra hits as it keeps bouncing you up.

