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Chatter_1 I've got the cure for what ails ya! Get it? Ale? No? 我有办法治愈你的伤痛了!明白吗?麦芽酒?不是吗?
Chatter_2 They say you're strong, well, I know strong. Let's see if you measure up. 他们说你很强壮,我可知道什么是真正的强壮。让我们来看看你是否名副其实。
Chatter_3 Back where I'm from, we only serve Root Beer... 在我的家乡,我们只供应根汁饮料... 在我的家乡,我们只供应根汁啤酒……
Chatter_4 This is a big upgrade from wiping that table all day. 这可比成天擦桌子强多了。
Chatter_5 Life's a challenge when you're just naturally better than everyone else. 如果你天生就比其他人都优秀,那么生命就成为了一项挑战。
Chatter_6 What am I doing here... 我在这是要干嘛啊... 我在这是要干嘛啊……
Chatter_7 A lot of tenacity and a little bit of luck can go a long way... 始终坚韧不屈,再加上一点点运气,就可以走得很远... 始终坚韧不屈,再加上一点点运气,就可以走得很远……
Chatter_8 Have you seen any Meburs around here? 你在这附近见过任何Mebur吗? 你在这附近见到过任何Mebur吗?
Chatter_9 {Dryad} seems nice. I should bring her back with me. {Dryad}似乎很不错。我应该带她回来。
Chatter_10 Do you think {Steampunker} has an extra of that gun? I know a witch that may want one. 你认为{Steampunker}有额外的枪吗?我知道有个女巫可能想要一把。
Chatter_11 No wonder {Demolitionist} has so many accidents. You can't imagine how much ale he buys from me. 难怪{Demolitionist}出了那么多的意外。你简直无法想象他从我这里买了多少麦芽酒。
Chatter_12 Normally, I'm not much of a fan of Goblins, but {GoblinTinkerer} seems to be an alright sort. 通常情况下,我算不上哥布林的粉丝,但{GoblinTinkerer}似乎还不赖。 通常情况下,我不太喜欢哥布林,但{GoblinTinkerer}似乎还不赖。
Chatter_13 {?Day}Anyone see where the Dryad went? {?Day}有人看见树妖去哪儿了吗?
Chatter_14 {?!Day}Really quiet out there. A little too quiet... {?!Day}那里真的很安静。有点太过安静了... {?!Day}那里真的很安静。有点太过安静了……
Chatter_15 {?!Day}Check in with me, and do your job. {?!Day}在我这里签到,然后就去干你的活儿。
Chatter_16 {?BloodMoon}You know, where I'm from, a Blood Moon is actually just an excuse to get some fresh air. {?BloodMoon}你知道我从哪里来,血月其实不过是我想要散散心的一个借口。
Chatter_17 {?MoonLordDefeated}Moon Lord, don't you mean Abyss Lord? {?MoonLordDefeated}月亮领主,你指的难道不是深渊领主吗?
Chatter_18 {?HardMode}I know a Lavamancer that would really like that hellstone down in the underworld. {?HardMode}我知道一个熔岩术士,他肯定会非常喜欢地狱中的狱石。 {?HardMode}我知道一个熔岩术士,他真的非常喜欢地狱中的狱石。
Chatter_19 {?Homeless}Know any good places to set up shop? Would love to open up a bar here. {?Homeless}知道有什么好地方可以设立商店吗?很想在这里开一家酒吧。