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Party I may have gotten my hair done up just for today, but honestly, I just want to pop balloons with my scissors. 我今天特地剪了新发型,但是老实说,我现在只想用我的剪刀戳破这些气球。
Graveyard1 Eek! This deathly atmosphere is ruining my perm! 呀!这种死气沉沉的天气会毁了我烫的头发!
Graveyard2 I kinda want to go out there and collect heads of hair for wigs, but I kinda don't want to GO OUT THERE! 我恨不得去那里收集头发来做假发,但我又有点不想去那里! 我有点想出去那里收集头发来做假发,但我在这里又不想出去!
Windy1 Want windswept hair? Go outside, it's free. 想要爆炸式发型?去外面,有免费的。 想要吹头发?去外面,免费的。
Windy2 Ugh! I should just take the day off, this wind will blow away all my hard work! 啊!我应该休息一天,这风会把我所有的辛劳成果都吹走! 啊!我应该休息一天,这风会把我所有的辛劳成果都吹掉的!
Storm1 I'm staying inside! The Einstein look is NOT in fashion. 我还是待在室内吧!爱因斯坦式的造型还不流行。 我还是待在室内吧!现在并不流行爱因斯坦的发型。
Storm2 Like, really? This crazy storm is bad for business! 我说,是真的吗?这疯狂的暴风雨对做生意不利!
Rain1 That totally will not do. Soggy rat is not a hairstyle! 那肯定不行。落汤鸡不是一种发型!
Rain2 What?! It's raining? I just got a perm! 什么?!下雨了?我刚烫了个头发!