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- 查看完整列表:Category:电脑正式版中引入的实体
- 云
- 工具提示
- 伤害数值
- 分开堆叠
- 帧率显示
- 联机游戏
- 联机游戏补充:鼠标悬停时显示玩家名字和生命
- 联机游戏补充:图格同步,物品同步,门同步和生命同步
- 联机游戏补充:本地声音和声音衰减
- 联机游戏补充:敌怪同步
- 联机游戏补充:内置聊天 / 聊天框
- Customized Character Creation
- Accessory Slots
- Item Name Colors (Based on Rarity/Worth)
- Forge / Alchemy Station / Workbench / Anvil
- Clock Accessory (Tells you time of day)
- Tables and Chairs
- Depth Meter Accessory (Coordinates)
- Wooden Platforms
- Regrowing / New Growth Trees.
- Limited character names to a size of 16 characters long and world names to 20 characters long.
- Demon Eye Enemy / Drop Lenses
- Zombies / Break Open Doors
- Goggles
- Removed ability to attack through walls.
- Bows, Arrows and Flaming Arrows / Shurikens
- Eye of Cthulhu
- Special Drops from Bosses
- PVP(必须将PVP剑设置为“交叉”,以便在PVP剑交叉时伤害其他玩家。)
- 宝箱(可放置的储存容器)
- 鼠标颜色设置
- 魔镜(传送你到原本的重生点。)
- 夜晚的星星
- 掉落伤害
- Unholy Arrows
- 回旋镖
- 云朵瓶(双重跳),赫尔墨斯靴(速度)
- 随机生成有物品的宝箱
- Evil Grass
- Dropped 1 Heart Recovery Items from Enemies.
- Chasms / Evil Areas / Ebonstone / Eater of Souls Enemy
- 向日葵
- 草种子
- Demon Altars
- 魔菇
- Caverns新背景。
- 星怒剑(需要坠落之星)
- 魔刺
- 蠕虫/蠕虫毒牙/腐肉
- 净化粉
- 魔粉
- 世界吞噬怪Boss
- 弹药现在可堆叠到250。
- 服务器密码
- Currency / Auto Updates to Higher Worth Currency
- Mother Slime
- Copper, Iron, Silver, and Gold armor
- 抓钩(10个暗影鳞片,3条铁链)
- 猪猪存钱罐
- 能够粉碎的罐子
- 装备了的头盔
- 挖矿头盔
- 商人(卖东西的!)
- 木墙、Wood Blocks、(木脚手架现在需要在放置之前进行制作并称之为木板。)
- 护士(治疗的!)
- 火枪和手枪。
- Nightmare Pickaxe, The Breaker, Shadow armor
- Thorny Bushes
- 军火商(出售燧发枪子弹和迷你鲨。)
- 染色的信息,系统 = 黄色、死亡 = 红色、Boss击杀 = 紫色、NPC抵达 = 蓝色、世界事件 = 绿色。
- /Playing指令
- 树妖(出售种子和净化粉)
- 吊灯
- 可放置的蜡烛
- 魔力药水
- Mana Meter (Blue Stars)
- Goblin Enemies / Invading Armies
- 土魔杖
- 火之花
- 太空枪
- 魔法导弹
- 陨石
- 火焰小鬼敌怪
- 向导NPC
- Fiery Greatsword
- Molten Pickaxe
- Meteor Armor
- 骷髅
- 烈焰回旋镖
- Clay
- 砖(Stone and Clay, Wall and Block versions)
- Mountain Caves
- Floating Islands
- 火箭靴
- 尖刺
- Clusters of Mushrooms and Flowers
- Tall Trees
- Water Candle (Increase enemies spawn around you)
- 书
- 骨头/ Necro Armor / Throwable Bones
- Cobwebs
- Burning Skulls
- Water Bolt
- 鱼叉枪
- 尖刺球
- 村正
- 骷髅王(新boss)
- Coin Slots
- 多两个Accessory slots
- Demolitionist
- PvP队伍,PvE组队。
- /p(组队谈话)和/me(表情)指令
- 早上主题音乐
- 其他玩家位置(仅适用于团队)。
- 沙
- 玻璃
- 标牌
- 水
- 熔岩
- Underworld Layer
- 灰烬块/图格
- 狱石
- 骨蛇
- 黑曜石
- 地下丛林
- 发光蘑菇
- 各种宝石(翡翠、黄玉等)
- 食人怪
- 脚蹼
- 常春藤鞭
- 芦苇呼吸管
- ↑ 2D Minecraft-alike Terraria is out today
- ↑ An edit of the Official Terraria Wiki made by Blue (Username on the wiki: User:JGBlue, as confirmed by the section 2 of his post on the Official Terraria Forums), who was the Production Manager for Re-Logic.