Terraria Wiki
Main article: 钓鱼

以下为渔夫所给的任务列表,同时列出了能捕到各任务鱼的生物群落地层。在泰拉瑞亚内的每个泰拉瑞亚日(凌晨 4:30- 次日凌晨 4:29)只能完成一个渔夫任务,一旦完成就得等到下一个白天才能接到另一个任务。

渔夫的话 目标物品 高度 生物群落


  • 如果玩的是主机版或移动版,要格外注意以上图表,因为渔夫所给出的位置信息有时会不完整或不准确(例如,他声称史莱姆鱼到处都可以捕到,他也说坠落海星在地表地表不能捕到。)
  • 任务鱼是仅有的如果在物品栏中已有就无法拾取的物品。但是,它们可以从物品栏中移动收纳物品中(shift+点击和其他“自动”功能不会生效)。
    • 为了收集一条以上的任务鱼,玩家必须将每一条鱼都在捕获后就存到收纳物品中去;以后可以在放回物品栏中。物品栏的丢弃栏中也可以存放一条任务鱼。
    • 这与负重石的运作方式类似。
  • 不像炸弹鱼,雷管鱼并不起到雷管的作用。实际上,所有任务鱼在渔夫的任务之外都没有任何用处。
  • Only the Angelfish and Cloudfish must be caught in the sky; all other "sky" fish can also be caught on the surface. All "Underworld" fish can also be caught at Cavern levels. Only four fish can only be caught at Cavern levels or below: Demonic Hellfish, Fishotron, Guide Voodoofish, Hungerfish; the other "cavern" fish can also be caught at Underground levels as well.


  • 任务鱼与奇异植物是仅有的拥有Rarity level: Quest稀有度的物品。
  • When talking about the Clownfish, the Angler makes a reference to the 2003 American computer-animated adventure film Finding Nemo.
  • 谈论蝙蝠鱼时他引用的是 1960 年代的美国真人电视剧《蝙蝠侠(Batman)》,由同名的虚构超级英雄领衔主演。除了主题曲外,这个节目还有个出名的地方是把英雄的所有装备都以单词“Bat(蝙蝠)”为前缀。
  • When talking about the Bumblebee Tuna, the Angler makes a reference to the real-life brand Bumble Bee Foods, LLC, a company that produces canned tuna, salmon, other seafoods, and chicken under the brand name "Bumble Bee", among others. "Bumble Bee Tuna" is one of their products.
  • The Angler incorrectly refers to The Hungry as "the Hunger" when talking about the Hungerfish.
  • A number of the quest fish refer to real-world fish:
    • The Angelfish's appearance might be based on a species called the royal angelfish.
    • The Bloody Manowar's name refers to the real-life invertebrate Portuguese man o' war. The Angler's quote even refers to its powerful venomous sting.
    • The Catfish is, in real life, a type of fish known for its prominent barbels that look like cat's whiskers.
    • The Mudfish also refers to several real life species, although they look more elongated than their in-game depiction.
    • The Infected Scabbardfish might be based on several species called "scabbardfish" in the family Trichiuridae (order Scombriformes). The family itself is also known as the cutlassfish.
    • Baraccudas are another real genus of fish.
    • A few of the other names more-or-less coincidentally match common names of various species; for example, several species have been called "slimefish" at various times and places.


  • 电脑版
    • 添加了甲虫鱼和蝎子鱼。
    • 修正了一些钓鱼任务对话文本不一致或不准确的地方。
  • 电脑版 修正错别字:“Wyverntail(飞龙尾)”被错拼为“Whyverntail”。