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Lua错误 在Module:Item的第124行:attempt to index local 'imageTitle' (a nil value)
Map Icon Moon Lord
Classic mode icon Classic
Expert mode icon Expert
Master mode icon Master
AI Type月亮领主 AI
Max Life145000/217500/277311(总和)
KB Resist100%
Immune to[[File:[[:Template:GetBuffInfo|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twConfused]]File:Db-zh-twConfused.png|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twConfused]]
Inflicts debuff
Inflicts debuff
Inflicts debuff
Debuff[[File:[[:Template:GetBuffInfo|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twMoon Bite]]File:Db-zh-twMoon Bite.png|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twMoon Bite]]Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twMoon Bite
Debuff tooltipTemplate:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twYou are unable to absorb healing effects
Moon Lord Trophy"Impending doom approaches..."Moon Lord Trophy

月亮领主(Moon Lord)是一个困难模式拜月教邪教徒后的Boss。它是Desktop version Desktop, Console version Console, Mobile version Mobile, Nintendo Switch version Switch, and tModLoader version tModLoader泰拉瑞亚 的最终Boss

月亮领主可以通过击败四个天界柱,或在任何击败石巨人的世界里使用天界符召唤。无论哪种方法,它都会在消息Impending doom approaches...出现一分钟后生成。


While 月亮领主 is alive, its exclusive music 八音盒(月亮领主) will play. When Otherworldly music is enabled, the track 异界八音盒(月亮Boss) (Otherworldly) will play instead.







  • 月亮领主的双手会离开身体,手中的眼球会释放多个幻影球。几秒后,这些幻影球会爆炸,造成大量伤害。如果玩家离得足够远,它们将在爆炸前同时冲向玩家,尽管它们在任何方向上都无法以大于30度的角度行进。
  • 手上的眼睛还会生成多个幻影眼幻影眼,它们会向各个方向移动一小会,然后追踪导向玩家身上。就像幻影球,它们不能以向上的角度行进,所以可以通过向上迂回来躲避。如果它们无法完成直接锁定且玩家处于射程内,那么它们将尝试匹配目标的轨迹来停留在其路径上。它们在与物块或玩家接触时会爆炸。
  • The hand eyes also occasionally fire two 幻影矢 in quick succession, which pass through blocks and lead the player, requiring swerves to avoid.
  • When attached to the Moon Lord's head, the head eye opens every 20–21 seconds for a few seconds, and then fires a 幻影死亡射线幻影死亡射线: a large laser that sweeps upward over the player. This is by far Moon Lord's most damaging attack. Afterward, the head eye blinks a couple times, and fires two 幻影矢 (similarly to those of the hands), and then closes. As of 1.4, the Head eye will also fire two 幻影矢 before performing the Deathray attack, and the Deathray can pass through solid blocks that block it from the player.
  • After the Deathray attack, the mouth attempts to attach a Tentacle to the player. The Tentacle can reach through solid blocks. Once attached, it spawns multiple 月蛭凝块蛭凝, which are enemies that travel from the player to Moon Lord's mouth. Any Moon Leech Clot that reaches the mouth without being killed returns 1000 health to one of Moon Lord's parts (one that has not yet been defeated).
    • The Tentacle also inflicts the Moon Bite debuff, preventing any life-steal effects from weapons/armor like Vampire Knives or Spectre Armor for 14 seconds (16 seconds in Expert Mode).
    • Once the Head eye is defeated, the Tentacle attack becomes more common, with only about a 2 second break between attacks.
  • 当手部或者头部目标被打败时,它会变成棘手的缝隙,在接触时会造成伤害。
  • Additionally, when a head or hand target is defeated, a 克苏鲁真眼克苏鲁真眼 spawns, which cycles through the following attacks:
    • The eye fires two 幻影矢 at the player, similar to those from the hand eyes.
    • The eye spawns six 幻影球 in a hexagonal formation around itself, which after a few seconds will charge directly at the player, dealing a significant amount of damage to the player. This is by far the dominant source of damage in the second phase and should be avoided by swerving/dashing.
    • The eye spawns 幻影眼, which behave similarly to when before the eyes were defeated.
    • The eye charges and fires a lesser 幻影死亡射线幻影死亡射线, smaller and dealing significantly less damage. This cannot pass through solid blocks.
    • Finally, the eye performs another 幻影球幻影球 attack.
    • 克苏鲁真眼无法被杀死,除非所有玩家死亡或月球领主被击败。这些眼睛在进行大多数攻击期间会保持静止。
    • 若月球领主锁定的玩家死亡或距离过远,则会传送至距离其最近的玩家。


Moon Lord's Head
Classic mode icon Classic
Expert mode icon Expert
Master mode icon Master
Boss 部位
AI Type月亮领主头 AI
Damage0 (接触)
150/300/450 (幻影死亡射线)
60/120/180 (幻影矢) [3]
Max Life45000/67500/86062
KB Resist100%
Immune to[[File:[[:Template:GetBuffInfo|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twConfused]]File:Db-zh-twConfused.png|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twConfused]]
Moon Lord's Hand
Classic mode icon Classic
Expert mode icon Expert
Master mode icon Master
Boss 部位
AI Type月亮领主手 AI
Damage0 (接触)
80 (接触(空眼窝))
100/200/300 (幻影球)
60/120/180 (幻影眼)
60/120/180 (幻影矢) [2]
Max Life25000/37500/47812
KB Resist100%
Immune to[[File:[[:Template:GetBuffInfo|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twConfused]]File:Db-zh-twConfused.png|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twConfused]]
Moon Lord's Core
Classic mode icon Classic
Expert mode icon Expert
Master mode icon Master
Boss 部位
AI Type月亮领主心脏 AI
Max Life50000/75000/95625
KB Resist100%
Immune to[[File:[[:Template:GetBuffInfo|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twConfused]]File:Db-zh-twConfused.png|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twConfused]]


  • 石巨人被击败后的世界,在杀死拜月教邪教徒前,可以通过使用天界符召唤月亮领主。
  • 某些月亮领主的攻击,可以通过利用NPC 最大数量限制的规则来避开。例如,当世界上有200个其他NPC存在时,克苏鲁真眼将不会产生。
  • 如果玩家在收到消息Impending doom approaches...后离开了世界,那么月亮领主不会生成。
    • 这对于尚未准备好与月球领主作战,或者没有足够月亮碎片的玩家来说很适合。
  • 如果玩家逃离月球领主(即离它太远),它将传送到玩家身上。传送回家寻找护士治疗很可能会导致她死亡。
  • 月亮领主攻击NPC们时有伤害减免,尤其是护士。对其他NPC造成 20-35/40-60的伤害,对护士造成10-30/25-45的伤害,幻影死亡射线对玩家造成 100-130/125-180的伤害。但这在月亮领主的第二形态中有所不同,因为克苏鲁真眼造成的伤害约为 45-85/60-105
    • 多人模式中,月亮领主会攻击最近的玩家。玩家可以轮流传送到家中去找护士治疗。
  • 当月亮领主在屏幕上时,天空会变暗且世界会有模糊效果,显得朦胧且充满阴影。在多人模式中,当玩家处于距离月亮领主 130 格之内时才会如此。
  • 在头部的眼睛消灭前,月亮领主可以阶段性循环使用幻影死亡射线攻击玩家,建议优先攻击头部眼睛。
  • 版本后,月亮领主不再掉落喜庆弹射器,而是掉落喜庆弹射器Mk2。前者现在在击败石巨人后由派对女孩出售。
  • 月亮领主会出现在所有砖块以及墙的后面,类似于游戏背景。


For more elaborate strategies on defeating 月亮领主, including weapon and arena recommendations, see Guide:月亮领主 strategies.
  • 旅行模式中,以较低难度与月球领主作战,并在死亡动画播放时切换至更高难度,依然能够获取高难度专属掉落物。
  • With the Gravitation Potion, you can move fast enough vertically to avoid most of its attacks, but it might be difficult to aim without homing weapons.
  • Hiding under a row of blocks while using a weapon that can attack through blocks, such as the Solar Eruption, can nullify the Moon Lord's Phantasmal Deathray. Two rows of blocks can be quite effective. The player should make sure that the barrier has horizontal running room, in order to make space to dodge the Phantasmal Spheres.
  • The Moon Lord is vulnerable to 灵液 and Betsy's Curse, which can dramatically speed up the fight. However, since Eyes remove all debuffs when they close, the player will have to reapply debuffs accordingly.
  • The Moon Bite debuff, which prevents life-steal abilities, is reliant on a tentacle making contact with the player. It is possible to move outside of its maximum range, avoiding the debuff and allowing effects to once again heal the player. However, hitting the boss becomes harder when doing this.
  • It is advisable to kill the eye on the head first. It is the only eye capable of firing the Phantasmal Deathray and remains closed for significantly longer than the eyes in the hands. If the player waits to kill the head last, they may have to deal with two True Eye of Cthulhus for a longer amount of time.
  • Since the hands will start dealing melee damage after they are defeated, running away on an asphalt skybridge will become an issue if the player is not properly prepared to dodge the hands.
  • The frequently-applied Moon Bite debuff disables the healing effects of Vampire Knives and the Spectre Hood, making it not recommended to use them. If the player chooses to do so regardless, they can keep an eye on the debuff's timer and switch to healing quickly when it runs out.
  • You can use a Minecart Track skybridge going across your world to help avoid attacks. Moon Lord will still try teleporting to you, but its attacks cannot catch up. The Mechanical Cart is the fastest way to move along the tracks.
  • Owning a Rod of Discord can be greatly helpful, as it can be used to easily evade Phantasmal Death Rays. Be cautious, however, using the rod with Chaos State can kill or greatly damage the player.
  • The Cosmic Car Key, Witch's Broom, or The Black Spot mounts can provide a huge advantage, as they make avoiding its attacks easier than on the ground and also travel slightly faster than the Moon Lord.
  • It is a good idea to use Chlorophyte Bullets or other homing weapons, as it allows the player to focus on dodging without needing to aim.
  • The Cute Fishron is capable of outrunning the Moon Lord with its speed bonus (the player must be under half health, have recently touched a liquid, or it must be raining ()). Keep in mind that going too far from the Moon Lord will cause it to instantly teleport to the player's location.
    • The Cute Fishron's speed bonus can be activated consistently if the player makes an arena completely filled with water or bubble blocks containing water.
  • The Phantasmal Deathray can be dodged more easily when using a set of wings with high ascent speed such as Fishron Wings or Empress Wings, as well as an item that enables dashing such as the Tabi.
    • This can be further amplified with the Soaring Insignia, which gives infinite flight time.
  • The Moon Lord's attacks bypass typical invincibility frames, requiring special setups to bypass its attacks.
  • Moon Leech Clots will always reach the Moon Lord's mouth in the same amount of time. They travel toward it at a variable rate, remaining completely stationary (or at least apparently so) if the Moon Lord is in its default position behind the player. As a result of this, though it may seem counterintuitive, it is actually beneficial to be closer to the mouth to destroy Moon Leech Clots, as they will not move away as quickly.


  • 尽管在开发中 Cenx 发表了一个评论说明并非如此,但月亮领主类似于克苏鲁(Cthulhu)的常见描述,克苏鲁是 霍华德·菲利普斯·洛夫克拉夫特(H. P. Lovecraft) 在他的故事克苏鲁的呼唤(The Call of Cthulhu)中首次想象出来的生物。在 1.3 版本发布之前,粉丝们普遍猜测克苏鲁会成为泰拉瑞亚的最终 Boss(这反过来又部份归因于开发团队提出的早期概念设计)。
  • Terraria's final boss was originally going to be the Moon itself descending on the world, but Cenx later stated that this idea had been scrapped.[4][5]
  • Due to the colors of the boss and the names of a few of its projectiles, this boss may have been inspired by the Vortex Pillar.
  • Despite being the final boss, Moon Lord has the lowest amount of debuff immunities, being immune only to Confused.
  • Official Terraria Lore – According to the official game lore, though it was initially theorized (and joked by staff) that Moon Lord was Cthulhu's brother, it appears that it is Cthulhu itself, or at least, a similar entity within the lore of Terraria. This entity was detrimental to existence, and was finally banished by the Druids, an ancient race of whom the Dryad NPC is the only survivor, ripped out its organs and banished it to the moon. It further appears that the Celestial Events and its eventual battle are its final attempt at total conquest, as stated directly.
  • Redigit has stated on the Terraria Discord Server that the Celestial Pillars and Cultists were trying to protect the world from the Moon Lord and stop the player from reaching it.[6] It is unknown whether this is official lore or a joke.
  • NPCs cannot attack the Moon Lord.
  • 根据 Cenx 所说,绘制月亮领主的外观花费的时间超过一个月。[7]
  • Redigit has stated that, if 10,000 signatures and 15 dollars are gathered, he would make the lower half of the Moon Lord a boss. However, the validity of this statement is questionable as both criteria have since been met.
    • In the .4.0. update, the Moon Lord Legs item is obtainable by making a new world with the seed "05162020" and finding it in chests as random chest loot. Surprisingly, the said item is not a boss.[8]
  • The Moon Lord seems to share some mechanics of two bosses in pre-Hardmode including Skeletron, having multiple parts that each are destroyable, and the Brain of Cthulhu, requiring you to defeat separate parts before truly damaging the boss.
  • Upon defeating one of the 3 "eyes" of the Moon Lord, when the cursor is located on the eye, a name displays directly above it which reads "True Eye of Cthulhu". Given the official lore's statement that Cthulhu's eyes were ripped out by the Dryads, it would seem that these have regrown or emerged, and that the earlier boss was at one point Cthulhu's eye, but had been ripped out long ago. The Twins may have also been the Moon Lords two other eyes with the Eye Of Cthulhu being the eye at the top.This also may go with how a part of his brain and skull were removed, and might have become Skeletron and the Brain Of Cthulhu.
  • The Moon Lord is one of 5 bosses with exclusive music, the others being the Queen Slime, Empress of Light, Plantera, and Duke Fishron.
  • It is the only boss that drops 3 Expert-mode exclusive items in its Treasure Bag.
  • While fighting the Moon Lord, an eye appears on RGB-enabled keyboards.
  • The Moon Lord drops the most coins of any boss, and overall any enemy, in the game.
    • In Expert Mode and Master Mode, its coin drops are higher than the total coin drops of all the Hardmode bosses in the game.
  • According to a post by Redigit on the Terraria Discord Server, the Moon Lord is the father to the Guide NPC, it is unknown whether this is to be considered official lore.[9]If you use mods or Hacks to summon in one body part of the Moon Lord, Boss 1 plays instead of the official Moon Lord track. You need autopause for this to work.
  • The 怪物图鉴物图 entry for the Moon Lord: "The mastermind behind all terrors which befall the world, freed from his lunar prison. Practically a god, his power knows no limits."


Achievement Champion of Terraria
Champion of Terraria • Defeat the Moon Lord.
Defeat the Moon Lord for the first time.
Achievement Slayer of Worlds
Slayer of Worlds • Defeat every boss in Terraria.
Defeat every boss in the game (not including Empress of Light and Queen Slime).


  • 电脑版
    • Slightly increased the amount of time its forehead eye remains open.
    • Moon Lord's Phantasmal Death Ray will now penetrate blocks that are between it and the player.
    • Enemies should no longer spawn during Moon Lord's fight, unless they spawn outside of its radius in multiplayer.
    • Moon Lord will no longer drop Celebration. It will instead drop Celebration Mk2. Celebration is now sold from the Party Girl after Golem is defeated.
    • Moon Lord will now drop Super Healing Potions instead of Greater Healing Potions.
    • Moon Lord will now drop its loot even if you die during its death animation.
    • Moon Lord will now drop Meowmere Minecart.
    • Moon Lord now can drop Coins in Expert Mode
  • 电脑版
    • 月亮领主现在会在玩家距离太远时传送至玩家处。
    • 身体各部位现在能正确显示名称了。
    • 邪教徒现在不能在月亮领主活着或者正在生成时重生了。
  • 电脑版
    • 月亮领主的吸血效果大幅强化了。
    • 添加了月噬减益,它能阻止所有来自武器的治疗效果。
  • 电脑版 死亡讯息现在会正确显示“月亮领主已被打败!”,而非“月亮领主心脏已被打败!”。


  1. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method RegisterBoss_MoonLord() in Terraria.GameContent.ItemDropRules.ItemDropDatabase.cs There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  2. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method AI() in Terraria.NPC.cs, under aiStyle == 78 There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  3. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method AI() in Terraria.NPC.cs, under aiStyle == 79 There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  4. http://web.archive.org/web/20160602200028/http://www.terrariaonline.com/threads/an-update-on-things.154239/
  5. https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1n9bmz/i_am_redigit_creator_of_terraria_ask_me_anything/ccgk4vh
  6. Redigit's message in #journeys-end-chat on the official Terraria discord server
  7. Cenx' message in #terraria-chat-1 on the 官方 Terraria discord 服务器 2019 年 4 月 5 日
  8. https://www.reddit.com/r/Terraria/comments/gkyzio/spoiler_ladies_and_gentlemen_we_got_em/
  9. https://discord.com/channels/251072485095636994/699332402887000064/712507536405954671