1.2.12785 • 8月 3, 2016 1.2.12785 • 8月 3, 2016 1.2.12801 • 10月 20, 2016
"Critical Issues" Update
- Amazon
- Added extra saves slots and new backup function from Backup Update.
- The new Fire TV Stick (Generation 2) is now supported.
1.2.12773 • 7月 25, 2016 1.2.12772 • 7月 25, 2016 1.2.12000 • 7月 16, 2016 • 7月 25, 2016
- Amazon
- Support for all Non-Amazon devices added – please note that you still must meet the minimum RAM (1GB) and OS (Ice Cream Sandwich OS 4.0.2 or above) requirements for your device to work.
- Windows Phone
- Win10 based devices should now work.
- Support for devices with less than 1GB of RAM returned – HOWEVER, please note that stable performance cannot be guaranteed for these devices. We felt it was better to give you the chance to play a potentially unstable game rather than have no chance to play it at all.
- Added extra save slots for Characters and Worlds as well as the functionality to back-up your saves.
- Bug fixes
- Fix for incorrect ranged damage appears for the item 'Egg Cannon'.
- Fix for incorrect item "Fancy Dishes" is obtained on destroying 'Fancy Dishes'.
- Fix for more than one Light Pets can be summoned at the same time.
- Fix for the item "Tattered Fairy Wings" fails to emit yellow light.
- Fix for Demon altar spawns in the dungeon.
- Fix for water fails to flow when the player opens the door.
- Fix for incorrect image appears for the 'Alchemy Station'.
- Fix for the Phoenix Blaster weapon can be auto-fire.
- Fix for the selling price of the item 'Arctic Diving Gear' appears to be incorrect.
- Fix for the player is teleported into golem temple before defeating plantera.
- Fix for Projectiles are fired from the item 'North Pole' automatically when the game starts.
- Fix for Confetti Wall and Midnight Confetti Wall fails to function as intended.
- Fix for Pet mini minotaur fails to summon by using the item 'Tartar Sauce'.
- Fix for Game crashes on using the item North Pole.
- Fix for Beenade works in PvP mode.
- Fix for Pets fail to summon on using following items.
- Fix for the weapon Possessed Hatchet fails to hover round the player's death point.
- Fix for the "Jack 'O Lantern Launcher" flips downwards when it is pointed vertically 90 degrees upward.
- Fix for Player fails to use the potions placed in the inventory bar.
- Fix for Game name 'Terraria' appears to be misaligned in main menu.
- Fix for NPC guide named 'Andrew' fails to drop the item 'Green cap' upon death.
- Fix for The item "Horn o' plenty" fails to function as intended.
- Fix for iOS - The game crashed upon opening the inventory (Note- upon rebooting, it was discovered that the cloud world was nowhere to be found).
- Fix for Player fails to get 'Bait' as a reward while using any Crates.
- Fix for Player is unable to place 'Platinum Candle' over 'Table' and 'Work Benches'.
- Fix for A number of random Game Crash issues that have been addressed with this update.
- Fix for Game crashes as the Merchant icon appears inside the house.
- Fix for The player is unable to access the cloud characters and world.
- Fix for Game crashes on accessing mini map.
- Fix for NPC guide named 'Andrew' fails to drop the item 'Green Cap' upon death.
- Fix for Text 'Yes' overlaps on the 'Auto Equip’ option.WINDOWS PHONE (released last week).
1.2.12715 • 6月 16, 2016 1.2.12715 • 6月 17, 2016
Backup Update[21]
1.2.11983 • 6月 16, 2016
Support Update[22]
- Kindle Fire HD 2012 Devices, with Ice Cream Sandwich OS 4.0.2 and above, now supported in this update.
- 1st gen Kindle Fire tablets (2011) and non-HD 2nd gen Fire tablets (2012) are not supported (insufficient RAM and/or no Bluetooth support).
| • 6月 8, 2016
1.2.11981 • 6月 8, 2016
Content Update[23]
- Added all 1.2.3 and 1.2.4 content for Amazon.
- Added 'expanded worlds' (4200x1200, equivalent to small worlds on PC).
- Added a new Cloud save system (Amazon only).
- Requires a Google account with access to Google Drive.
- All bug fixes and changes from Easter Update 2016.
- Fix for general crash issue on Windows Phone.
- Fix for crash issue specific to Microsoft Lumia 640.
1.2.11979 • 4月 20, 2016 1.2.11971 • 4月 20, 2016
- Fix for crashes caused by Firefly or lightning bug.
- Fix for Tizona's crafting recipe.
- Fix for Minions being deleted when no mana available.
- Fix for Rainbow Gun projectile disappearing after 5 seconds instead of 10.
- Fix for incorrect tooltip message Spider Mask.
1.2.11965 • 3月 23, 2016
1.2.11964 • 3月 23, 2016
Easter Update[25]
- Additions
- Added 'expanded worlds' (4200x1200, equivalent to small worlds on PC).
- Added auto-equip function that can now be toggled on/off from the menu.
- Bug fixes
- Android Billing fixes (Try & Buy version should no longer require a WiFi connection to work properly).
- Improvements to world generation.
- Tizona, Tonbogiri, and Vulcan Repeater accept Titanium in their recipes.
- Dragon Armor, Spectral Armor, and Titan armor accept Palladium, Orichalcum, or Titanium armor pieces in their recipes.
- Fixed crash that covered 9% of total crash reports.
- Fix for tool tip for Tackle Box & Chain Gun.
- Fix for a unique death message for the Angler.
- Fix Tooltip Message is not present for 'Razorpine'.
- Fix for Tooltip Message is not present for 'Venom Staff'.
- Fix for Price amount fails to appear for the item 'Hair Dye Remover'.
- Fix for Tooltip Message is not present for 'Paint Sprayer'.
- Fix for Tooltip Message is not present for 'Portable Cement Mixer'.
- Fix for Tooltip message is not present for the items 'sparkly wings' and 'Festive Wings'.
- Fix for Incorrect price amount '5 gold coins' appear for the item 'Speed Hair Dye'.
- Fix for Solid blocks placed over the spawn point fails to destroy.
- Fix for Incorrect color appears for Mana crystal.
- Fix for Incorrect color appears for the item 'Life Crystal' during regenerating.
- Fix for 'Queen Spider' fails to attack the enemy while summoned in the wall.
- Fix for Placed Blue Dungeon Chest is shown as Pink Dungeon Chest.
- Fix for Shrimp fish is caught in lava.
- Fix for Placed Pink Dungeon chest is shown as Green Dungeon chest.
- Fix for Purification Powder fails to shatter shadow orbs.
- Fix for Truffle Worm fails to move when dropped.
- Fix for The baby Truffle is observed to be walking above the ground.
- Fix for The critter 'Firefly' does not emit light.
- Fix for Tooltip Message is not present for 'Glass Kiln'.
- Fix for Tooltip Message is not present for 'Minecart'.
- Fix for Tooltip Message is not present for 'Flesh cloning vat'.
- Fix for Multiple 'back' button observed on 'Enter world name' screen.
- Fix for The item 'Water Gun' has no description.
- Fix for The Alignment of 'Sawtooth Shark' appears to be incorrect.
- Fix for crash 'The application is missing required entitlement com.apple.developer.icloud-
services' (9%).
- Fix for Tooltip Message is not present for 'Ice Machine'.
- Fix for Travelling Merchant's icon is missing from shop menu.
- Fix for Tooltip Message is not present for 'Brick Layer'.
- Fix for Glitch is observed when the player equips the item 'Twin Mask'.
- Fix for The item 'Gravitation Potion' is not working as intended.
- Fix for Incorrect ranged damage appears for the item 'Vulcan Repeater'
- Fix for Bee Wings does not function as intended.
- Fix for The selling price of the item 'Fart in a Jar' appears to be incorrect.
- Fix for 'Magic Mirror' fails to function when player uses other item simultaneously.
- Fix for Incorrect color appears for the item 'Life Crystal' during regenerating.
- Fix for Incorrect color appears for Mana crystal.
- Fix for Tooltip Message is not present for 'Living Loom'.
- Fix for Tooltip message is not present for the item 'Angler earring'.
- CNR for Duplicate Angler NPCS are seen in the world.
- CNR for Game name 'Terraria' appears to be misaligned in main menu.
1.2.11587 • 2月 8, 2016
1.2.11580 • 2月 8, 2016
- Fixed: Discount Card not working.
- Fixed: Animal Skins producing Iron Pickaxes when removed from walls.
- Fixed: Beetle armor not giving the proper set bonus.
- Fixed: Beetle armor set bonus read "Minion damage +".
- Fixed: Pre-Hardmode Crimson not converting grass or trees, only spreads on dirt blocks (Galaxy S4, Lollipop 5.0.1). Related, planting Crimson Seeds on grass will use the seed without producing Crimson.
- Fixed: Ultrabright Torches from the Traveling Merchant don’t produce light when held, and when you free them, the item doesn’t drop.
- Fixed: Rain becomes fast when using touchscreen on point placing or precision aim window.
- Fixed: Swapping between items sends out multiple flails or harpoons.
- Fixed: Chinese Lantern cannot be purchased from Merchant.
- Fixed: Old credits displaying.
- Fixed: Ocean biome detection.
- Fixed: Non-Ocean fish catches in Ocean.
- Fixed: Fishing in lava or honey. Handle situations where DetermineFishingCatch may return null (e.g. fishing in lava).
- Fixed: When fish catch is determined (now done only once whenever the bobber reels, not multiple times when the fishing rod is cast).
- Fixed: When the Sonar Potion message appears and disappears.
- Fixed: Bait usage, now correctly only used when reeling in, instead of when the fish catch is determined.
- Fixed: Solar Eclipse enemies not properly targetting enemies.
- Fixed: Missing hit effect for Worms.
- Fixed: Vile Powder fails to turn Penguin to Corrupt Penguin.
- Fixed: Able to summon a pirate/frost invasion once.
- Fixed: Players and NPC/enemies cannot move down through platform stairs.
- Fixed: Correct Flare Gun tooltip info (damage, crit chance).
- Fixed: Stylist NPC inventory dialog box appears on the game menu.
- Fixed: Heart Crystals spawn in the Dungeon.
- Fixed: Changed trap damage to enemy scaling from 1/3 to 66%.
- Fixed: Living Loom fails to appear in the chests of Living Trees.
- Fixed: Eater of Worlds drops.
- Fixed: Drops for Duke Fishron: Fixed Potion drop, and now drops Greater Healing Potion instead of Lesser Healing Potion.
- Fixed: Unintended drops and boss defeated messages for Skeletron Prime arms.
- Fixed: Mana Hair Dye color issue (color overflow when >200 mana).
- Fixed: Effect of Fishron Wings negating slowdown in water.
- Fixed: Cursed Hammer/Shadow Hammer drops, now correctly drops hardmode bars instead of random items.
- Fixed: Angler quest reward item: Anchor (weapon) -> Wall Anchor (decorative).
- Fixed: Player sprite rotation issue when using Magic Mirror on a diagonal Minecart Track.
- Fixed: Silt/Slush blocks being consumed twice when used on Extractinator.
- Fixed: Frankenstein, Swamp Thing enemies not appearing or not targeting the player during a Solar Eclipse.
- Fixed: Grasshoppers being unkillable (friendly flag was set but never unset).
- Fixed: Made gore effect of hearts during valentine a little bit less.
- Fixed: Removed ability to summon multiple Wisp in a Bottle at once.
- Fixed: Removed summon check on Pirate Staff that prevented summoning more than one Pirate minion at a time.
- Fixed: Pirate minion draw pos.
- Fixed: Drawing offsets for Spider minions.
- Fixed: Swordfish price fixed.
- Fixed: Downscaled UI scale of Reaver Shark to properly fit in its item slot.
- Fixed: Added Extendo Grip to Traveling Merchant shop, now that it is functional.
- Fixed: Removed buff times listed on Minion and Pet summon items (these are supposed to last infinitely).
- Fixed: Spectre armor mask string (EN only).
- Fixed: Angler never being considered saved, causing issues like the Angler respawning on the beach if killed after moving in, and things like Mechanic's Rod becoming unavailable.
- Fixed: Issue report: Queen Bee AI in multiplayer would chase faraway players who teleported away.
- Fixed: Issue report: Plantera's Bulbs growing when only one Mechanical Boss was defeated, instead of all three.
- Fixed: Recipe for Pressure Plate Track would not be properly discovered with any Pressure Plate.
- Fixed: Being able to place Jack 'O Lantern and Music Box on tables.
- Fixed: Game spawning heart particles for lovestruck enemies during Valentine's Day event even when the game was paused.
- Fixed: Implement correct Robe drawing on Mannequins; slight refactoring of related code for player.
- Fixed: Fish Bowl is a placeable item.
- Fixed: Fishing power of Fiberglass Fishing Pole from 25% to 27% to match PC version.
- Fixed: Issue allowing invalid text characters in player or world names. Sanitized input string for character creation in case invalid characters appear in the middle (could happen with foreign language/iOS builds).
- Fixed: Game crashes on creating a character in Chinese language.
- Fixed: Hardmode crimson enemy drop: Should be Meat Grinder (crafting station), not Meat Grinder (hammer); latter's name should be Flesh Grinder.
- Fixed: Removed Music Box from Wizard shop (unsupported item).
- Fixed: Music Box lookup tables for new Music Box items to prevent issues where destroying placed Music Boxes would drop random items.
- Fixed: Draw held items and fishing rods at the right position when held while mounted. Don't draw Hoverboard while mounted, that just looks weird and wrong.
- Fixed: Players being able to bring out multiple Anchor weapons at once (functions like boomerangs).
- Fixed: Slimers and Slimelings were not spawning once their 'parent' enemies died.
- Partial fix: Timers lack feedback, so textures are now brighter and highlighting is removed.
- Updated localization in English. Fixed name of Flesh Grinder hammer (was Meat Grinder) and added tooltip for Naughty Present ("Summons the Frost Moon").
1.2.11333 • 1月 5, 2016
- Many gameplay fixes and improvements from iOS release, though some bugs are still present on iOS and Android.
1.2.11328 • 12月 18, 2015
- This build includes critical fixes for Cloud access on iOS 7 devices. You will be able to access your cloud characters and cloud worlds. However due to all the additional content in 1.2.4 world save files will have to be converted to local saves. This only applies to iOS7, iOS8+ users will be able to continue to save their worlds to the Cloud.
- If you are using iOS8 or above please ensure that iCloud Drive is enabled in order to access Cloud saves. To do this go to Settings > iCloud > iCloud Drive and toggle it on. You should see your saves s|| after.
- Several gameplay fixes and improvements.
| • 12月 10, 2015
- Minor bug and crash fixes.
1.2.11212 • 12月 9, 2015 1.2.11212 • 12月 9, 2015 1.2.4 • 12月 9, 2015
1.2.4 Update[28] ( PC equivalent)
All content from the Desktop version up to 1.2.4, including:
1.2.10333 • 9月 2, 2015 1.2.10299 • 10月 1, 2015 1.2.10333 • 8月 25, 2015
- Multiplayer optimizations and its bug fixes.
- Minor game bug fixes.
1.2.17028 • 8月 20, 2015 1.2.10061 • 8月 21, 2015 1.2.10177 • 8月 21, 2015
Rebalancing Update[29]
- Balance changes
- Interface/mechanics changes
- Auto-aim has been improved
- Auto-aim is now available when playing with a controller (ie Fire TV and Moga)
- Zooming is disabled as long as you are using a virtual joystick, hopefully causing less accidental zoom-ins.
- Player now emits a dark blue light if they have no light pets active.
- Added extra-fast crafting, will now craft doubles after ~5 seconds
- Rope climbing has been improved
- Jumping has been improved - should fix the bug where a player could go through a 2.5 (5 Meter) block gap.
- Quick Grapple has been improved (quick grapple: slide from center of the screen to a direction, it automatically uses a grappling hook in your inventory)
- Smart Cursor has been improved
- Tweaked the way recipes are discovered. Discovery of Crafting stations made faster, thus allowing easier access to advanced crafting items.
- Tweaked the way biomes get recognized, resulting in better biome switches.
- Minor changes taken from PC 1.3
- Bug fixes
- Fixed bug where waterfall animations were twice as fast as intended (Pre-Hardmode)
- Fixed bug where Ice Bats would drop Frost Staff
- Fixed bug where the minimap would not display the correct colors
- Fixed bug where Heart Crystals would give off the incorrect sounds when struck, but not destroyed
- Fixed bug with Smart Cursor where it would not go by default to the tree center
- Fixed bug where Ranged Weapons would fire too slowly if the player was not using auto-aim
- Fixed bug where the player's shirt was incorrectly rendered when first booting up the game
- Fixed bug where placing Torches would instantly destroy them
- Smart Cursor no longer targets Torches and Ropes
- Armor no longer should auto-equip into vanity slots upon crafting or picking up
- Fixed bug where Cursed Sapling was not being dropped by Mourning Wood
- Fixed bug where Pirate Captain, when killed, would show five heads as gore instead of body parts
- Fixed bug where NPC icons on the minimap would be really small when >2800 blocks (5600 Meters) from the player
- Fixed bug where the Pirate Map would drop everywhere in the world Post Plantera. Now it can only be found near the Ocean
- Fixed bug where item stats would not correctly reset when switching tabs
- Jungle Temple Door is no longer breakable using Dynamite or the Holy Hand Grenade
- Fixed bug where screen would flicker red when other players would receive damage in multiplayer, now only effects the player with the map open
- Network code has been improved
- Fixed incident where the Turtle Armor could instantly destroy the Dungeon Guardian
- Fixed crash bug related to putting chests on Boulders
- Fixed a bug related to enemies and biome recognition - Plantera should no longer enrage while still in the Jungle
- Fixed bug where Mannequins were not properly rendered
- Fixed crash related to MOGA controller support
- Fixed bug where, when a player had vanity items equiped, the shown defense was incorrect
- Fixed bug where Goblin Scout and King Slime never meet the requirements to spawn
- Searches faster for local network games (every 4 seconds instead of 10 seconds)
- Fixed memory leak on android devices
- Fixed small memory leak related to the display of NPC names, they could occasionally change names
- Fixed issue where iCloud would backup too many files
1.2.8631 • 6月 1, 2015
1.2.8798 • 5月 26, 2015
"Critical Issues" Update[30]
- Fixed keyboard issue that prevented users from naming characters and worlds on some devices
- Now auto-saves every 2 minutes
- Pearlstone Brick no longer spreads the Hallow
- Fixed bug where items equipped by client players were not synced correctly
- Fixed bug where crafting ingredients were visible after leaving the crafting tab
- Fixed stutter when saving a cloud-stored game
- Lihzahrd Door can no longer be destroyed by explosives to enter the Jungle Temple early
- Fixed issue with painting
- Many more fixes
1.2.8498 • 5月 4, 2015
"Critical Issues" Update[30]
This build fixes critical issues where characters and worlds would not load and/or crash. In order to help you make up for lost time, players will receive a gift to compensate for potential data loss: 300 Wood, 50 Iron Bars, 50 Gel, 200 Obsidian, 200 Hellstone, 200 Gold Ore, and 30 Gold Coins.
In addition, we have the following bug fixes:
- Fixed bug where ingredients were rendered too large
- Fixed issue where certain enemies would never spawn like Paladins, Corruptors, Floaty Grosses, and a few others.
- Fixed issue where NPC spawning window was too big This should make the spawn behavior a lot better.
- Fixed issue where hearts were incorrectly rendered on some devices
- Fixed issue where Crimson enemies never would drop the soul of night
1.2.7899 • 4月 9, 2015
1.2.7642 • 3月 26, 2015 1.2.7901 • 4月 20, 2015
Addition 1.2[31]
- Additions
- Added blue & green Wrenches (Leaked File, resulting them not being added in the 1.2 release on Google Play.)
- Changes
- Ocram is a bit more difficult to fight
- Lowered Mummy spawn chance in Pyramid in Pre-Hardmode
- Hardmode spawn rate increased slightly
- Fixes
- Fixed crash for android 2.3 users
- Fixed issue where accessories weren't being drawn
- Fixed rendering of Jack 'O Lantern
- Fixed issue where 'hot-using' an item would use it twice instead of once
- NPC moving-in code fixed, Truffle NPC should move in quicker
- Crafting now recognizes when it should use Lead Bars or Iron Bars
- Crafting now recognizes correctly which type of Wood it should use (Prior to this, you could convert any wood into normal wood, by crafting it into a fence, then crafting the fence into normal wood)
- Fixed crash on suspension while in crafting screen
- Golem now has correct values for health & damage
- Holiday Bauble has a chance to spawn from a cut down Tree
- Fixed Drills: Mythril, Palladium, Orichalcum, Titanium, Chlorophyte only being able to be used with Auto-Aim
- Fixed issue where sell prices might not update correctly
- Fixed issue where 1.2 items were not reforgeable (Google Play & iOS)
- Fixed multiplayer issues: No HUD displayed as client, Dyes were not correctly synced
- Fixed rare crash when returning from suspension
- Fixed crashes related to suspending the game
- Fixed bug where you were able to craft certain items that shouldn't be available
- Fixed various bugged projectiles
- Tweaked snow particles
- Misc small performance improvements
1.2.6787 • 1月 13, 2015
1.2.6715 • 12月 10, 2014
- Android crash fixes & other bug fixes.
1.2.6508 • 12月 3, 2014 1.2.6667 • 12月 3, 2014 1.2.7122 • 1月 12, 2015 1.2.0 • 12月 22, 2014
1.2 Update[32] ( PC equivalent)
1.1.6255 • 11月 6, 2014 1.1.6299 • 11月 6, 2014 1.1.6292 • 11月 6, 2014
Thanksgiving Update[33]
Thanksgiving seasonal event:
1.1.6014 • 10月 1, 2014
1.1.5933 • 9月 22, 2014 1.1.5934 • 9月 17, 2014 1.1.5960 • 9月 23, 2014
Oktoberfest Update
| • 9月 12, 2014
Windows Phone Initial Release[34]
1.1.5833 • 9月 11, 2014
- Expanded language support
- Made Ocram slightly more difficult
- Fixed bug where Ocram didn’t spawn enough minions
- Fixed glitch where you could ignore Ocram's damage by using the spike blocks
- Ocram gained a bit more health
- Fixed Tinkerer's Workshop glitch
- Fixed Clockwork Assault Rifle not working as intended
- Added boss music
- Added snow biome music
- Fixed issue where underground music would not play
- Tweaked various loot tables
- Overall a bit less loot and sometimes lower spawn chance
- Tweaked the drop rate of Soul of Night / Light
- Fixed Rainbow Rod not having a projectile
1.1.5536 • 8月 27, 2014 1.1.5822 • 9月 1, 2014 1.1.5822 • 9月 4, 2014
Hardmode Update[36]
- Enabled & unlocked all Hardmode content.
- Added missing textures for some hardmode content.
- Added autoaim feature.
- Added loot tables
- Dragon Skull
- Dragon Hornet
- Dragon Snatcher
- Albino Antlion
- Shadow Mummy
- Spectral Mummy
- Shadow Slime
- Cursed Hammer
- Shadow Hammer
- Arch Wyvern
- Spectral Elemental
- Spectral Gastropod
- Changed loot tables:
- Mimic
- Compass item removed (not functional)
- Gained Light Disc drop
- Toxic Sludge
- Drops more gel than before
- Arch Demon
- Gained chance to drop Crystal Shards
- Gained higher chance to drop demon scythe
- Gained a very small chance (0.2%) to drop Crystal Storm
- Corrupter & Eater of Souls
- Gained hard to farm vile powder
- Digger & Giant Worm
- Gained summoning item for worms pet
- All skeleton enemies
- Gained chance to drop bones
- Dark Caster
- Gained chance to drop a Golden key (5% chance)
- Cursed Skull
- Gained chance to drop a Golden key (5% chance)
- Made certain enemies more rare and stronger (mini-mini bosses)
- Arch Demon
- Dragon Skull
- Dragon Hornet
- Dragon Snatcher
- Shadow Mummy
- Spectral Mummy
- Spectral Elemental
- Spectral Gastropod
- All hardmode bosses are tweaked to be more mobile friendly
- Adjustments on damage, defense and life stats
- When in hardmode, day & night progress at the normal speed, compared to prehardmode twice as fast
- Re-balanced the amount of ore being spawned in the world
- Souls of night / light generally drop a lot more to make it easier for the casual gamer to craft the good items
- Corruption & hallow spreading is significantly nerfed, now only spreads at 1/8th of the normal speed
- Tweaked spawnrate & maximum number of monsters
- Overall lower spawnrate compared to PC version
- The spawnrate goes up based on time & character development
- Certain hardmode NPCs don’t spawn before you’re ready, giving new players time to gear up.
- Crafting changes:
- Mana star now only needs 5 fallen stars instead of 10
- Reduced the amount of fallen stars being spawned each night by half
- Added Dragon Breastplate
- Added Dragon Greaves
- Added Dragon Mask
- Added Titan Helmet
- Added Titan Mail
- Added Titan Leggings
- Added Spectral Headgear
- Added Spectral Armor
- Added Spectral Subligar
- Added Tizona
- Added Tonbogiri
- Added Sharanga
- Added Vulcan Repeater
- Fixed dozens of bugs
- Fixed piggy bank duping glitch
- Made most items stack to 999 instead of 250
- Added worms pet
- Uses various sound bites from the worms series
- Added old lady
- Based on the worms series, walks slowly
- New tombstone
- Now uses a worm series tombstone when you die with the worms pet active
1.1.935 • 5月 22, 2014
- Fixed minimap bug where shows a black screen (however, when changing worlds still showing minimaps from previous world)
- Fixed a bug where ingredient chart shows above and hides the ingredients to craft
- Fixed a rare bug where holding the new 4 items, the game could crash when pausing
1.1.933 • 5月 17, 2014
1.1.91 • 3月 27, 2014 1.1.92 • 3月 25, 2014 1.1.92 • 3月 18, 2014
Easter Update
1.1.9 • 3月 8, 2014 1.1.92 • 3月 22, 2014
St. Patrick's Update
1.1.8 • 2月 6, 2014 1.1.8 • 2月 13, 2014 1.1.8 • 2月 13, 2014
Valentine update
- Added Broken Heart, which summons Cupid pet
- Added Heart Arrows
- Added Valentine Ring, available during Valentine's season
- World Map now available. Zoom out to view it and zoom in to go back to your character.*Google Play changelog only
- Additional bug fixes
- Added all Hardmode content(Unobtainable)
1.0.6 • 12月 19, 2013
1.1.5 • 12月 5, 2013 1.0.5 • 12月 12, 2013
Christmas Update
1.0.2 • 11月 27, 2013
1.0.2 • 10月 3, 2013
- Corrected issue when placing bed.
- Optimized Magnifying Glass.
- When a player is spawning inside blocks, the player will now spawn on top instead of blowing up the house.
- Crystal hearts are now destroyable with a pickaxe
- More Shadow Orbs spawned on world creation
- Improved sword speeds (ex: Muramasa)
- Demon Altar icon now shows up in the crafting menu if it is a required crafting station.
1.0.1 • 9月 25, 2013 1.0.1 • 9月 25, 2013
- Android
- Fixed several crashes related to the player moving to the edge of world
- Fixed issue with sawmill items not being able to craft
- Fixed issue with speaking to the bound mechanic causing sometimes a crash
- Fixed issue with ammo count not being shown in the crafting tab
- Only the closest NPC will now show the chat bubble
- Tweaked the way magnifying glass behaves, now always stays on screen and moves to the side when necessary
- Added a text cursor to text boxes where needed
- When a player is spawning inside blocks, the player will now spawn on top instead of blowing up the house.
- The bound NPCs now will always spawn correctly instead of being in tiles.
- Crystal hearts are now destroyable with a pickaxe as well
- More shadow orbs are being spawned when a world is created
- Fixed issue with crafting button sometimes appear half its size
- Fixed issue with sword speeds (ex: muramasa)
- Fixed issue where the background wasn't draw in the magnifying glass when trying to use it near the edge of the screen
- If a potion is being used, the game will automatically switch back to its previous item
- Multiple accessories are now being blocked from being worn
- Fixed issue with dragon skulls being invisible
- Fixed issue with oceans being empty on world generation
- Fixed issue with certain recipes not being unlocked
- Higher chance of spawning rotten chunks and a small chance for vile powder to be dropped the giant worm
- Fixed corruption of save files
- Timers can now be bought from the mechanic
- Demon Altar icon now shows up in the crafting menu if it is a required crafting station
- Fixed a crash related to the gravitation potion
- Optimized performance when using the magnifying glass
- Fixed bug with goggle crafting
- Selling coins is not possible anymore
- Fixed bug related to pet buff icon
- Fixed Bed Placement bug
- iOS
- Piggy bank and safe now work correctly
- NPC head's don't disappear anymore when the player is in the crafting tab
- Fixed several crashes related to the player moving to the edge of world
- Fixed issue with Sawmill items not being able to be crafted
- Fixed issue where speaking to the Bound Mechanic sometimes caused a crash
- Fixed issue with ammo count not being shown in the crafting tab
- Only the closest NPC will now show the chat bubble
- Tweaked the way magnifying glass behaves, now always stays on screen and moves to the side when necessary
- Added a text cursor to text boxes where needed
- When a player is spawning inside blocks, the player will now spawn on top instead of blowing up the house.
- The bound NPCs now will always spawn correctly instead of being in tiles.
- Crystal hearts are now destroyable with a pickaxe as well
- More shadow orbs are being spawned when a world is created
- Fixed issue with crafting button sometimes appear half its size
- Fixed issue with sword speeds (ex: muramasa)
- Fixed issue where the background wasn't draw in the magnifying glass when trying to use it near the edge of the screen
- If a potion is being used, the game will automatically switch back to its previous item
- Multiple accessories are now being blocked from being worn
- Fixed issue with dragon skulls being invisible
- Fixed issue with oceans being empty on world generation
- Fixed issue with certain recipes not being unlocked
- Higher chance of spawning rotten chunks and a small chance for vile powder to be dropped the giant worm
- Fixed corruption of save files
- Timers can now be bought from the mechanic
- Demon Altar icon now shows up in the crafting menu if it is a required crafting station
- Fixed a crash related to the gravitation potion
- Optimized performance when using the magnifying glass
- Fixed bug with goggle crafting
- Selling coins is not possible anymore
- Fixed bug related to pet buff icon
1.0.0 • 8月 29, 2013 1.0.0 • 9月 13, 2013 1.0.1 • 11月 7, 2013
Initial Release