动作 | 维基图标 | PC(鼠标和键盘) | PC(手柄) | Playstation | Xbox | Wii U | Nintendo Switch | 备注 |
使用物品 | ⚒ Use / Attack | RT | R2 | RT | ZR/R/触摸屏(手柄) | /触摸屏 | 用所持的武器攻击,消耗所持的药水,生成所持的坐骑/仆从召唤物品对应的召唤物,等等。 | |
交互 | ⚷ Open / Activate | /点击屏幕 | 打开门或者宝箱,启动开关,和 NPC 谈话,编辑标牌/墓石,等等。若想在 macOS 上不用鼠标右键来实现点击鼠标右键的效果,可以将两指放在触控板上(适用于笔记本电脑用户),这样就不会识别成鼠标左键单击而是鼠标右键单击。 | |||||
瞄准 | 右摇杆 | 右摇杆 | 右摇杆 | 右摇杆 | 使用右摇杆来平滑运动;使用来在物块之间运动。点击屏幕来向对应方向瞄准。 | 移动光标或引导攻击。 | ||
上 | ▲ Up | W | 左摇杆 | 左摇杆 | 左摇杆 | 左摇杆 | ||
下 | ▼ Down | S | ||||||
左 | ◀ Left | A,左箭头键 | 使人物向左移动。按住按键来连续移动。 | |||||
右 | ▶ Right | D,右箭头键 | 使人物向右移动。按住按键来连续移动。 | |||||
跳跃 | ↷ Jump | 空格,上箭头键 | LT | /L2 | /L3 | /Zl/L/L3 | ||
抓钩 | Grapple | E | L1 | LT | ZL/L/L3 | 激活/启动装备在抓钩槽的抓钩。 | ||
自动选择 | Auto Select | 左Shift | L3 | 按住 | 按住时会尽量根据光标下方的物体选择适合交互的工具。如果没有物品适用则会选中光源。 | |||
智能光标 | Smart Cursor | 左Ctrl | R3 | R3 | R3 | R3 | 按下/按住(参照智能光标模式设定) | 切换智能光标。开启时,会根据选中的工具自动选择目标物块,使一些任务变得半自动化,比如挖隧道或者建筑。 |
快速坐骑 | Quick Mount | R | 骑上或召回装备槽中的坐骑。 | |||||
快速治疗 | Quick Heal | H | 未绑定 | 消耗物品栏里最好的治疗物。 | ||||
快速魔力 | Quick Mana | J | 未绑定 | 消耗物品栏里首个魔力恢复物品(从左上角开始数)。 | ||||
快速增益 | Quick Buff | B | 未绑定 |
| ||||
锁定 | 锁定一个敌怪,使所有的攻击自动瞄准。按下一次便会锁定,再按一次来解除锁定。 | |||||||
投掷(丢弃) | Throw | T | 未绑定 | 将选中的物品丢弃在地上,使其以掉落物的形式出现并可被任意玩家收集。不会造成投掷伤害。也可通过以下操作投掷:打开物品栏,拿起要扔掉的物品,然后在物品栏之外单击鼠标右键。要注意投掷键会投掷整堆物品,火把除外,只有一个火把会被投掷。 | ||||
物品栏 | Inventory | Esc | /双击热键栏 | 打开扩展的抬头显示,包括物品栏、制作菜单、保存并退出(单人游戏)或者断开连接(多人游戏)控制选项。如果自动暂停已经启用,游戏会暂停(目前在主机版上不可用)。在 Xbox 或者 PS3 上按下开始键来暂停游戏(这不会打开物品栏)。 | ||||
聊天 | ↵ Enter | Enter | 打开聊天框。 | |||||
暂停 | Inventory | Esc | 在单人游戏中暂停游戏。只有在自动暂停开启时游戏才会暂停。要注意在 PC 上,除了自动暂停设置,在单人游戏中也可通过切出泰拉瑞亚程序的方法来暂停游戏,比如 Alt-Tab 快捷键或者Windows键。 | |||||
放大 | Shift + | N/A | 触摸板 | LT | ZR (暂停时) | 捏开屏幕/暂停时按下 | 放大人物,可以在屏幕上看到更少内容。 | |
缩小 | Shift - | N/A | 触摸板 | RT | ZL (暂停时) | 捏合屏幕/暂停时按下 | 缩小,使角色看起来更小,但是能看见更多内容。 |
动作 | 维基图标 | PC(鼠标和键盘) | PC(手柄) | Playstation | Xbox | Wii U | Nintendo Switch | 备注 |
放大 | + | 未绑定 | ZR | 向外捏开/暂停时按下 | 放大小地图。 | |||
缩小 | - | 未绑定 | ZL | 向内捏合/暂停时按下 | 缩小小地图。 | |||
降低透明度 | PageUp | 未绑定 | 降低小地图的透明度。 | |||||
提高透明度 | PageDown | 未绑定 | 提高小地图的透明度。 | |||||
切换完整地图 | Toggle Full Map | M | /在缩放达到最大时向内捏合/点击小地图 | 打开一副全屏的地图。这副地图可以像小地图一样使用键盘或鼠标滚轮来缩放。通过按下方向键或者用鼠标拖拽来滚动地图。点击左下角的图标、按下物品栏键或者再次按下地图来关闭全屏地图。在多人游戏中,地图会显示所有的玩家。在主机版上,你可以在全屏地图中选择自己的队伍。 | ||||
切换地图类型 | Toggle Map Style | Tab | 在下列三种小地图类型中轮换:画框模式、叠加模式和隐藏模式。参见小地图来了解更多细节。 |
动作 | 维基图标 | PC(鼠标和键盘) | PC(手柄) | Playstation | Xbox | Wii U | Nintendo Switch | 备注 |
向左/右循环切换 | LB / RB | L2 / R2 | LB / RB | L / R 或者 ZL / ZR | 或者 | 向左或右循环切换热键栏里选中的物品。 | ||
热键栏直接选择 | 0–9 | 0-9 | 未绑定 | 点击热键栏物品 | 从热键栏中选择一件物品(1 对应最左的,而 0 对应最右的)。热键栏是物品栏最上面那一列,比如说最上方 10 格。物品仅是被选中;要想实际使用它还需在选中后点击鼠标左键。 | |||
热键栏轮盘 | 按住 RB | 按住 (增益物品)或者(热键栏) | 打开热键栏轮盘,通过任意摇杆来选中物品。松开 RB 来选择物品。 | |||||
十字键热键栏 | 十字键 | 十字键 | 十字键 | 十字键 | 物品可以通过以下方法绑定至十字键:打开物品栏,选中一件物品然后按下十字键的一个方向键。在游戏时按下该方向键会将对应物品直接装备至热键栏。 |
动作 | 维基图标 | PC(鼠标和键盘) | PC(手柄) | Playstation | Xbox | Wii U | Nintendo Switch | 备注 |
切换相机模式 | F1 | F1 | 进入/退出相机模式。 | |||||
切换调试 | F7 | F7 | 显示/隐藏渲染调试信息。 | |||||
切换发送/接收 | F8 | F8 | 显示/隐藏多人游戏连通性调试信息。在单人游戏中,所有的数值都会显示为 0 且不会改变。 | |||||
照明模式 | ⇧ Shift + F9 | Shift + F9 | 在以下 4 种照明模式中切换:颜色、白、复古、迷幻(按照排列顺序)。 | |||||
切换 FPS | F10 | F10 | 显示/隐藏 FPS(每秒传输帧数)。 | |||||
切换 HUD | F11 | F11 | 切换 HUD(抬头显示器)的可见度。 |
- 要从一堆物品中取出一个,只需右键点击它。按住右键来增加从这堆物品中取出的数量。
- 要从物品栏中直接放置物体,左键点击选中该物品,再点击左键放置或点击右键丢出。
- 要从物品栏中直接将物体放入垃圾桶,按住 Ctrl 键同时点击该物品。这招可以用于快速释放物品栏中的空间。
- 可在主菜单中更改以下设置:设置 > 控制 > 左Shift快速丢弃。启用这个设置会使快速丢弃改为使用 Shift 键。
- 想要快速地将物体从物品栏放进一个打开的收纳物品里或者反过来操作,按住 Shift 键的同时左键点击该物品。
- 想要直接将物体从一个打开的收纳物品放入垃圾桶,按住 Ctrl 键的同时左键点击该物品。
- 如果左Shift快速丢弃已启用,那么此操作将不可用。
- 想要收藏一件物品(使其不可被快速堆叠、快速丢弃、投掷或者快速存放),按住 Alt 的同时左键点击该物品。该物品周围会出现边框来提醒你该物品已经被收藏。注意:把标记为收藏的装备放入装备栏以及把它们再放回物品栏会移除这件装备的收藏状态,此时你需要再次按下 Alt + 左键点击。
- 要和一名 NPC 互动,你需要离 NPC 足够近,近到将光标放在 NPC 身上时会出现对话框(在 Mobile上,当 NPC 头上出现对话框时即可)。然后,按下⚷ Open / Activate键。
- 在从 NPC 处买东西时,按住鼠标右键/右扳机键/购买按钮可以增加购得的物品数。
- 右键点击一件装备(包括位于社交栏的)会将它换进对应的盔甲栏或者配饰栏。
Nintendo Switch 版[]
Nintendo Switch version的游戏在掌上模式中使用了触摸屏,使游玩更加容易。大部分操作和 Mobile version的游戏非常相似,但仍有部分操作是全新的。这些操作包括:
- 双击热键栏来打开物品栏。
- 双击物品栏里的配饰来切换配饰的可见性。
- 点击小地图来进入完整地图。
Action | Touch | MFi* Controller | Notes | |
使用物品 | Tap and hold (swing/fire weapons) / Single tap (consume potion, summon mount/minion summon item, etc.) | R2 | / Touch Screen in Building Mode | Attack using held weapon, consume held potion, summon using held mount/minion summon item, etc. |
交互 | Single tap | Open a door or chest, activate switch, talk to NPC, edit a sign/tombstone, etc. | ||
跳跃 | Left thumbpad | Left analog stick
/ |
| |
上 | Circle Pad |
| ||
下 |
| |||
左 | Moves your character to the left. Hold the key down for continuous movement. | |||
右 | Moves your character to the right. Hold the key down for continuous movement. | |||
Grapple | Swipe From Character | L2 | Sends the grappling hook in the direction swiped, or on the Nintendo version, in the direction the Circle Pad is held. This action, however, is very unreliable with touch controls. | |
Quick-Use item | Move right thumbpad | Right analog stick | + Circle Pad | Attacks, breaks, or places tiles in the direction the analog stick is held. If a consumable item is selected, it will be consumed. |
自动瞄准 | Tap and hold center of right thumbpad | R3 | (+ Circle Pad, if no locked target) | Attacks in the direction of the targeted enemy. On the Mobile version, The nearest enemy is automatically targeted, this can be changed by tapping on another enemy. On the Nintendo version, must be pressed in order to target that enemy before the attack will be directed towards them. |
投掷 (丢弃) | Drag item from hotbar | Drag item from the Quick Inventory onto the drop icon | Tosses the currently selected item a few squares in the direction the item is dragged. Note that throwing throws the whole stack of items. | |
Inventory | Tap "..." on hotbar | Tap the inventory icon on the touch screen or ZR on the New Nintendo 3DS | Opens the player's inventory, and by extension, their crafting and gear menus. The game will automatically pause, unless you are on a multiplayer server. | |
Pause | Tap pause button on top right | Start / Select | Opens settings, such as saving and quitting, or changing teams. The game will automatically pause, unless you are on a multiplayer server. | |
放大 | Pinch-out | D-Pad | Magnifying Glass on the World Map | Pinch-out to get closer to the character (see less on screen). |
缩小 | Pinch-in | Magnifying Glass on the World Map | Pinch-in to get further away from the character (see more on screen). | |
切换全地图 | Zoom out far enough | Tap the compass icon on the Touch Screen | Zooming out far enough will open the map. Zooming in on the map will return to normal gameplay | |
Cycle Hotbar
Left / Right |
L1 / R1 | L / R | Cycles the selected item in the hotbar left or right. | |
Hotbar direct selection | Tap hotbar | Tap item on the Quick Inventory | Selects the item tapped on the hotbar. The hotbar is the uppermost row of the inventory, i.e. the top 5-10 slots. If it is a consumable, it will automatically be used right away. | |
锁定目标 | Tap enemy | Targets an enemy with a yellow arrow over them. See Lock On for more information. | ||
Toggle Manual Cursor Mode | D-Pad / Touch Screen in Building Mode | Used mainly in Building Mode to determine where blocks and walls will be placed. However, attacks will also be directed towards this position unless the Circle Pad is used to direct attacks. The Manual Cursor shown as a white crosshair somewhere near the player. | ||
Move Camera | C-Stick (New Nintendo 3DS only) | Moves the camera. |
*MFi stands for "Made For iPhone". Buying an MFi controller will guarantee it working properly on iOS. Extensive list of MFi controllers
Terraria for iOS and Android had PlayStation 3 controller support in earlier versions, but this was removed in a later update.
Mobile Inventory[]
Inventory / Storage Tab[]
- Tap and drag an item to move it, or switch its position with another.
- Drag the inventory screen up or down to see more of the inventory.
- Selecting an item and tapping the "Split Stack" button (the button with stacked coins) will take one item and place it in a new stack. If a new stack has been recently created, the item will be added to that one instead.
- Selecting armor or an accessory and tapping the Equip button (labeled with a helmet and a player's head) will automatically equip it in an armor or accessory slot. If the respective armor slot is full, it will be equipped in the vanity slot. Dragging an item to the Equipment tab and releasing will equip it in the same manner.
- Selecting an item the Storage tab Tapping the Take button will add it to your inventory. Dragging an item to the Inventory tab and releasing will take it in the same manner.
- Holding an item over a tab for a while will switch to that tab.
Equipment Tab[]
- Any equipable item will automatically be equipped when crafted, bought, picked up, or when the Take button is pressed in the Storage tab.
- Selecting an item and tapping the Unequip button (labeled with a helmet and a player's head) will unequip it and place it in the Inventory
Crafting Tab[]
- Tap a recipe and tap Craft to craft one of the item.
- Tap and hold Craft to craft multiple items (the speed increases as you hold the button)
NPC Shop Tab[]
- Selecting an item and tapping Buy will buy the item if you have enough money.
- Hitting Sell in the Inventory tab, or simply dragging an item to the Shop tab will sell it.
- The Goblin Tinkerer has an additional spot above the shop. Dragging an item here and selecting Reforge will reforge it.
3DS Inventory[]
Quick Inventory[]
The touch screen features the players hotbar, housing menu, map, and other utilities. This is referred to by the game as the "Quick Inventory". The quick inventory shows the first ten slots in the players inventory, similarly to the mobile version of the game. The top left button under the hotbar allows the player to Quick Stack to Nearby Chests, which will be greyed out if the player is not near any chest. The middle button allows the player to drop an item they've tapped and held onto, greyed out if there is no item to drop. The top right button is the housing menu, which will be greyed out unless the player is in a house.
The bottom three buttons are the World Map, Building/Precision Mode, and the player's Inventory from left to right.
- The World Map appears on the touch screen so the player can view the map as they move, and also has a magnifying glass in the corner which toggles a zoomed-in and out view.
- Building Mode provides a zoomed in view of the player's screen and sorts tools on the left, and building materials on the right.
- Building materials are sorted in the order they appear in the players inventory, but tools are sorted in accordance with the order Weapon → Pickaxe → Axe → Hammer → Wrenches/Wire Cutters → Fishing Tools, top to bottom.
- Items on the left can be swapped by holding L for tools and R for building materials and a direction. Up / Down on the D-Pad or Circle Pad will change the item selected. Left and Right only work on the left row, when there are variants of a tool, such as a Terra Blade being able to switch to a Paladin's Hammer, as they are both categorized as weapons.
- On the New Nintendo 3DS, Building Mode can also be toggled with ZL.
- The D-Pad can be used along with Building Mode for increased precision when placing blocks.
The Inventory on the 3DS version is very similar to the inventory on the Mobile version. Items appear on the bottom screen, while an item's statistics will appear on the top. The top ten slots of the inventory will be brightened, indicating items in these slots will appear in the Quick Inventory. Items can be thrown away with , and stacks of items can be split with . Below both the trash and split icon is a drop icon. Armor can be equipped with when selected, but even if that armor is a vanity item, it will be equipped in the armor slots and be swapped with any item currently filling the slot. Also similar to the Mobile version, items can be dragged between slots opposed to just using button inputs. However, button inputs are still required when equipping or depositing items, as there is no way to drag items between tabs. On the top of the inventory screen are four/five buttons. The first, being a back arrow, causes the player to exit the inventory. The rest toggle the crafting menu, the inventory, the chest's inventory (if applicable), and the player's armor/accessory screen.
Chest Inventory[]
When a chest is opened, controls differ greatly from the regular inventory. To take an item out of a chest, is used, and will loot all of the items from the chest. Items cannot be split or trashed from the chest directly. When the player's inventory is accessed when a chest is available, a quick stack button appears at the bottom left corner of the screen. A deposit button will also appear if an item is selected, but does not share the button shortcut of X with the take button. Thus, the player should be careful they don't trash an item they wish to put back into a chest.
Crafting Menu[]
The crafting menu splits up crafting recipes into multiple sections. These sections are:
- Furniture, Blocks, and Walls
- Tools
- Weapons
- Armor and Vanity (along with certain accessories)
- Buff Potions
- Miscellaneous items that don't fit in with the other categories, e.g. Boss Summons, some Accessories, Biome Keys
can be used to switch between categories, and or the button on the touch screen can be used to craft the selected item. Items can be selected with the D-Pad, Circle Pad, or touch screen. Items that can be crafted will be listed before items that cannot, and will have a blue background. Attempting to craft an uncraftable item show the reason it is uncraftable next to the craft button. Similar to items with long tooltips, an item with a long name as an ingredient will have it's name scroll back and forth.
Player Inventory[]
The player's armor and accessories are on the last tab of the inventory. Pressing will remove that armor or accessory and place it in the player's inventory. The five eyes below the player image show and hide the player's accessories, so long as they aren't wings. can be pressed to view the player's current buffs and debuffs as well as their durations. Buffs can be canceled with when on the screen.
Shop Inventory[]
When interacting with a NPC that sells items, the NPC will appear in place of where a chest would appear. Items can be bought from an NPC with , so long as the player has sufficient funds. Items can also be from the player's inventory with . When an item is sold to an NPC, that item goes to the Re-Buy slots, a section of 5 slots where items sold recently can be rebought. Unlike shops in the Desktop version, exiting the NPC's shop inventory will not erase items in the Re-Buy slots, instead, items in said slots will only be erased if the player saves and exits the game.
- 电脑版 1.3.1: Controller support for PC, easier binding.
- 电脑版 Added favorite option for items in your inventory and the mount hotkey.
- 电脑版 Fixed bug where resetting controls to default would reset quick mana to M rather than J.
- 电脑版 1.2.3: Added support for Ctrl+Z, X, C, and V (clear line, cut line, copy line, and paste into line respectively). Added support for Shift+Insert, Shift+Delete, Ctrl+Insert (paste, cut, and copy respectively).
- 电脑版 Added map control.
- 电脑版 1.2:
- M is now used for the new minimap feature.
- J is now used for quick mana.
- 电脑版 1.1.1: Keybindings will no longer sometimes be set to "None" automatically.
- 电脑版 1.1:
- Items Pulsate when hold on the mouse cursor so they stand out against other items on the UI.
- Items move freely and rotate when falling after being dropped or thrown.
- F7 shows game debug information.
- F8 shows connectivity debug information.
- F9 changes lighting setting.
- Added 'Auto Select' hotkey.
- Added ability to place items directly from open inventory.
- 电脑版 1.0.6:
- Hotkeys can now be used to change selected item when the inventory is open.
- Hotkeys to use the Grappling Hook/Ivy Whip (default is E) added.
- Hotkeys for Mana and Healing Potions now work correctly with Restoration Potions.
- 电脑版 1.0.5: Added hotkeys for quickly drinking healing, mana, and buff potions. The healing/mana potion you use is based on the same principle arrows are. Topleft most item first. The buff potions are all used at once.