Terraria Wiki
This is a Guide page.
This is a Guide page.
This means the page will walk you through a specific task, strategy, or enemy/boss fight.
Status: Subject to revision (This Guide does not meet certain quality standards and may be heavily outdated.)
  • Issues:
     • Most likely outdated since .. Remember not to delete pre-1.4 content; use {{eicons}} and {{eversions}}!
  • The Event[ | ]

    Blood Moon是一個遊戲早期事件。它將可能發生在角色擁有超過120 health, 並且月亮出來時 (非新月)。 如果這些條件滿足,血月將有1/9的機率發生。 其也可以通過使用一個 血淚血淚召喚. 這一事件由許多血淋淋的恐怖敵人組成。血月發生將造成許多的影響。

    影響[ | ]

    • 敵人生成更頻繁,即便是在家附近並且有許多NPCs.
    • 殭屍 可以開門,這意味著場地上的NPC們更容易死亡.
    • 兔子、金魚和企鵝通常會變得腐敗化(在一個對應腐化之地的世界)或血腥化(在一個猩紅之地的世界),即這些溫順生物的敵意變種。
    • NPC們將售賣特有的物品, and have unique quotes. 動物學家動物學家會變成赤狐獸人.
    • 死亡草死亡草 將會綻放,不論在任何生物群落, 詛咒活火塊咒活火將會變為黃色,水將會變為紅色,屏幕上將出現一層紅色的濾鏡.
    • Fishing Power will be 1.1 times stronger, but fishing during a Blood Moon can result in reeling up dangerous enemies.
    • Blood Moon-exclusive enemies can spawn, such as 殭屍新郎殭屍新郎, 血腥殭屍腥僵, and 滴滴怪.

    Rewards[ | ]

    While a Blood Moon can be dangerous to new players, it can also wield great rewards.

    準備階段[ | ]

    常用貼士[ | ]

    This content is transcluded from Guide:Practical Tips § Combat.

    Arena[ | ]

    由於NPC在改時間內容易受到傷害, 在此推薦將你的初始基地建在空中. 若你已經建立了一個基地, 一個在門後簡單的柵欄塊將阻止怪物入侵。 在困難模式之前你會想要把基地移至地表以上 Hardmode, 因為敵人刷新率的提高將會促成 幻靈的產生 ,它是一種極麻煩的怪物; 然而他們在方塊中時只能向前移動。 A simple ditch can take care of most ground level mobs, even 小丑 in hardmode. Even better, line the bottom of the ditch with lava and it will kill them for you. You will want to place a thin layer of lava in the ditch, enough to burn 銅幣, but not 銀幣ilver one. To make sure that the amount of lava is correct, throw a copper coin in. If it burns, you have met the minimum requirement. If not, add more until it does, but slowly until the coin disappears. Next, throw a silver coin in. It shouldn't burn. If it does, remove some and try again. Repeat until the copper coin burns, but not the silver. As said above, traps can make the arena even deadlier when used correctly. Keep in mind that Drippers can hover and fly above your defenses.

