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Terraria Wiki
松露人Hardmode exclusive
TruffleOld-gen console version and Nintendo 3DS version
Map Icon Truffle
AI Type被动 AI
Max Life250
KB Resist50%
Not to be confused with 松露虫, 虾松露, or 带鳞松露.

松露人是出售各种蘑菇主题物品的困难模式NPC 商贩。要让松露人入住,必须有一间位于(或附近)地表发光蘑菇生物群落(即,在 0 海拔以上)的空房屋。地表发光蘑菇生物群落并不会自然生成,必须由玩家手工创建。创建发光蘑菇生物群落需要有 100 格蘑菇草和蘑菇植物。[1]

Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, Mobile version Mobile version, Nintendo Switch version Nintendo Switch version, and tModLoader version tModLoader version中,当被敌怪威胁时,松露人会释放出Truffle Spore蘑菇孢子,它们会悬浮于空中并制造伤害。


Note: All item prices can be decreased by equipping a Discount Card or 婪戒. On the Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version, prices can also be higher or lower based on the NPC's happiness level.
Item Cost Availability

蘑菇帽蘑菇帽 2 Always available.
奇异发光蘑菇奇异发光蘑菇 45 Always available.
深蓝溶液深蓝溶液 25 Always available.
蘑菇长矛蘑菇长矛 70 至少有一个机械 Boss 被打败后。
蘑菇锤蘑菇锤 40 至少有一个机械 Boss 被打败后。
自动锤炼机自动锤炼机 1 世纪之花被打败后。
任何晶塔任何晶塔 10 当在特定生物群落中且足够快乐时。

生活偏好 []


For more information, see NPC happiness.


  • 如果有其他 NPC 正在等待入住,他们有可能抢在松露人之前住进发光蘑菇生物群落的家里。如果是想要生成松露人,尽量确保有足够的房屋供其他尚未入住的 NPC 使用。
  • 房屋下方有太多腐化猩红可能会让其变得无效。
  • 要让松露人搬进来,房屋必须位于地表发光蘑菇生物群落中。请注意这并不仅限于地表层,而是指任何高于 0 海拔的房屋——位于太空中的发光蘑菇生物群落和在海平面附近的房屋一样好用。
  • 松露人可以指派到其他房屋,只要新房屋也在发光蘑菇生物群落中即可。试图将他移动到无效的房屋中会收到错误讯息"This housing does not meet the requirements for a松露人"
  • 在地表发光蘑菇生物群落被摧毁后松露人依然可以继续留在房屋里。可以利用这一点,在所有其他房屋和 NPC附近建立一个发光蘑菇生物群落,等他入住,然后摧毁这个发光蘑菇生物群落对应的物块,这样就能让所有 NPC 在发光蘑菇生物群落之外待在一起。但是,如果松露人死亡,那就必须再重复进行一次此过程。
    • 不能通过此方法将其安置在地下,需要在surafce蘑菇生物群落为他建个房屋,然后摧毁之,让他自行寻找另一个房屋,这样就能达成这一点。同样,松露人死亡后需要重复此过程。
  • 松露人是男性,可被国王雕像传送。
  • 尽管他需要生活在地表发光蘑菇生物群落中,但因为有混合生物群落,所以松露人也能出售其他晶塔。例外情况是森林和洞穴晶塔,它们是排斥其他的,仅当不在其他生物群落中时才可用。


Achievement It Can Talk?!
It Can Talk?! • Build a house in a mushroom biome and have the Truffle move in.
Have a Truffle move into a house created in the Glowing Mushroom biome.
Achievement Real Estate Agent
Real Estate Agent • Have all possible town NPCs living in your world.
All town NPCs are housed in your world.


The 松露人 may have any of the following names:

  • Agaric
  • Amanita
  • Chanterelle
  • Cremini
  • Enoki
  • Maitake
  • Morel
  • Muscaria
  • Porcini
  • Reishi
  • Shiitake
  • Shimeji



    • As if living underground wasn't bad enough, jerks like you come in while I'm sleeping and steal my children.
    • I tried to lick myself the other day to see what the big deal was, everything started glowing blue.
    • Everytime I see the color blue, it makes me depressed and lazy.
    • You haven't seen any pigs around here have you? My brother lost his leg to one.
    • I don't know the 'Truffle Shuffle,' so stop asking!
    • There's been such a huge rumor that's being spread about me, 'If you can't beat him, eat him!'


    • Everyone in this town feels a bit off. I woke up to the clothier chewing on my foot last night.


    • Between you and me, <树妖的名字> is the only one I trust. She is the only one here who hasn't tried to eat me or use me in a potion.


    • I would have invited everyone to party in my home, but there's not mushroom.


    • Our kind is very brittle, I worry for my brothers on this breezy day.
    • Wind is not my friend, I like the dark, calm places.


    • Ahh... nice and damp. I feel so good.
    • Rain is cause for celebration for my people.


    • The weather seems detrimental to your species, human.
    • That last roar of thunder startled the spores right out of me!


    • This is an excellent place to start a family. Most of my friends were born here!
    • This place makes me feel good. I'm not sure why...
  • 快乐话语 []

  • 无家可归时:

    • I need a place to feel secure and welcome.


    • I love having so mush room to myself. What's so funny?


    • I don't like this anxiety I'm getting from the people gathering around me.
    • I hate it. So many people... I... I'm not going to get eaten, right?


    • I feel right at home, like I am one with 发光蘑菇 biome.


    • I don't belong in 腐化之地/猩红之地/地牢, I would not survive!


    • I love <向导的名字> for being able to talk to me without mysteriously getting hungry.


    • <公主的名字> doesn't try to eat me, that's good in my book.


    • <树妖的名字> treats me with respect, as though I'm a true part of nature. I don't know how to feel about that, except I like it.


    • <服装商的名字> has tried to eat me so many times. I swear, one time they weren't even human! I, obviously, dislike it.


    • <Doctor的名字> has tried to throw me into a pot filled with other unusual ingredients. I hate that.


    • I am quite happy, considering.
  • 花絮[]

    • 松露人的所有名字都是蘑菇或毒蕈的种类。
    • 松露人的眼睛和头顶在黑暗中会发光。
    • 松露人经常被描绘为只有一只眼睛,尽管在“它能说话?!”和“房产中介”成就图上它有两种眼睛。
    • 松露人的防御武器蘑菇孢子具有所有 NPC 中最高的每秒伤害
    • 他是唯一在走路时左右摆动手臂的 NPC,而不像其他 NPC 那样保持手臂弯曲。
    • 除了Nintendo 3DSNintendo 3DS version version上的巫医外,他是唯一要求居住在特定生物群落的 NPC。
    • 他的话“You haven't seen any pigs around here have you? My brother lost his leg to one.”指的是历史上用猪来定位松露。
    • 他的话“As if living underground wasn't bad enough, jerks like you come in while I'm sleeping and steal my children.”是指玩家探索发光蘑菇生物群落并收集发光蘑菇
    • 他的话“I don't know the 'Truffle Shuffle,' so stop asking!”引用了电影《七宝奇谋(The Goonies)》。
    • 他的话“I tried to lick myself the other day to see what the big deal was, everything started glowing blue.”引用了将蘑菇作为娱乐性药物使用的事情。
    • 话语“Everyone in this town feels a bit off. I woke up to the clothier chewing on my foot last night.” 暗示服装商想吃掉松露人, “<服装商的名字> has tried to eat me so many times. I swear, one time they weren't even human! I, obviously, dislike it.”进一步支持了这点。
    • 话语“<服装商的名字> has tried to eat me so many times. I swear, one time they weren't even human! I, obviously, dislike it.”指的是服装商在作为老人是如何变成骷髅王的。
    • The 怪物图鉴物图 entry for the 松露人: "Harnessing the hidden power of the glowing mushroom, the Truffle forges weapons and tools exclusively in his mushroom home."


    • 电脑版 1.2.4: 修正了当你未达到要求时松露人的售卖列表中会有个空位的 Bug。
    • 主机版 1.06: 现在要先打败一个机械 Boss 他才会出售蘑菇长矛。
    • 移动版 1.2.7901: 修正了一个松露人需要花费太长时间才能搬来的 Bug。(iOS & iPadOS
    • 移动版 1.2.7642: 修正了一个松露人需要花费太长时间才能搬来的 Bug。(Google Play


    1. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, Terraria.WorldGen.cs 中的 CheckSpecialTownNPCSpawningConditions() 方法 There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is

