税收官Hardmode exclusive
玩家用净化粉 净化了痛苦亡魂 。
税收官 是个困难模式 NPC ,向其他入住房屋 的 NPC 收税来为玩家赚取钱币 。他是通过向痛苦亡魂 (稀有地狱 敌怪 )身上抛洒净化粉 而取得的。此敌怪会变成税收官,如果被杀,他会像所有城镇 NPC 一样在空房屋可用时重生。
当税收官在场时,现实中的每分钟(游戏中的一小时)能从每个住在房屋中的 NPC 身上收取50 ——包括税收官本身。他会将这些资金存起来,上限10 。和税收官对话能查看当前存款数额,并有提款的选项。在 Desktop version , Console version , Mobile version , and Nintendo Switch version 中,他的税款上限(以及他目前的资金和 他每分钟收多少钱)随着他的当前快乐度 而变化;因此,每分钟他收的钱在 33 到 66 之间,而其钱数上限则是 6 66 66 和 13 33 33 之间。[1]
税收官会用他的手杖 攻击附近的敌怪来自卫。
生活偏好 [ ]
Biome Neighbor Loves n/a Likes Dislikes Hates n/a
For more information, see NPC happiness .
备注 [ ]
使用附魔日晷 而流逝的时间也计入他收的税额中。
使用旅行模式 时间菜单而流逝的时间也计入他收的税额中。
多人模式 中,每个玩家赚取的税收是独立维护的,提取并不会影响到其他玩家的收益。
税收官能用国王雕像 传送。
他不会参加[[派对|]] ,甚至不会戴上派对帽。但是,他却仍然可能举办派对。
税收官在从痛苦亡魂变回自身时会维持着对他造成的减益 ,以及他(在专家模式 )之前所捡起来的所有掉落的钱币。
小贴士 [ ]
如果有 20 个 城镇 NPC,税收官每分钟能收到10 ,游戏中每一天能收 2 40 。
在首次前往击杀血肉墙 时带上一些净化粉 ,能让玩家几乎在刚开始困难模式时就立即招募税收官,甚至还要早于返回地表或破坏祭坛。
在游戏的大部分时间里,让他的快乐度最大化的唯一方法是将他和商人和派对女孩一起放到雪原生物群落中;不幸的是,这会让他们两个都 变得不快乐。随着游戏末期到来,派对女孩可能可以代之以公主。
名字 [ ]
The 税收官 may have any of the following names:
话语 [ ]
互动话语 [ ]
“Must everyone open and shut doors so incredibly noisily around here?! ”
“I see you're free of time, as usual. Can't imagine what work life would be for your kind of folk. ”
“...two barrels of molasses, plus -- Oh, nevermind that, you're here. Here's your money. ”
“What does a man have to do to be left alone in this place? Go bugger someone less busy! ”
“You again? Suppose you want more money!? ”
“Yes, yes, yes! -- I'll give you your share in just a moment. I'd think you to be a bit more patient, what with me doing all the work and all. ”
商人 存在时:
“I just came from <商人的名字>'s. He wanted to know if I took credit cards. ”
军火商 存在时:
“Go tell <军火商的名字> to stop offering to pay me with ammo, I don't even own a gun. ”
树妖 存在时:
“Tried to get <树妖的名字> to pay me with favors once, now I have fungus growing in strange places. ”
爆破专家 存在时:
“Why don't YOU try collecting money from <爆破专家的名字> and not lose a hand or foot or... ”
下雨 时 :
“Humbug! Someone tried to tell me they saw a fish walking on land. Who do they take ME for?! ”
“Why can't it be raining gold coins!? Water is everywhere! Bah, how useless! ”
[[雷雨|]] 期间:
“A marvelous storm! A remarkable storm! ”
“I am as giddy as a drunken man! I love this weather! ”
风 期间:
“Just because your house blows down, doesn't mean you stop paying taxes! ”
“Bah! If this wind keeps up, people will lose their precious possessions and stop paying me! ”
在[[墓地|]] 中:
“Death and taxes, nothing more sure in life than that! ”
“The people here aren't paying up! They are better off dead! Oh, perhaps they already are. ”
“Here's your cut of the taxes that I've taken from our surplus population! ”
“Here you are again, taking all my coin! Just grab it and begone from my sight! ”
“Bah! Here, take your shillings and get out of my sight! ”
“This is all you're gonna get for now, not a penny more! Take it and spend it wisely. ”
“...And people call me greedy? No, I have nothing else for you. ”
“Oh, so you just see me as a coin sign, eh? 'Cus every time you see me, you ask me. ”
“Don't you ever stop just to say 'Hi?' ”
“Bah! You again? You just grabbed some of my coin just moments ago, so bugger off and come back later! ”
“I just gave you half a crown five minutes ago! Scram! ”
“Reaching into my moneybags again already!? And you call ME greedy. ”
“You just received your pay, and not a farthing more! Get out! ”
“Money doesn't grow on trees, so don't overpick my fruit! Bah! ”
“You already managed to spend every pence I paid you!? Bah, I'm not a charity, go kill a slime! ”
“Not so fast! You got your money, now begone! ”
“Begging so soon?! Don't look at me like I'll have a change of heart overnight! ”
快乐话语 [ ]
“How can a man of my riches have no home? Preposterous! ”
“What? I AM in a good mood. ”
“Bah! I'm trying to make my way back home to count my money. Begone! ”
“Finally, isolation from all these miserable peasants! ”
“I'll have you know, I dislike neighbors! ”
“Go tell all these miserable poor freeloaders to scram, I hate crowds. ”
在雪原生物群落 中时:
“Living in 雪原 forces people to stay indoors and leave me alone. I find that pleasant. ”
在神圣之地 中时:
“What kind of irritating place is 神圣之地? Poppycock, I tell you! ”
在邪恶生物群落 中或地牢 中时:
“Even for my standard, 腐化之地/猩红之地/地牢 is beyond miserable! Bah! ”
靠近商人 时:
“I highly admire <商人的名字>. Anyone who knows the true value of money earns my utmost respect! ”
靠近派对女孩 时:
“Exuberant people tend to give me a headache, but somehow I actually like <派对女孩的名字>. I must be losing my mind! ”
靠近爆破专家 时:
“<爆破专家的名字> is just too noisy, away with them and their ilk! ”
靠近机械师 时:
“<机械师的名字> is just too noisy, away with them and their ilk! ”
靠近圣诞老人 时:
“I loathe the very existence of <圣诞老人的名字>! What kind of lunatic just gives things away for free? ”
当在公主 附近时:
“<公主的名字> shouldn't pay taxes, she's the princess... but she insisted. ”
花絮 [ ]
税收官参考了查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens) 的故事《圣诞欢歌(A Christmas Carol)》 中的史古基(Ebenezer Scrooge)。史古基是个贪婪、暴躁的老人,拄着拐杖、戴着大礼帽、络腮胡、还驼背。税收官的很多话语都参考了此故事。此外,这也是他喜欢雪原生物群落、反感圣诞节并讨厌圣诞老人的原因。
税收官不参加[[派对|]] 事件,这几乎可以肯定是故意这么弄的,并且可能是另一处对史古基(Ebenezer Scrooge)的引用,因为他们俩都不庆祝。
在游戏文件中,税收官有另一个不戴帽子的图像: 。这本来是用在派对期间来让他戴派对帽的。
他的很多话都参考了使用十进制单位之前的英国货币的口语名称,比如先令 。
话语“Go tell <军火商的名字> to stop offering to pay me with ammo, I don't even own a gun. ”可能是引用了末世流小说《Metro 2033 》,其中弹药用作货币。不过,更有可能是军火商暗中威胁要射杀税收官而非付钱,而税收官并不明白其中含义。金钱可以作为钱币枪 的弹药。
话语“Tried to get <树妖的名字> to pay me with favors once, now I have fungus growing in strange places. ”是个含糊的性暗指。
“You already managed to spend every pence I paid you!? Bah, I'm not a charity, go kill a slime! ”是指史莱姆 很容易击杀以从它们身上弄点钱。
话语“Just between you and me... I have no idea why they're bothering to pay the rent ”存在于游戏源码中,但从不出现,可能是代码错误导致的。
税收官喜欢或喜爱的 NPC 全都以反感或讨厌的态度对他,公主 例外。
最不快乐时,税收官只会保存以数字 6 构成的钱币数。野兽数(这里的“野兽”特指圣经启示录中的地狱怪物)是 666。考虑到税收官的描述他去过地狱并返回,这似乎表明和 6 之间的联系并非偶然。
他的话语“Begging so soon?! Don't look at me like I'll have a change of heart overnight! ”引用了这样一个事实,即在《圣诞欢歌》中,史古基被三个圣诞精灵所拜访,一夜之间改变了主意。
在墓地中说的话语“Death and taxes, nothing more sure in life than that! ”参考了本杰明·富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin)的名言“我们的新宪法现已建立,一切似乎都承诺它将持久;但是,在这个世界上,除了死亡和税收之外,没有什么是确定的。(Our new Constitution is now established, everything seems to promise it will be durable; but, in this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes.)”
The 物图 entry for the 税收官: "This grumpy Tax Collector has literally been to hell and back. Greedy to a fault, he's truly only concerned with money. "
历史 [ ]
参考 [ ]
↑ Information taken from the Desktop source code, Terraria.Main.cs
中的 GUIChatDrawInner()
方法。注意税额转换为浮点数之后再除以当前快乐价格调整系数 ,然后再截断为整数;因此,举个例子,10 除以 150% 价格修正系数,由于截断,会得到 6 66 66 。 There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version is
[[甲虫|]] [[龙虾|]] 髅博 型卷壳 布林侦察 [[侏儒|]] [[宁芙|]] 史莱 [[蝾螈|]] 蜗 [[乌贼|]] [[蒂姆|]] 死矿 [[日食|]]
[[屠夫|]] 月 命 蝇人博 里 [[眼怪|]] 学怪 [[钉头|]] 态 [[死神|]] 泽 爬 血 [[蛾怪|]] [[鬼魂(NPC)|]] 跳杰克南瓜 [[乌鸦|]] 陆生
[[蚜虫|]] [[兔兔|]] [[青蛙|]] [[蚱蜢|]] [[蛆虫|]] [[蝇蛆|]] [[老鼠|]] [[企鹅|]] [[大鼠|]] [[蝎子|]] [[海龟|]] 涕 [[蜗牛|]] [[松鼠|]] [[龟|]] [[水黾|]] [[蠕虫|]] 水生
[[海豚|]] [[金鱼|]] [[鳉鱼|]] [[海马|]] 空中
[[鸟|]] [[鸭|]] [[蜻蜓|]] 火 [[䴙䴘|]] [[瓢虫|]] 头 [[海鸥|]] [[仙灵|]] [[海盗|]] 露 [[巫师|]] 汽朋克 收 器 诞老 [[公主|]] [[坐骑|]]
蜥 [[涂蜜护目镜|]] [[暗黑魔法师巨著|]] [[绒毛胡萝卜|]] 爱猪龙 [[黑铆钉鞍|]] [[钻头控制装置|]] 烈 [[山羊骷髅头|]] 尔夫球 岩鲨 [[皇家鎏金鞍|]] [[蒙尘牛皮鞍|]] [[带鳞松露|]] 盗 蹦 道 诞老人坦 甲 莱 [[硬鞍|]] [[魔法树枝|]] F 角 翼史莱 巫扫